



  • 外文名:licensing
  • 詞性:動詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈlaɪsnsɪŋ]
  • 美式音標:[ˈlaɪsnsɪŋ]


英[ˈlaɪsnsɪŋ] 美 [ˈlaɪsnsɪŋ]
v. 許可;批准;申請許可證(license 的現在分詞)


administrative licensing 行政許可
licensing system 許可制度;授權系統
patent licensing 專利授權(許可)
import licensing 進口許可
licensing agreement 特許權協定;專利使用權轉讓協定


  • Laws can restrict or ban voting, access to public housing, and professional and business licensing. 法律可以限制或禁止他們投票、獲得公共住房,或獲得職業、商業許可。
  • Some industry members contend that having 50 different sets of rules, licensing fees and even definitions of "medical practice" makes less sense in the era of telemedicine and is hampering its growth. 一些業內人士認為,在遠程醫療的時代,50套不同的規則、不同的許可費用甚至是對“醫療實踐”的不同定義都沒有什麼意義,並且阻礙了遠程醫療的發展。
  • There is the so-called big deal, where institutional subscribers pay for access to a collection of online journal titles through site-licensing agreements. 這就是所謂的“大交易”,即機構訂閱者通過網站授權協定為訪問一系列線上期刊而付費。
  • Cases should be referrable to the Tribunal by licensing bodies. 案件應由授權人交付法庭審理。
  • Then, Stern discussed licensing 接下來,Stern談到了許可協定
  • What is the Licensing Model? 什麼是許可模型?
  • Meaning: it's all about licensing. 意思是:這是關於授權的一切。
  • Processor Value Unit (PVU) licensing. 價值單元(VU)許可。
  • Registration and Licensing System. 登記和審批制度。
  • How are you licensing your DB2 servers? 您要怎樣為DB 2伺服器頒發許可?
  • Chapter III Copyright Licensing contracts. 第三章著作權許可使用契約。
  • Licensing is the classic open source issue. 許可是經典的開源議題。
  • The press release does not mention licensing. 新聞稿沒有提到許可證的問題。
  • But before we do that, let's look at licensing. 但是在此之前,我們來討論一下許可問題。
  • Each state also has its own licensing requirements. 每個州對於職業從事許可證都有不同的要求。
  • The researchers call this the "licensing effect". 研究者把這稱作“縱容效應”。
  • Licensing and professionalism are two different things. 許可認證與專業化是兩碼事。
  • The licensing basis is different than the design basis. 許可基礎與設計基礎不同。
  • But it does mean we need robust regulation and licensing. 但這的確意味著,我們需要健全的監管和許可制度。
  • The pricing and licensing information can be accessed here. 訪問這裡可以查看到相關的價格和許可信息。
  • For example, here you can ask questions regarding licensing. 例如,在這裡可以詢問有關許可證的問題。
  • Funding and Licensing, real example, explanations and stakes. 籌集基金和發放許可實例解釋和利害關係。
  • Applicability: platforms, licensing, and related considerations. 適用性:平台、許可和相關考慮。
  • So how do we get to the plant design, to licensing, to operations? 所以,我們如何設計電站,如何得到批准,如何運行?
  • CC also makes it easy to find works that match licensing criteria. CC還讓查找與所許可的標準相匹配的作品變得十分容易。
  • Verify your licensing to determine is this is a viable alternative. 驗證您的許可來決定這是否是一個可行的方案。
  • It is also licensing older games in its catalog to outside vendors. 它也正在授權其目錄中的老遊戲給外部銷售商。


