馬克· 阿卜杜拉汗

馬克· 阿卜杜拉汗

馬克阿卜杜拉汗博士擔任ACERTAS的執行長, 同時也是Sentia Group的創始人之一。他在克萊蒙特研究大學的政治經濟學院擔任教授及博士生導師。

阿卜杜拉汗博士於2016年5月24日受邀參加2016 貴安數博會·全球智慧型終端產業創新發展峰會暨中國大數據與人工智慧院士論壇,並演講 “站在大數據、戰略決策+計算分析的前沿”。

阿卜杜拉汗博士曾被CNN,The New Yorker 和BBC採訪,同時他也在TEDx,Abu Dhabi Strategic Debate (ADSD,阿布達比戰略辯論) ,CFR (關係外交委員會) 和 Joey (周正) 秀中給與演講。


  • 中文名:馬克·阿卜杜拉汗
  • 外文名:Mark Abdollahian
  • 別名:阿卜杜拉汗博士,馬克博士
  • 國籍美國
  • 畢業院校凱斯西儲大學,克萊蒙特研究大學
  • 主要成就:塔爾伯格基金會 董事 (Tallberg Foundation) 
    Trans研究協會 董事 (Trans Research Consortium) 
    雲南大學 金融經濟學院 客座教授
  • 代表作品:SENTURION
  • 職稱:教授


從凱斯西儲大學取得政治學、歷史及法語文學士學位後, 阿卜杜拉汗博士從克萊蒙特研究大學相繼獲得外交和國防政策文學碩士學位及政治經濟學和數學建模博士學位(1996年)。


阿卜杜拉汗博士的研究包括戰略決策、數據分析、預測分析、國際政治經濟、可持續發展、經濟成長、計量經濟學和計算模型。他在全球範圍內做演講,並在多個私營和非盈利組織擔任董事會成員。他曾與A.F.K. Organski 和 Jacek Kugler 合著了一本權利轉移理論書籍 。他還在商業 、政治、經濟和開發中國家公務員體質改革戰略方面著有文章。他的預測分析已經被美國政府、世界銀行、聯合國以及私營部門公司,例如安達信(Arthur Andersen),摩托羅拉 (Motorola),雷神公司 (Raytheon),英國宇航公司 (British Aerospace),雪佛龍(Chevron)和戴比爾斯(DeBeers)所使用。他從美國政府收到多筆贈款用於數據驅動的決策制定。
他於2003年起在克萊蒙特研究大學任教。2005年他協助併合作成立了Trans研究協會 (Trans Research Consortium),該協會致力於為全球公共部門決策者提供科學的政府績效指標。2010年,阿卜杜拉汗博士獲得了MOR刊物獎。
· 1997年,他設計了BAE-GEC Marconi合併策略,創建了世界第二大的國防公司。
· 自2000年起, 他為世界銀行的國家援助戰略、貸款條件及亞非地區的項目規劃提供諮詢服務。
· 2005年,美國政府嘉獎阿卜杜拉汗博士開發的SENTURION軟體,稱其具備 “國際最強戰略能力” 。
· 自2005年起,他就先後被美國政府部門多次契約委託來開發並且提供新一代的對於人類,社會,經濟行為研究的模型。
· 2009年,聯合國選定阿布杜拉汗博士設計 AIDS2031 國際援助計畫。
· 2010年,他領導的團隊為愛迪生國際公司建模,融合政治學、社會學及地理學進行可持續能源選址。
· 自2013年起,阿卜杜拉汗博士以及他的團隊開發了多種大、小數據驅動決策系統來幫助國家以及機構投資者們去管理其對外直接投資的資產組合。
· 最近,他和他所帶領的ACERTAS團隊協助非洲聯盟在其大陸預警系統中設計並實施了先進的戰略和數據分析。


