presiding,英語單詞,主要用作動詞,作動詞時譯為“主持(會議等);擔任(會議)主席;負責(preside 的現在分詞)”。
- 外文名:presiding
- 詞性:動詞
- 英式發音:[prɪ'zaɪdɪŋ]
- 美式發音:[prɪ'zaɪd]
presiding,英語單詞,主要用作動詞,作動詞時譯為“主持(會議等);擔任(會議)主席;負責(preside 的現在分詞)”。
Presiding Judge Presiding Judge,電影《無罪謀殺:科林尼案》中的角色,由Catrin Striebeck飾演。
Presiding Over Accidents 《Presiding Over Accidents》是由Johnny And The MoTones演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於專輯《Get Gone!:The Muscle Shoals Sessions》中。Presiding Over Accidents
presider,英文單詞,主要用作名詞,譯為“主席;主持者”。單詞用法 根據柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典:意為:n. 主席;主持者 chairman , presiding officer 短語搭配 hearing presider 聽證主持人 雙語例句 At last, the presider gave thanks to the non-members of MSTC.最後,主席代表俱樂部為來聽講座的非俱樂部...
presiding judge 審判長;首席法官;法庭庭長 trial judge [法]初審法官 judge and jury 法官與陪審團 chief judge 審判長 district judge 地區法官 雙語例句 He won renown as a fair judge. 他贏得了公平裁判的榮譽。She's a good judge of character. 她很善於鑑定別人的性格。Judge Lanier is a real film...
presidial,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“駐防軍的;省區的;總統的;主宰的”。短語搭配 presidial presiding 主持的 presidial resources 省內資源 presidial presidiary 駐防軍的 presidential presidial 總統的 單詞釋義 管轄的 ...管轄權jurisdiction管轄權的jurisdictional管轄的presidial...守備隊的...
《 Confession 》 (1937年) ...Presiding Judge 《 That Certain Woman 》 (1937年) ...Jack V. Merrick Sr.《左拉傳Life of Emile Zola, The 》 (1937年) ...Maitre Labori 《 Woman Rebels, A 》 (1936年) ...Judge Thistlewaite 《蘇格蘭女王瑪麗 Mary of Scotland 》 (1936年) ...Huntly 《...
基督社區是由它的 First Presidency (總會會長團)(由總會會長-先知以及兩位副會長)領導,該教會的事工則是由它的 Council of the Twelve Apostles (十二使徒議會)監督,而俗世需求則由 Presiding Bishopric (總主教團)來監督。這些定額組的集合稱作 World Church Leadership Council (世界教會領導議會)。其...
presidiary presidiary,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“駐防軍的;駐防地的”。短語搭配 presidial presidiary 駐防軍的 單詞釋義 駐防軍的 ...ial駐防軍的presidiary駐防軍的presiding主持的...駐防地的 駐防地的
. Presiding over a meeting 主持會議 . Meeting minutes 會議紀要 17 洽談途徑118 . Emails 電子郵件 . Communicating by phone 電話溝通 . By fax 藉助傳真 . Net meeting 網路會議 . Meeting guests in person 面見客戶 18 服務保障125 . Legal adviser 法律顧問 . Financial adviser 財務顧問 . Consulting ...
Presiding a meeting主持會議 Welcome歡迎 Sending off 歡送 Thanks答謝 Festival節日 Birthday生日 Wedding婚禮 Contest競賽 Press conference 新聞發布會 Example of actual speech 演講範例 Example of actual speech 演講範例 V SENTENCES FOR CLASSROOM TEACHING 課堂教學句 Beginning of the class開始上課 Teaching 教學...
therein,英語單詞,主要用作副詞,作副詞時意為“在其中;在那裡”。短語搭配 Consumption Therein增加值 T THEREIN死亡金屬 Presented Therein呈列 therein a其中a Presiding Therein主持其中 Persist therein執迷不悔 enclosed therein隨信附來的 draw therein控韁 therein from that在那裡 ; 在那點上 雙語例句 I ...
Unit 10 Ordering and Shipment of Goods 訂貨與貨物裝運 Unit 11 Insurance and Claiming Damages 保險與索賠 Unit 12 Organizing a Conference 組織會議 Unit 13 Presiding a Conference 主持會議 Unit 14 Speaking in a Conference 在會議上發言 Unit 15 Passing or Opposing a Resolution 通過或反對某項議案 ...
Unit 10 Ordering and Shipment of Goods 訂貨與貨物裝運 Unit 11 Insurance and Claiming Damages 保險與索賠 Unit 12 Organizing a Conference 組織會議 Unit 13 Presiding a Conference 主持會議 Unit 14 Speaking in a Conference 在會議上發言 Unit 15 Passing or Opposing a Resolution 通過或反對某項議案 ...
presiding arbitrator 仲裁庭庭長 third arbitrator 第三仲裁員 ; 翻譯 ; 第三仲裁員英語 雙語例句 1I agree. Perhaps an arbitrator will be objective.我們同意,也許仲裁更客觀一些。2The judge served as an arbitrator in the dispute.法官在糾紛中擔當了仲裁人的角色。3This case will be hold by an ...
