
lsserv.exe is a process which is registered as the W32.RBOT.CW virus. It takes advantage of the Windows LSASS vulnerability, which creates a buffer overflow and instigates your computer to shut down.


  • 中文名:lsserv.exe
  • 外文名:lsserv.exe
  • 類型:進程
  • 詳細名稱: W32.RBOT.CW
lsserv.exe 進程信息
進程名稱: lsserv.exe
詳細名稱: W32.RBOT.CW
能否關閉: 病毒進程,強烈建議關閉!
其他信息: 無
進程檔案: lsserv.exe or lsserv
進程名稱: W32.RBOT.CW
lsserv.exe is a process which is registered as the W32.RBOT.CW virus. It takes advantage of the Windows LSASS vulnerability, which creates a buffer overflow and instigates your computer to shut down. To see more information about this vulnerability please look at the following Microsoft bulletin:
This process is a security risk and should be removed from your system. Please see additional details regarding this process.
Recommendation for lsserv.exe:
DISABLE AND REMOVE lsserv.exe IMMEDIATELY. This process is most likely a virus or trojan.
Part Of: W32.RBOT.CW
安全等級 (0-5): 4
病毒: Yes ( Remove lsserv.exe )
木馬: Yes ( Remove lsserv.exe )
Memory Usage: N/A
System Process: No
Background Process: Yes
Uses Network: Yes
Hardware Related: No
Common lsserv.exe Errors: N/A


