

liberal,英文單詞,形容詞、名詞,作形容詞時意為“自由主義的;慷慨的;不拘泥的;寬大的”,作名詞時意為“ 自由主義者;人名;(葡)利貝拉爾”。


  • 外文名:liberal
  • 詞性:形容詞、名詞
  • 單詞發音:英[ˈlɪbərəl]美[ˈlɪbərəl]
  • 類型:英語單詞




liberal education普通教育;文科教育
liberal partyn. 自由黨
liberal democratic partyn. 自由民主黨
liberal democracy自由民主;自由民主主義;自由民主制(一種政府形式,由人民選出的民意代表行使決策權力)
liberal art文科


  • 1I'm not a bleeding heart liberal.我不是一個假裝同情只說不做的自由主義者。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2I hadn't got him marked down as a liberal.我當時還沒有把他看作自由主義者。《牛津詞典》
  • 3She is seeking more liberal visitation with her daughter.她正在尋求對女兒更自由的探視權。《牛津詞典》
  • 4The liberal agenda is not calculated to help minority groups.自由黨的議題是不太可能幫助少數派的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5Some politicians want more liberal trade relations with Europe.有些政治家想與歐洲大陸建立更加自由的貿易關係。《牛津詞典》
  • 6She withdrew because she did not wish to split the Liberal vote.她退出是因為不想分散自由黨的選票。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7A vote for the Liberal Democrats is just a Labour vote in disguise.投自由民主黨的票不過是改頭換面投工黨的票。《牛津詞典》
  • 8The Conservatives lost a lot of ground to the Liberal Democrats at the election.在選舉中保守黨大大失利於自由民主黨。《牛津詞典》
  • 9The school's liberal, individualistic traditions were in danger of slipping into anarchy.這所學校的自由主義和個人主義的傳統有滑入無政府狀態的危險。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10Liberal arts learning helps you become a well-educated, well-rounded person – someone who's interested in the world and interesting to others.文科學習幫助你成為一個受過良好教育且人格完滿的人,對世界感興趣且對別人來說很有趣的人。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11The Liberal Democrats are silent.自由民主黨保持沉默。
  • 12Our magazine does not have a liberal bias.我們的雜誌沒有自由偏見。
  • 13It is the world's only liberal arts university for deaf people.它是世界上唯一一所為聾人開設的文科大學。
  • 14Individually engineering and the liberal arts shape a person in very different ways; together they threaten to confuse.工科和文科各自以十分不同的方式塑造個人。如果混在一起學,則會引起混亂。
  • 15A recent poll indicates that many people in the United States hold a combination of conservative and liberal political views.最近的一項民調顯示,美國很多人持有保守派和自由派的政治觀點。
  • 16Regrettably, however, the report's failure to address the true nature of the crisis facing liberal education may cause more harm than good.然而令人遺憾的是,該報告沒能說明自由教育所面臨的危機的實質,這可能弊大於利。
  • 17Clearly, however, our actions demonstrate not a bias in favor of liberal views but rather a commitment to a balanced presentation of diverse opinions.然而,很明顯,我們的行動顯示的不是對自由主義觀點的偏愛,而是對平衡表達不同觀點的承諾。
  • 18As small countries dependent on foreign markets, they followed a liberal trade policy in the main, though a protectionist movement developed in Sweden.作為依賴外國市場的小國,它們主要奉行自由貿易政策,儘管在瑞典出現了保護主義運動。
  • 19The reality that has blocked my path to becoming the typical successful student is that engineering and liberal arts simply don't mix as easily as I have assumed in high school.阻礙我成為典型成功學生的現實是,工科和文科根本不可能像我在高中時構想的那樣能容易融合在一起。
  • 20The three women, liberal activists who strongly support legislation in favor of civil rights and environmental protection, have consistently received labor's unqualifying support.這三名女性都是自由主義活動人士,她們強烈支持支持民權和環境保護的立法,一直都得到工黨的無條件支持。
  • 21Unfortunately, despite 2 1/2 years in the making, "The Heart of the Matter" never gets to the heart of the matter: the illiberal nature of liberal education at our leading colleges and universities.不幸的是,儘管花了兩年半的時間研究,“核心問題”報告從來沒有深入到問題的核心:我們一流的學院和大學自由教育狹隘的本質。
  • 22Liberal economist Dean Baker, co-founder of the Center for Economic Policy and Research, says male economists have been on the inside of the profession, confirming each other's anti-regulation views.經濟政策與研究中心聯合創始人、自由派經濟學家迪安·貝克表示,男性經濟學家一直在行業內部對彼此的反監管觀點做出證實。
  • 23Unfortunately, despite 2 1/2 years in the making, "The Heart of the Matter" never gets to the heart of the matter: the illiberal nature of liberal education at our leading colleges and universities.不幸的是,儘管花了兩年半的時間研究,“核心問題”報告從來沒有深入到問題的核心:我們一流的學院和大學自由教育狹隘的本質。
  • 24She is very liberal with her money.她用錢很大方。《牛津詞典》
  • 25As always he is liberal with his jokes.他總有講不完的笑話。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 26Most Western societies are liberal in outlook.西方社會大多思想觀念開放。《牛津詞典》
  • 27Two Conservative MPs have gone over to the Liberal Democrats.兩名保守黨議員已轉向自由民主黨人一邊。《牛津詞典》
  • 28She is known to have liberal views on divorce and contraception.大家知道,她對於離婚和避孕持開明的觀點。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 29The attitude of the medical profession is very much more liberal now.醫學人士的態度如今開放多了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》


