



  • 書名:中華五福吉祥圖典·壽
  • 作者:黃全信、黃迎
  • 出版社:華語教學出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年5月1日
  • ISBN:9787513809252


吉祥一詞, 始見於《易經》:“ 吉事有祥。”《左傳》有:“是何祥也?吉祥焉在?”《莊子》則有:“虛室生日,吉祥止止。”《註疏》亦云:“吉者,福善之事;祥者,嘉慶之徵。”
  The word jíxiáng(meaning lucky, propitious, or auspicious) is used in ancient Chinese books and writings as early as the Zhou Dynasty (1100 -221BC).
  The word jíxiáng was written 吉羊(jíyáng, auspicious sheep) on oracle bones. To the ancient nomadic Chinese, large herds of well-fed sheep were prized possessions; the word jíyáng also appeared in engravings on ancient utensils.
  To have good luck is an eternal desire of all people. As art records man’s ideals, good luck pictures are the most illuminating part of Chinese spiritual culture. An old Chinese couplet says that kindness leads to happiness and good luck. Typical good luck pictures representing such include images depicting good luck and desire fulfilled to the heart’s content, good luck with five blessings, etc.
  The five blessings, good fortune, high salary and a good career, longevity, happiness, and wealth, are the major manifestations of good luck, with five different gods presiding over each. The five blessings as first mentioned in Chinese literature are not quite the same as the five which are spoken of today, though they are quite similar. A couplet says a prosperous family is granted many blessings. Typical good luck pictures representing such include: long-term enjoyment of all five blessings, more blessings, etc.
  Designs of Chinese Blessings is a compilation of selected good luck pictures passed down in the famous Chinese cultural scholar Huang Quanxin’s family for several generations as well as those which I have been collecting for dozens of years. Their beauty is beyond description. They combine the elegance of the Ming Dynasty and the magnificence of the Qing Dynasty, the nobility of the royal family and the modesty of the common people, the boldness of the north and the delicacy of the south. The series consists of five volumes: Good Fortune, High Salary and a Good Career, Longevity, Happiness and Wealth. With 119 pictures in each volume, the whole series contains 595 pictures and is a complete representation of the various aspects of traditional Chinese good luck pictures. Pictures are arranged based on the stroke number of the first character of good luck phrases accompanying the picture. As well, research has been done on each picture, and the resulting interpretations complement the visuals nicely.
  As the five blessings are the aspiration of each individual, good luck delights all households. Though the good luck pictures originate in China, their messages should benefit people all over the world. May the Designs of Chinese Blessings bring good luck to your life and happiness to your family.


1 / 人臻五福 花滿三春
May People Enjoy a Life Full of Blessings,
and Let Flowers Bloom Throughout Spring Time
8 / 人歌上壽
Celebrating longevity
10 / 人壽年豐
Longevity to man with a bumper harvest
12 / 八仙仰壽
The eight immortals look up to offer birthday
peaches and toasts
14 / 李鐵拐慶壽
Li Tieguai offers birthday wishes
16 / 鐘離權慶壽
Zhongli Quan offers birthday wishes
18 / 張果老慶壽
Zhang Guolao offers birthday wishes
20 / 呂洞賓慶壽
Lv Dongbin offers birthday wishes
22 / 何仙姑慶壽
He Xiangu offers birthday wishes
24 / 藍采和慶壽
Lan Caihe offers birthday wishes
26 / 韓湘子慶壽
Han Xiangzi offers birthday wishes
28 / 曹國舅慶壽
Cao Guojiu offers birthday wishes
30 / 九世同居
Nine generations under the same roof
34 / 三多九如
Plentiful blessings
36 / 三 星 圖
Picture of the three gods
38 / 三星高照
High above shine the three stars
42 / 三星在戶
The three stars in the hall
44 / 福祿壽三星
The three stars of good fortune, salary and longevity
46 / 大壽之福
The good fortune of longevity
48 / 萬壽八寶
The eight magic objects and longevity
50 / 萬代長春
10,000 generations of progeny
52 / 萬壽無疆
A long lasting life
54 / 萬壽五福
Longevity and five blessings
56 / 王母祝壽
Birthday celebrations for the Queen Mother
210 / 福壽吉祥
Good fortune and longevity
212 / 福壽如意
Good fortune, longevity and a content heart
216 / 福壽童子
Good fortune, longevity and children
218 / 福祿壽喜
Good fortune, salary, longevity and happiness
220 / 瑤池進釀
Present wine to the Queen Mother
222 / 瑤池集慶
Gather to celebrate the Queen Mother’s
224 / 群仙賀壽
All immortals celebrate one's birthday
226 / 群芳祝壽
Many virtuous people congratulate one’s
228 / 鶴壽千歲
Live to 1000 years like cranes and turtles
230 / 鶴壽之喜
The happiness of longevity
232 / 鶴獻蟠桃
The crane presents a Saturn peach
234 / 鶴游雲天
The crane flies high among the clouds
236 / 鶴舞祥雲
Auspicious dancing cranes
238 / 蟠桃千年
Thousands of years of Saturn peaches
240 / 蟠桃上壽
Eat Saturn peaches and live to 100 years
242 / 蟠桃獻壽
Give Saturn peaches for birthday presents


