- 外文名:leafhopper
- 詞性:名詞
- 發音:['lif,hɑpɚ]
- 釋義:葉蟬
1、黑尾葉蟬,Rice leafhopper,(拉丁文:Nephotettix cincticeps)。成蟲體長4~6毫米,黃綠色,在頭冠兩複眼間有一黑色橫帶,前翅綠色,雄蟲翅端、胸部和腹部腹面黑色,雌蟲則為淡褐色。中國各稻區均有分布,長江流域發生尤多,也...
葉蟬科(Cicadellidae ,leafhoppers sharpshooters )是節肢動物門(Arthropoda)、六足亞門(Mandibulata)、昆蟲綱(Insecta)、有翅亞綱(Pterygota)、半翅目(Homoptera)、頸喙亞目(Cicadomorpha)的一科,因該科昆蟲多為害植物葉片而...
甘蔗條螟性引誘劑(sex pheromone of sugarcane leafhopper),甘蔗條螟性引誘劑是人工合成的模仿條螟雌雄蛾交配信息聯繫的化學物質。簡介 從甘蔗條螟雌蛾體內分離到的性信息素,為順式-十六碳-11-烯基乙酸酯、順式-十八碳-13-烯醇和...
英文名稱 smaller fourspotted leafhopper 寄生範圍 麥、水稻、茶、甘蔗、其它禾本科植物。地理分布 日本、朝鮮;安徽、甘肅。分類 中文名稱 雙紋斑葉蟬 主要異名 Typhlocyba maculifrons Motschulsky;Zygina maculifrons Matsumura 目名 ...
transmitted by leafhoppers to dicotyledonous plants · Genus Begomovirus; type species: Bean golden mosaic virus;transmitted by whiteflies (Bemisia spp.) to dicotyledonous plants:· Genus Curtovirus; type species: Beet curly ...
(1)Li H, Dai R-H*,Li Z-Z. 2018.Three new species of the leafhopper genusOncopsisBurmeister, 1838 (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae, Macropsinae) from Sichuan Province of Southwestern China.Entomologica Fennica, 28(1):30–...
中文標準名稱 StandardTitle in Chinese: 農藥 田間藥效試驗準則(二) 第56部分:殺蟲劑防治茶樹葉蟬 英文標準名稱: Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(Ⅱ)--Part 56:Insecticides against tea lesser leafhopper 首次...
Duan, Y.N., Dietrich, C.H. & Zhang, Y.L. Revision of the South American grassland leafhopper genus Cortona Oman (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae: Deltocephalini) with description of four new species from ...
Zhang B.B., Zhang C.N., Dietrich C.H., Dai W.* 2016. Anatomy and ultrastructure of male reproductive system in two leafhoppers Cicadella viridis and Kolla paulula (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadellidae). Annals...
Zhong H.Y., Zhang Y.L., Wei C.* 2015. Morphology of the alimentary canal of the leafhopper Cicadella viridis (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 108 (1): 57-69 (doi: 10....
2.Xu Y, Lu SH, Wang YR, Dietrich CH, Qin DZ*. 2017. Two new leafhopper genera of the Alebroides genus group (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae) from China, with a key to genera of the group. Entomological...