

mutton是一個英語單詞,英文發音為[ˈmʌtn] ,名詞,作名詞時意為“羊肉”。


  • 外文名:mutton
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 單詞發音:英 [ˈmʌtn] 美 [ˈmʌtn]


roast mutton 烤羊肉 ; 燒羊肉塊 ; 考羊肉 ; 羊肉烤
braised mutton 鍋燒羊肉 ; 香燜羊肉 ; 罐燜羊肉 ; 紅燒羊肉
mutton chop 羊排 ; 絡腮鬍
mutton fat 羊油 ; 白色羊脂樣 ; 羊脂
Mutton cutlet 羊角餅
mutton cloth [紡] 較松平針織物 ; 羊肉布
canned mutton 羊肉罐頭 ; 罐裝羊肉
fried mutton 羊扒 ; 烤羊肉
jerked mutton 風乾羊肉條


  • 1This mutton has got a strong smell.這羊肉味太膻。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 2Hotpot is made from mutton and onion.火鍋是用羊肉和洋蔥做的。
  • 3It has mutton slices and Chinese onion inside.裡面有羊肉片和大蔥。
  • 4They feasted well into the afternoon on mutton and corn stew.他們盡情享用玉米燉羊肉,一直吃到下午。
  • 5I want to inquire of you whether I may eat mustard with my mutton.我想問一下你,我能否在吃羊肉的時候加點芥末。
  • 6We usually eat mutton and beef.我們通常吃牛羊肉。
  • 7It was mutton stew, the cook's specialty.吃的是燉羊肉,廚師的拿手菜。
  • 8Look, we have mutton, fish, eggs, tomatoes and bread.看,我們有羊肉、魚、雞蛋、西紅柿和麵包。
  • 9People usually have dumplings and mutton soup on that day.人們通常在那一天吃餃子、喝羊肉湯。
  • 10For example, in southern Shandong, people would like to drink mutton soup.例如,在山東南部,人們喜歡喝羊肉湯。
  • 11People in northern China usually have dumplings and mutton soup on beginning of winter.在中國北方,人們通常在立冬時吃餃子,喝羊肉湯。
  • 12Great Heat is an important time to harvest and plant. Now people in Guangdong enjoy mutton soup during Great Heat.大暑是收穫和播種的重要時節。現在廣東人喜歡在大暑期間喝羊肉湯。
  • 13The cook is going to stew potatoes and mutton together until the meat becomes tender and soft.這位廚師正打算把土豆和羊肉放到一塊來燉,直到這些肉變得又嫩又軟。
  • 14Talk about mutton dressed as lamb!談談想裝年輕的老婦女吧!
  • 15M: Yes, we do. We also eat mutton.是的,我們還吃羊肉。
  • 16I have mutton cabbage and rice.我有羊肉白菜和米飯。
  • 17We have cabbage and mutton.我們有捲心菜和羊肉。
  • 18He likes beef, but she like mutton.他喜歡牛肉,她喜歡羊肉。
  • 19Do you like roast mutton?你喜歡烤羊肉嗎?
  • 20Reestit mutton is a delicacy of Shetland.茹斯蒂羊肉是設得蘭群島的美食。
  • 21The potatoes are waiting for mutton soup.再往土豆上澆些羊肉湯就好了。
  • 22Fried mutton fat with Onions goes well with vodka.油炸肥羊肉伴洋蔥,再加上一杯伏特加就是絕配了。
  • 23She put a leg of mutton into the oven to roast it for supper.她將一條羊腿放入烤箱準備晚飯吃烤肉。
  • 24I nearly fainted from the smell of his body which smelt of mutton.他的氣味和羊肉一樣騷,我幾乎要昏過去了。
  • 25Server: No, We have cabbage and mutton. We have noodles on Thursday.侍員:沒有,我們這有捲心菜和羊肉。 星期四我們有麵條。
  • 26As a rule, dishes on the Asian steppes and mountains feature mutton or horse.像是一個約定俗成,這裡的亞洲高山草原特色菜是羊肉和馬肉。
  • 27Nevertheless, Merinos also yield mutton and mutton breeds also yield wool.儘管如此,美利諾綿羊也能產肉而肉羊也產羊毛。
  • 28We used naan bread to mop up the mutton curry served at a nearby transport cafe.在附近的公路咖啡店,我們用饢餅沾著咖喱羊肉吃。
  • 29Its mutton, for example, comes from sheep raised on the relatively unpolluted Mongolian plains.比如,小肥羊使用的羊肉全部來自相對無污染的蒙古草原。
  • 30Donglaishun's "Mutton Hotpot" has a long standing history and is loved by many for its special taste.東來順的“涮羊肉”歷史悠久,風味獨特,深受民眾喜愛。