七、主審法官(PresidingJudges)八、法庭判決意見(TheOpinionBegins)九、六步案例學習法(Casestudy—sixEasvSteps)第二節 引文標註(Citation)一、概述(Introduction)二、英美法國家判例的引文標註特點(SpecialFeatures)三、引文標註的常識鋪墊(CommonSense)四、成文法律的引用(StatutoryCitation)五、判例的引用...
presiding officer chairman/chairwoman 使用注意 越來越多的人在交際中謹慎選詞,避免使用帶有性別歧視的言語。他們使用中性表達去代替具有性別歧視性的用法:a. The speaker must constantly monitor his listener to check that assumptions he is making are shared assumptions.修改建議(用定冠詞加名詞代替陽性物主...
invigilator,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“監考人;[自] 監視器”。短語搭配 invigilator fee 監考費 presiding invigilator 監考主任 proctor invigilator 監考官 invigilator ĥ 監考人員 The Invigilator Said 監考官說 雙語例句 If you have a problem, ask the invigilator.有問題就問監考人。Consciousn...
deity,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“神;神性”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 deity /ˈdeɪtɪ/ TEM8 ( deities )1.N-COUNT A deity is a god or goddess. 神; 女神 [正式]短語搭配 Presiding deity 主導神性 Deity Quest 神王之路 Total Deity 完整神明 deity yoga 觀想與本尊相應 Lu...
Holger Mahlich飾演Defense Attorney Ulrich Pleitgen飾演Presiding Judge Hans Christian Rudolph飾演Defense Attorney Ulrich Tukur飾演Andreas Baader Marina Wandruszka飾演Defense Attorney Sabine Wegner飾演Gudrun Ensslin 獲獎記錄 第36屆柏林國際電影節獲獎:2 ·金熊獎Reinhard Hauff ·費比西獎-競賽單元Reinhard Hauff ...
Sports Meeting運動會 Text A Track and Field Sports Meeting in University大學田徑運動會 Text B At the Scene ofAutumn Sports Meeting秋季運動會現場 Unit 25 Presiding a Competition賽事主持 Text A Presiding an English Speaking Competition主持英語演講比賽 Text B Presiding an Song Contest主持歌曲大賽 ...
Recollections on Wu Zhongxin' Presiding over the Ceremony for the Enthronement of the 14th Dalai Lama By Chen Xizhang Embarking on a Political Career in Tibet By Zhougu The Whole Story of the Tibetan Commercial Delegation Sent to Visit the United States and Britain By Chabai Cedain Puncog Hum...
佩德羅·貝魯格特所繪《在宗教裁判大會中的多明我會會士》(Saint Dominic Presiding over an Auto-da-fé)的場景:高台上頭頂有光環之主持者為聖多米尼克。於1478年由西班牙伊莎貝拉女王要求教皇思道四世準許成立,用以維護天主教的正統性,以殘酷手段懲罰異端,教皇思道四世雖曾指責,但教廷始終沒有禁止此種行為...
apparitor,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“執行官;布告者;宮廷使者”。單詞用法 N an officer who summons witnesses and executes the orders of an ecclesiastical and (formerly) a civil court (教會法庭的)執行官 雙語例句 Presiding apparitor Yang Zhiyuan and its management group are ...
presiding at a meeting addressing oneself closing a meeting reporting the situation of the meeting Photograph talking about cameras and film advising how to take a picture well taking a photo processing film commenting on the photos taken Post Office asking and telling about postage buying stamps ask...
chairone chairone,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“主席(等於chairperson)”。同近義詞 presider,presidingofficer 單詞釋義 主席 ...chairmanship主席身份chairone主席chairperson主席...
dedicatee,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“受奉獻者”。雙語例句 Hari, of course, is the presiding spirit of the book, and naturally the dedicatee.理所當然地成為了這本書的主導靈魂,也是這本書所要獻給的那個人。Whether the dedicatee could really manage these works was, I think, a ...
2-5 Presiding a meeting主持會議 2-6 Meeting participants會議人員 2-7 Meeting content會議內容 2-8 Results of the meeting會議結果 2-9 Unit leaders單位領導 2-10 Unit recruitment單位招聘 2-11 Attendance and absence出勤與缺勤 2-12 Unit work單位工作 2-13 Office supplies辦公用品 2-14 Working ...
The five blessings, good fortune, high salary and a good career, longevity, happiness, and wealth, are the major manifestations of good luck, with five different gods presiding over each. The five blessings as first mentioned in Chinese literature are not quite the same as the five which are...