- 外文名:reviewer
- 詞性:名詞
Outstanding reviewer優秀審稿人
reviewer critic評論家
Journal Reviewer期刊審查委員
External Reviewer外籍評審
the reviewer書評撰稿人
academic reviewer學術審查員
Contract Reviewer契約評審
rate reviewer利率審稿員
reviewer criteria審稿標準
- 1The gathering was organized by Warren Buckleitner, a longtime reviewer of interactive children's media.這次聚會是由沃倫·巴克利特納組織的,他是一位資深的兒童互動媒體評論家。
- 2The reviewer padded out his review with a lengthy biography of the author.那位評論家用冗長的作者生平來拉長他的評論。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 3Moshe Yegar's arguments was criticized by a reviewer.摩西·耶格爾的觀點遭到了一位書評人的批評。
- 4What if the reviewer makes false claims?如何處理虛假的評論?
- 5Your reviewer bought a new one for $4, 000 in 1998.筆者1998年花了4000美元購置了一輛新尼瓦。 剛買不久,車便失火了。
- 6Reviewer: Review project artifacts and provide comments.評審者:評審項目的工件並提供評論。
- 7Yet this reviewer found it impossible not to enjoy them.然而,該影片評論人認為不為此興致盎然幾乎是不可能的。
- 8As the reviewer, you have a great deal of power -do not abuse it.作為審核人,你的確有很大的權力,但是不能亂用。
- 9Process Approval: a task with work assignment to the role of Reviewer.Process Approval:向角色Reviewer分配工作的任務。
- 10Execution of the staff assignment expression %htm:input.\input/reviewer%通過執行成員賦值表達式 %htm:input.\input/reviewer% 來確定任務的所有者。
- 11Also a reviewer doesn't depend on the results of the other reviewers.另外,審閱人員並不依賴其他審閱人員的審閱結果。
- 12The reviewer can add comments to the code by right-clicking on a line.複查人員可以右鍵點擊某行代碼加入評論。 他們也可以回復直接附加在代碼複審請求上的問題。
- 13The second reviewer is often the technical and delivery assurance (TDA) leader.技術和交付保證(TDA)主管常常會充當第二個審核者。
- 14Be respectful. The code reviewer is your friend, and is giving you good advice.尊重審核人是你的朋友,給你有價值的建議。
- 15When they do, we print the form out so the reviewer can refer to it while testing.他們傳送後,我們還要列印表單,審核人員在測試時才能查閱。
- 16However, the included raw data allows any reviewer to make his or her own judgment.不過,所包括的原始數據讓任何瀏覽者都可以做出他或她自己的判斷。
- 17Many times I found bugs when trying to explain what my code is doing to a reviewer.我好幾次都是在跟檢視者解釋程式碼時發現錯誤。
- 18Data were extracted, tabulated and analysed with Reviewer Manager (RevMan) 4.3 software.用Reviewer Manager (RevMan) 4.3軟體進行數據的提取、列表和分析。
- 19He is a reviewer of technical journals and conferences and published more than 30 articles.他是技術刊物、會議的評論家,發表論文超過30篇。
- 20“I’m a reviewer for Kirkus Reviews, ” she said. “I don’t expect you to know the journal.“我是科斯克書評的評論家”,她說道:“我不期待你知道這個雜誌。
- 21Process Rejection: a task with a role requirement of Reviewer, but no resource type specified.Process Rejection:具有角色需求Reviewer的任務,但是不指定任何資源類型。
- 22Ideally, every line of code should be read by at least two people: its author, and a reviewer.理想情況下,每一行代碼都要被兩個人看過,作者和審核人。
- 23One reviewer called Wani depraved, an odd remark to make about Hollinghurst's morally neutral fiction.有評論者稱萬尼為墮落分子,這是一種對霍林赫斯特的道德中立小說所作的怪異評論。
- 24Identifying the location and type of the design pattern helps the reviewer understand the source code.識別設計模式的位置和類型能夠幫助檢查員理解原始碼。
- 25Figure 1 shows how, as we put more code in front of a reviewer, her effectiveness at finding defects drops.圖1顯示了當我們將更多的代碼放到評審者面前時,她搜尋缺陷效率的變化情況。