由於私企和各國政府都在尋求更先進的科學方法來理解和預測衝突, 阿卜杜拉汗博士的研究出現在各大媒體上,例如在CNN(美國有線電視新聞網)和 The New Yorker (紐約人)上他探討了國際政治預測分析的前景。BBC(英國廣播公司)針對數據分析中的隱私問題對他進行了採訪。阿卜杜拉汗博士探討了衝突警告和評估的套用。在一個題目為 “與分析一起進入不可能的領域” TEDx的演講中,他審查了為何過去三年與人類歷史上相比更多的數據被收集和分析將會如何創造未來的重要蘊含。在中國,周正 (Joey) 對他進行了關於商業、中國與美國的關係和科技的採訪。阿卜杜拉汗博士受邀參加2016年數博會, 並對大數據計算分析的前沿做了演講。在2016年底,他受邀參加第三屆阿聯政策中心舉辦的阿布達比戰略辯論會 (ADSD) ,針對在變化世界秩序中的傳統、上升和衰落的權利與其他演講者展開了討論。


Tammen, Ronald, Jacek Kugler, Douglas Lemke, Allan Stam, Carole Alsharabati, Mark Abdollahian, Brian Efird and AFK Organski. 2000. Power Transitions: Strategies for the 21st Century. Chatham House Publishers, New York - editions published in English, Arabic & Chinese. ISBN 1889119431
  • Yang, Zining and Mark Abdollahian, 2014. “Trade, Income Convergence and Sustainable Development” chapter 4 in Handbook of the International Political Economy of Trade, ed David A. Deese, Edward Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham, UK.
  • Abdollahian, Mark, Arbetman-Rabinowitz, Marina, Kang, Kyungkook, Kugler, Jacek, Nelson, Hal and, Tammen, Ronald “Political Performance” chapter 1, in The Performance of Nations, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers Inc. 2012.ISBN 1442217049
  • Abdollahian, Mark, Kang, Kyungkook, and Thomas, John. “Setting the Stage: The Politics of Economic Growth” chapter 2, in The Performance of Nations, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers Inc. 2012.ISBN 1442217049
  • Abdollahian, Mark, Jacek Kugler, Brice Nicholson and Hana Oh. 2010. “Politics and Power” chapter 3 in Estimating Impact: A Handbook of Computational Methods and Models for Anticipating Economic, Social, Political and Security Effects. Alexander Kott and Gary Citrenbaum eds. Springer Science & Business Media, New York.ISBN 1441962344
  • Abdollahian, Mark, Jacek Kugler and Hilton Root, 1999. “Economic Crisis and the Future of Oligarchy” in Institutional Reform and Democratic Consolidation in Korea, edited by Larry Diamond and Doh Chull Shin. Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 199-232.ISBN 0817996923
  • Abdollahian, Mark. 1996. In Search of Structure: The Nonlinear Dynamics of International Politics. PhD dissertation, Claremont, CA, USA
  • Organski, AFK, Jacek Kugler and Mark Abdollahian. 1995. “The Mosaic of International Power” in Towards an International Economic & Social History, Bouda Etemad et al. eds., Editions Passé Present, Geneva, 1995.
  • Yang, Zining, Mark Abdollahian and Patrick deWerk Neal. 2016. “Social Spatial Heterogeneity and System Entrainment in Modeling Human and Nature Dynamics”, Model Design and Simulation Analysis, AsiaSim/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part IV, Communications in Computer and Information Science Series, 646, 1-8.
  • Abdollahian, Mark, John Thomas, Zining Yang and Rita Chiang. “Making Relationships Matter: Director Interlocks and Fortune 500 Performance, 1996-2007.” Proceedings of 7th Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 7th International Conference, Springer India, 2016 forthcoming.
  • Yang, Zining, Patrick deWerk Neal and Mark Abdollahian. 2016. “When Feedback Loops Collide: A Complex Adaptive Systems Approach to Modeling Human and Nature Dynamics.” Advanced in Applied Digital Human Modeling and Simulation, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 481, 317-327.
  • Abdollahian, Mark, Zining Yang, Patrick deWerk Neal, and James Kaplan. 2015. “Human Development Dynamics: Network Emergence in an Agent Based Simulation of Adaptive Heterogeneous Games and Social Systems” Agent-Based Approaches in Economic and Social Complex Systems VIII,3-14, Springer Japan.
  • Yang, Zining, Hal Nelson and Mark Abdollahian. 2015. “Sustainable Energy Infrastructure Siting: An Agent Based Approach.” Journal of Energy Challenges and Mechanics, (2): 75-84.
