open-and-shut是極簡單的, 明白的, 一目了然的。

open-and-shut是極簡單的, 明白的, 一目了然的。
open-and-shut是極簡單的, 明白的, 一目了然的。...... open-and-shut是極簡單的, 明白的, 一目了然的。open-and-shut adj. 極簡單的, 明白的, 一目...
Abby also learns that finding the right basket for your bike isn’t always easy, and that visiting Oscar the Grouch can be an open-and-shut case!...
Keep Your Mouth Shut And Your Eyes Open是Koko Taylor演唱的一首歌曲。...... Keep Your Mouth Shut And Your Eyes Open是Koko Taylor演唱的一首歌曲。...
an open and shut case明顯的事件ants in one's pants 褲襠里有螞蟻(坐立不安)back in the saddle重上馬鞍(重整旗鼓)back on track重上軌道(改過自新)...
Flux measurement open and closed circuit system 系統1 開路渦度相關係統 系統2 閉路渦度相關係統 對比觀測 安裝在同一高度 校正 檢查系統的高頻回響特性...
Open and Closed TypesGeneric Types and InheritanceGeneric Type IdentityCode ExplosionGeneric InterfacesGeneric DelegatesDelegate and Interface Contravariant and ...
2006/10/25 306 蘇活區殺人案 Open and Shut 2006/11/01 307 藍調謀殺案 Murder Sings the Blues 2006/11/08 308 有因必有果 Consequences 2006/11/08 ...
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology Survey and Comparison for Open and Closed Sources in Cloud Computing Nadir K Salih, ...
4.相關詞成對詞 be head and shoulders above (遠遠超出)whip and spur (快馬加鞭)5.反義成對詞 the ups and downs (沉浮)open and shut (一清二楚)...
Open and Closed SetsConvergence in a Metric SpaceThe Closure of a SetDense SubsetsContinuityCompletenessIsometricsThe Completion of a Metric SpaceExercises...