《中華五福吉祥圖典》匯集了著名文化學者黃全信的數代家傳和幾十年收藏的精品吉祥圖,可謂美不勝收。其中既有明之典雅,又有清之華麗;既有皇家之富貴,又有民間之淳樸;既有北方之粗獷,又有南方之秀美……全套書按五福分成福、祿、壽、喜、財五集,每集吉祥圖119 幅,共595 幅。除同類圖案外,全套書均按筆畫順序編排,基本包括了中國傳統吉祥圖的各個方面,並對每幅圖做了考證和詮釋,力求圖文並茂,相得益彰。
  Designs of Chinese Blessings is a compilation of selected good luck pictures passed down in the famous Chinese cultural scholar Huang Quanxin’s family for several generations as well as those which I have been collecting for dozens of years. Their beauty is beyond description. They combine the elegance of the Ming Dynasty and the magnificence of the Qing Dynasty, the nobility of the royal family and the modesty of the common people, the boldness of the north and the delicacy of the south. The series consists of five volumes: Good Fortune, High Salary and a Good Career, Longevity, Happiness and Wealth. With 119 pictures in each volume, the whole series contains 595 pictures and is a complete representation of the various aspects of traditional Chinese good luck pictures. Pictures are arranged based on the stroke number of the first character of good luck phrases accompanying the picture. As well, research has been done on each picture, and the resulting interpretations complement the visuals nicely.


Huang Quanxin, of the Man ethnic group, was born into a Beijing family of culture, calligraphy and painting in 1944. His father was a disciple of Kang Youwei, who is well-known for advocating reform during the late Qing Dynasty. Huang is a famous scholar who specializes in culture studies and is the honorary president of the China Traditional Culture Studies Association. As a renowned calligrapher and painter, he became the director of the China Calligrapher and Painter Association, a member of China Calligraphers Association. He has been devoted to the study of traditional Chinese culture and art for many years, producing over 100 artistic works. He has also dedicated himself to the creation of painting and calligraphy works as well as instructing painters. Some of his artistic works have been displayed at the great exhibition halls at home and abroad and have received many awards. He has hosted several calligraphy and painting exhibitions in Japan and Singapore. Some of his artistic works were collected in Taipei’s Palace Museum and the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall.
Huang Ying is a member of China’s Association of Film Professionals and China’s Association of Film Performing. She is an associate professor and director of the Teaching and Research Office of TV and Film Performing at the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts. She is honored as the Outstanding Youth of Beijing in addition to the Middle-aged and Young Backbone Teacher of Beijing. She has compiled over 20 artistic works and published over 20 essays on art.


