在這段經歷之後,TheScript把R&B、Soul等黑人音樂調和到他們的音樂中,像來自LA的Maroon5那樣迷上了節奏感十足、讓人精神爽利的新靈魂流行搖滾,就連主唱Danny的唱腔、聲線也跟Maroon5的主唱Adam有八分相似。然而音樂的外殼只是表象,TheScript與生俱來地繼續了U2等老一輩愛爾蘭音樂人的搖滾精神,把反戰、反思批判社會弊端、宣揚人道主義、倡導愛與和平等作為音樂的內容主題,在爽朗流暢、易入耳的音樂外殼輸送下,這些理念反而更輕易感染並影響樂迷,比起沉重的說教更有效果。融合Hip-Hop節拍的《We Cry》首先拉開序幕,敘述人世苦難的歌詞在輕快暢達的節奏下像是連發子彈般擊中聽者的內心並令人動容;《Talk You Down》中Danny布滿悲愴及人文關懷的演繹,聽起來也有幾分Bono的影子;清淡原音吉他相伴下的《I'm Yours》則緩緩渲染出深情悽美的意境。
音樂風格: 流行 發行時間: 2010年09月10日 地區: 愛爾蘭 語言: 英語 01. You Won't Feel A Thing 02. For The First Time 03. Nothing 04. Science & Faith 05. If You Ever Come Back 06. Long Gone And Moved On 07. Dead Man Walking 08. This=Love 09. Walk Away 10. Exit WoundsScience and Faith
Nothing :
Am I better off dead? 我應該死去比較好嗎[1]
Am I better off a quitter?做個半途而廢的人更好嗎
They say I’m better off now 他們說我現在這樣更明智
Then I ever was with her 曾經的我和她
As they take me to my local down the street 也像他們這樣沿著街一直下去帶我回老家
I’m smiling but I’m dying trying not to drag my feet 我在笑著但是卻拚命的不想拖住自己的步伐
They say a few drinks will help me to forget her 他們說一點酒精能幫我忘了她
But after one too many I know that I’m never 但是喝了一杯又一杯我知道我永遠做不到
Only they can see where this is gonna end 只有他們清楚知道事情最後會變怎樣
But they all think I’m crazy but to me it’s perfect sense 他們都以為我瘋了但其實對我而言這是最棒的感覺
And my mates are all there trying to calm me down 我的同伴都試著讓我冷靜
‘Cause I’m shouting your name all over the town 因為我在整個鎮子上喊你的名字
I’m swearing if I go there now 我發誓如果現在我能去那裡
I can change your mind turn it all around 就能徹底改變你的想法
I know that I’m drunk but I see the worst 我知道我醉了但是還有更糟的
If she’ll listen this time even though this lust 如果她能聽到即使這欲望
I’ll dial her number and confess to her 我也要打電話說服她
I’m still in love but all I heard was nothing 我還深陷愛情但我卻什麼也聽不到
So I stumble there, along the railings and the fences 所以我在那裡被絆倒了,沿著欄桿和籬笆
I know I’m with her face to face, that she’ll come to her senses 我知道跟她面對面,這樣她就能恢復神志
Every drunk stand by tend leads me to her door 喝過的每杯酒都趨使我走向她的家門
If she sees how much I’m hurting, she’ll take me back for sure 如果她看到我傷得多深,她肯定會回心轉意
And my mates are all there trying to calm me down 我的同伴都試著讓我冷靜
‘Cause I’m shouting your name all over the town 因為我在整個鎮子上喊你的名字
I’m swearing if I go there now 我發誓如果現在我能去那裡
I can change your mind turn it all around 就能徹底改變你的想法
I know that I’m drunk but I see the worst 我知道我醉了但是還有更糟的
If she’ll listen this time even though this lust 如果她能聽到即使這欲望
I’ll dial her number and confess to her 我也要打電話說服她
I’m still in love but all I heard was nothing 我還深陷愛情但我卻什麼也聽不到
She said nothing 她什麼也沒說
Oh, I wanted words but all I heard was nothing 我只想要隻字片語但什麼也沒聽到
Oh, I got nothing 我什麼也沒得到
Oh, I got nothing 我什麼也沒得到
Oh, I wanted words but all I heard was nothing 我只要隻字片語卻什麼也沒聽到
Ohh, sometimes love’s intoxicating 喔 愛情有時讓人陶醉
Ohh, you’re coming down your hands are shaking 喔 你走過來揮著手
When you realize there’s no one waiting 當你發現沒有人在那等你
Am I better off dead? 我應該死去比較好嗎
Am I better off a quitter?做個半途而廢的人更好嗎
They say I’m better off now 他們說我現在這樣更明智
Then I ever was with her 曾經的我和她
And my mates are all there trying to calm me down 我的同伴都試著讓我冷靜
‘Cause I’m shouting your name all over the town 因為我在整個鎮子上喊你的名字
I’m swearing if I go there now 我發誓如果現在我能去那裡
I can change your mind turn it all around 就能徹底改變你的想法
I know that I’m drunk but I see the worst 我知道我醉了但是還有更糟的
If she’ll listen this time even though this lust 如果她能聽到即使這欲望
I’ll dial her number and confess to her 我也要打電話說服她
I’m still in love but all I heard was nothing 我還深陷愛情但我卻什麼也聽不到