- 外文名:positively
- 詞性:副詞
《Positively ADD》是2006年5月Walker & Co出版的圖書,作者是Corman, Catherine A、Hallowell, Edward M。內容簡介 Don't be distracted by the bad news about ADD. Meet seventeen people from all walks of life, including ...
Gleeful Sabotage 歡樂破壞 Gleeful Getaway 心晴漫旅 G gleeful 歡喜的 Positively Gleeful 積極欣喜若狂 gleeful design 怡人化設計 In A Gleeful Mood 高高興興 in gleeful mood 高高興興地 ...
Swingin' Carpets Swingin' Carpets,歌手,代表專輯有《Positively》。演藝經歷 2010年7月26日發行專輯《Positively》。音樂專輯
diverge,英語單詞,動詞,意思是“分歧;偏離;分叉;離題”。單詞發音 英 [daɪˈvɜːdʒ] 美 [[dɪˈvɜrdʒ]]短語搭配 diverge predictor 分支預測器 time diverge 時刻分叉 diverge positively 發散積極 雙語例句...
positively interdependent 積極互賴型 雙語例句 We live in an increasingly interdependent world. 我們生活在一個日益相互依賴的世界。The world is becoming increasingly interdependent.世界正變得越來越需要相互依存。Without cooperation, a...
And that's for sure, positively 這是肯定的 That's what the world is made of 但世界就是這樣的 So give me more L-O-V-E, love 所以給我更多的愛,寶貝 Love is a walk down Main street (oh love)愛是沿著大街和...
特效亮膚:艾惟諾的特效亮膚Positively Radiant系列產品在保濕和抗皺方面的結合,使之成為敏感肌膚的最佳選擇。本品注入了富含水分的大豆精華,因此這些配方能夠溫和抵抗衰老。使用特效亮膚Positively Radiant潔面乳即可溫和卸除污垢、油膩和彩妝...
How do we reconcile a videogame industry's insistence that games positively affect human beliefs and behaviors with the equally prevalent assumption that games are "just games"? How do we reconcile accusations that games ...
Teachers' instruction related to definitions, word relations, and morphosyntax was positively associated with change in vocabulary.和定義,單詞關係和形態句法相關的教師教學與辭彙變化呈正相關。Teachers' instruction related to ...
inquiries and judicial reviews.即使在對政治活動恨之入骨的時代,英國人仍然相信其國家部門明確的公正性,像邊界委員會、公共問訊處和司法審查。同近義詞 adv. 公然地;明確地 specifically,definitely,particularly,publicly,positively ...
3.4 The ultimate bound and positively invariant set 52 3.4.1 Four dimensional hyperelliptic estimate of the ultimate bound and positively invariant set 52 3.4.2 Two dimensional cylindrical estimate of the ultimate bound ...
雨滴在落下的雨中分離電荷,這是由水滴破裂、水滴帶正電荷和空氣帶負電荷引起的。Separation of electric charges in falling rain, caused by the breaking up of the water droplets, the drops becoming positively charged and the ...
《The Secret Life of Sparrow Delaney》是2008年出版的圖書,作者是Harper, Suzanne。內容簡介 How do you ignore a ghost? Sparrow Delaney absolutely, positively does not want to be a medium like her six older sisters, her ...
《回到當下:最大限度地過好每一刻》是2018年新世界出版社出版的圖書。內容簡介 達妮·迪皮羅在決定採取更積極、更關注當下的生活方式後,她的生活徹底發生了變化。她將這一切都記錄在她的個人網站PositivelyPresent.com上,吸引了大批...
Positively Somewhere 《‘珍’情流露》睽違四年,珍妮弗·佩姬帶著極富自傳色彩的新專輯Positively Somewhere回來了。經過4年的充電與各地邀約的演唱會行程,珍妮弗·佩姬不僅演唱、創作功力倍增,也結識了更多音樂人才,新專輯Positively ...