- 外文名:oligarchy
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[ˈɒlɪɡɑːki]
- 美式發音:[ˈɑːləɡɑːrki,ˈoʊləɡɑːrki]
《寡頭政治》是一部由【美】J.馬克·拉姆塞耶 等所著書籍,江蘇人民出版社出版發行。內容簡介 《西方日本研究叢書·寡頭政治:帝國日本的制度選擇》的目標是要對疑問重重的戰前日本歷史進行重新詮釋。為什麼寡頭們開設了國會,同時又使軍隊脫離了文官控制?為什麼戰前日本的政黨如此腐敗?為什麼日本的民主實踐如此短暫?...
《In Defiance of Oligarchy》是Cambridge University Press出版的圖書,作者是Linda Colley 內容簡介 In English history the years between 1714 and 1760 are peculiar in two ways. They have received only scant attention from historians, and they witnessed the exclusion of the tory sector of the nation's...
混合政體[mixed government]即混合了民主(democracy),寡頭(oligarchy)和君主(monarchy)制的混合政體。並有憲法約定何時採取民主,何時採取寡頭,何時採取君主制。內容 柏拉圖曾將古希臘城邦所採取政治制度分為四類 ⒈民主(democracy):由多數人統治;⒉寡頭(oligarchy):由少數精英統治;⒊軍事(timocracy):由...
oligarch,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“寡頭政治執政者”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 oligarch /ˈɒlɪˌɡɑːk/ 1.N a member of an oligarchy 寡頭政治執政者 短語搭配 oligarch tax 盈利所得稅 Oligarch structure 寡占型結構 oligarch capitalism 寡頭資本主義 oligarch monopoly 寡頭...
寡頭鐵律(Iron law of oligarchy)是一項政治學和社會學理論,1911年由羅伯特·米契爾斯提出,研究政黨和人群組織都會提及 觀點 羅伯特·米契爾斯以觀察歐洲各社會主義政黨(尤其是德國社會黨)的黨內生態,提出下列幾項觀點:組織不論多民主,最後決定都只在少數幾個人手中。組織越大,核心離民眾越遠。領導人產生方法越...
他在早年所寫的《理想國》中提出了五種政體周期循環的理論:分別是貴族政體(aristocracy或王制 kingship斯巴達-克里特政體timocracy,或譯作勛閥政體或權門政體)、寡頭政體(oligarchy)、平民政體(democracy)、僭主政體(tyranny)。五種政體循環更替。貴族政體由於對生育的無知,導致人口素質下降,私有財產和家庭產生,...
灰鷹市的最高統治組織為Directing Oligarchy,由12到18人組成的議會(Council),由各公會與軍權的代表加上一些有名的魔法師與牧師組成。只有在有空缺的時候,其他成員才會選舉遞補者。議會定期選出一名市長擔任元首。現任市長為Nerof Gasgal。參考書籍 * Baas, Walter M., et. al. 《Treasures of Greyhawk》 (...
「寡頭鐵律」(The Iron Law of Oligarchy)所闡述的組織病象 病因分析 規模龐雜 1,人員間溝通不易而缺乏了解。2,機關組織首長控制幅度過大,使其難以發揮有效的指揮、監督。3,失去個人自我價值感。4,造成「決策上推,首長獨裁」之現象。5,個人難以發揮其創造力、工作潛力。法規森嚴 法國社會學者柯洛齊亞(Michel ...
oligarchy: government by a few, especially by a small faction of persons or families(寡頭統治政府,指由少數人或家族組成的小集團統治的政府)拼音錯誤 此次拍賣會採用電話競拍的方式,競拍者均可不透露身份。拍賣物品主要有兩件,神秘的拿破崙草擬遺囑就是其中之一。據拍賣方介紹,這份12頁的遺囑是由拿破崙的...