  • Abdollahian, Mark, Zining Yang and Patrick deWerk Neal. 2014. “Human Development Dynamics: An Agent Based Simulation of Adaptive Heterogeneous Games and Social Systems.” Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, and Prediction: 7th International Conference, SBP 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 8393, 3-10, Springer Switzerland.
  • Mark Abdollahian, Zining Yang, Travis Coan, and Birol Yesilada. 2013. “Human Development Dynamics: An Agent Based Simulation of Macro Social Systems and Heterogeneous Evolutionary Games.” Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling, Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling, 1:18.
  • Abdollahian, Mark and Zining Yang. 2013. “Towards Trade Equalization: A Network Perspective on Trade and Income Convergence across the 20th Century.” New Political Economy. Published online, 30 May 2013.
  • Abdollahian, Mark, Zining Yang and Hal Nelson. 2013. “Techno-Social Energy Infrastructure Siting: Sustainable Energy Modeling Project (SEMPro).” Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, Volume 16, Issue 3.
  • Abdollahian, Mark, Travis Coan, Hana Oh and Birol Yesilida. 2012. “The Dynamics of Cultural Change: The Human Development Perspective” International Studies Quarterly,Volume 56, Issue 3, 1-17.
  • Nunberg, Barbara, Nazneen Barma, Mark Abdollahian, Amanda Green and Deborah Pearlman. 2010. “At the Frontier of Practical Political Economy” The World Bank, Policy Research Working Paper No. 5176, January 2010.
  • Abdollahian, Mark, Michael Baranick, Brice Nicholson and Matthew Nickens. 2009. “A Formal Model of Stabilization & Reconstruction Operations”, Military Operations Research, Volume 14 No. 3 Winter.
  • Abdollahian, Mark, Michael Baranick, Jacek Kugler. 2008. “Pathways to Peace: A Multi-Model Assessment of the Sudanese Comprehensive Peace Agreement” Societal Conflict Conference, Cornwallis Group XIII, Nova Scotia, Canada, Mar 17.
  • Abdollahian, Mark, Travis Coan, Hana Oh and Birol Yesilada, 2008. “Dynamics of Cultural Change: the Human Development Perspective” World Values Research Papers, Volume 1, No. 4.
  • Abdollahian, Mark and Kyung-Kook Kang, 2008. “In Search of Structure: The Nonlinear Dynamics of Power Transitions”, International Interactions, Volume 34, 333–357.
  • Abdollahian, Mark, Michael Baranick, Brian Efird and Jacek Kugler. 2006. “Senturion: a Predictive Political Simulation Model” Defense and Technology Paper, Volume 32, National Defense University, Washington DC, July.
  • Abdollahian, Mark and Carole Alsharabati. 2003. “Modeling the Strategic Effects of Risk and Perceptions in Linkage Politics”, Rationality and Society, Volume 15, No. 1, 113-135.
  • Root, Hilton, Mark Abdollahian and Jacek Kugler. 2002. “In Korea, the Thirst for Funds Drives Changes”, Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp.1–30.
  • Kugler, Jacek, Mark Abdollahian and Ronald Tammen, 2000. “Forecasting Complex Political and Military Events: The Application of Expected Utility to Crisis Situations”, Command and Control Research Technology Symposium, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterrey, CA, May 22–24.
  • Efird, Brian, Ambassador Peter Galbraith, Jacek Kugler and Mark Abdollahian, 2000. “Negotiating Peace in Kosovo”, International Interactions, Volume 26, No. 2, pp.153–178.
  • Berman, Dianne and Mark Abdollahian, 1999. “Negotiating the Peaceful Expansion of the South African Electorate”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Volume 43, No. 2, pp.229–244.
  • Hilton Root, Mark Abdollahian and Greg Beier. 1999. “The New Korea: Crisis Brings Opportunity”, Milken Institute Policy Brief, Santa Monica, California, February.
  • Kugler, Jacek and Mark Abdollahian, 1997. “Unraveling The Ties that Divide: Russian Political Succession”, International Interactions, Volume 23, Spring pp.267–281.


