- 外文名:interdependent
- 釋義:相互依賴的;互助的
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式讀音:[ˌɪntədɪˈpendənt]
相依,漢語辭彙,拼音:xiāng yī,意思是指彼此倚賴,互相靠對方生存或立足。釋義 [be interdependent;depend on each other] 互相靠對方生存或立足 相依為命 出處 《左傳·僖公五年》:“諺所謂‘輔車相依,脣亡齒寒’者,其 虞虢...
反應性相倚溝通(reactional interdependent communication)是指雙方皆根據對方所表達的內容和方式作出相應反應,自己沒有預先計畫和目的,或有預先計畫和目的而未遵循的信息交流。如朋友間漫無邊際的閒聊、顧客與售貨員之間因服務態度惡劣等...
a reciprocal relation between interdependent entities (objects or individuals or groups)同義詞: interdependence interdependency 短語搭配 control mutuality 相互控制 Credit Mutuality 信用互助 physics mutuality 物理相關 information ...
Constructing and Conceptualizing “Interdependent Hegemony” in an Era of the Rise of the BRICS and Beyond【LI Xing and Oscar Garcia Agustin】“Sovereignty as Responsibility”: Intellectual Sources, Evolving Paths, and ...
strategies fails to accommodate the kinds of knowledge that many contemporary sciences are providing about the world. She advocates instead for a new understanding that represents the rich, variegated, interdependent fabric of ...
[2] Kong Jingjing, Zhang Chao*, Simonovic Slobodan. Optimizing Resilience of Interdependent Infrastructures to Regional Natural Hazards with Combined Improvement Measures [J]. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2021,210(6)...
Vocationally, we also have specialized and become more interdependent on others, and as a result we have diminishing control over large aspects of our lives.在職業上,我們同樣也很專業化以及越來越獨立,不再依賴他人,因此...
Building effective relationships, team conflict, culture shock and unrealistic expectations, these things can and do happen in today’s highly interdependent world. Individuals, organizations, and nations can no longer live alone...