never say diet personal fitnes

never say diet personal fitnes

《never say diet personal fitnes》是2008年Random House US出版的圖書,作者是Chantel Hobbs。


  • 中文名:never say diet personal fitnes
  • 作者:Chantel Hobbs
  • 出版社:Random House US
  • ISBN:9780307446428 
If you want to lose weight for good, learn a secret fromChantel Hobbs: to change your life you first have to change the wayyou think.After years of failed diets, Chantel discovered the power of the“brain change.” She made five nonnegotiable decisions, developed abalanced plan for exercise and nutrition, and lost 200 pounds. Now,through writing, speaking, and her work as a personal trainer, sheinspires others to achieve far more than they thoughtpossible.With Never Say Diet, you can:?Ditch your self-defeating habits and start dreaming bigagain?Develop a driving passion for personal fitness?Look at food as fuel and not as your best friend?Learn how God wants to help you win!Put an end to the diet drama. Whether you want to lose fifteenpounds, fifty, or one hundred fifty, Chantel will show you how tomake your commitments stick–producing results that last!It’s not easy, but it really is as simple as it sounds. First youlose your excuses, then you lose weight for good. You’ll never say“diet” again.