576年,灰鷹魔法師協會會長兼Directing Oligarchy的一人歐提路克加入。579年,巴科納神秘失蹤。581年,賈拉茲·薩拉瓦立安加入八葉遞補巴科納的空缺,是為八葉第一名女性成員 政治制度 雖然謠傳說他們實質統治灰鷹市,但事實上並非如此。雖然名為八葉,成員事實上有九人,魔鄧肯與另外八名魔法師。所以亦有人把此組織稱為...
plutocratic,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“富豪的;財閥的;有錢有勢的”。短語搭配 Plutocratic Beige 富貴米黃 Plutocratic Oligarchy 財閥寡頭 雙語例句 A third argument is that inequality perverts politics, with Wall Street's influence in Washington often cited as exhibit a of the ...
Abdollahian, Mark, Jacek Kugler and Hilton Root, 1999. “Economic Crisis and the Future of Oligarchy” in Institutional Reform and Democratic Consolidation in Korea, edited by Larry Diamond and Doh Chull Shin. Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 199-232.ISBN 0817996923 Abdollahian, Mark...
62 寡頭制Oligarchy 63 一與多One and Many 64 意見Opinion 65 對立Opposition 66 哲學Philosophy 67 物理學Physics 68 快樂和痛苦Pleasure and Pain 69 詩Poetry 70 原則Principle 71 進步Progress 72 預言Prophecy 73 審慎Prudence 74 懲罰Punishment 75 性質Quality 76 量Quantity 77 推理Reasoning 78 關係Relation ...
需要說明的是,恰如亞里士多德、孟德斯鳩等學者的一些論著那樣,本書僅是在相對的含義上偶爾地使用“貴族寡頭體制”(aristocvratic oligarchy)這一概念,主要用於強調17世紀末至19世紀前期,為數不多的貴族在國家政治生活中的突出作用,而非特指某種蘊涵著或接近於專橫的政府體制。作者簡介 閻照祥,男,1949年出生,...
金權政治 ...級的平民,有選舉權而無被選舉權,議事會成員,行政官員一律由選舉方法產生,按照希臘的政治概念,這是一種金權政治(Timocracy),而不是民主政治。政體 幻想政體因為匹配的不善引發3個品級的稠濁,致使爭鬥,甲士政體(Timocracy)隨之鼓起。甲士政體外,少數握有者財產,構成寡頭政體(Oligarchy)。
hundred years ago, it anticipated many features of the past century, including the rise of fascism, the emergence of domestic terrorism, and the growth of centralized government surveillance and authority. What begins as a war of words ends in scenes of harrowing violence as the state oligarchy,...
Introduction I The Reform Movement and Tiberius Gracchus II The Revolution and Gaius Gracchus III Rule of the Restoration IV Revolt of the Italian Subjects and the Sulpician Revolution V Return of Sulla and the Sullan Constitution VII The Fall of the Oligarchy and the Rule of Pompey VIII ...
few observers have comprehensively examined the social and cultural price of the economic boom for the majority of the Chinese people. Zhaohui Hong assesses the sociocultural consequences of these reforms in this provocative study. He contends that modern China functions as an oligarchy or pluto...
these works of the 1730s he attempted to forge an ideology of oposition to attack the Whig oligarchy of Sir Robert Walpole,using materials drawn from classical republicanism and neo-Stoicism as well as from contemporary Whig and Tory thought.His analyses of constitutional govemment and the party ...
theocratic,英語單詞,主要用作為形容詞,用作形容詞譯為“神權的;神權政治的”。短語搭配 theocratic kingdom 神治的國度 theocratic spirit 神權思想 Theocratic Oligarchy 神權寡頭 單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 theocratic / θɪəˈkrætɪk/ 1.ADJ A theocratic society is ruled by priests who ...
This collection of essays examines various aspects of the Roman Republic and its constituent groups of citizens, and discusses the nature and significance of the revolution that converted it into a monarchy. Professor Brunt's view is that the Republic was not a mere oligarchy, and that popular ...