- 外文名:importation
- 英式發音:[ˌɪmpɔ:'teɪʃn]
- 美式發音:[ˌɪmpɔrˈteʃən]
- 詞性:名詞
importation,英語單詞,主要用作為名詞,用作名詞譯為“進口;輸入;進口貨;輸入物”。... importation,英語單詞,主要用作為名詞,用作名詞譯為“進口;輸入;進口貨;...
reimportation,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“再輸入;再輸入的東西”。... As long as WPV transmission has not been interrupted everywhere, all polio...
That from and after the union all foreign salt which shall be imported into Scotland shall be charged at the importation there with the same duties as ...
Ex Dock(Named Port of Importation)(目的港碼頭交貨)又稱DEQ(Delivered Ex Quay) DEQ是指賣方在指定的目的港碼頭將貨物交給買方處置,不辦理進口清關手續,即完成交...
4 Restraints on the Importation of Goods. 對商品進口實施的限制 5 The Unreasonableness of Restraints 限制的不合理性 6 The Agricultural Systems 農業...
4 Restraints on the Importation of Goods. 對商品進口實施的限制 5 The Unreasonableness of Restraints 限制的不合理性 6 The Agricultural Systems 農業體系參考...
(2-F)“進口國指定內陸地點交貨”F.O.B.(named inla-nd point in country of importation)按此術語,賣方所報價格包括貨價及運至進口國指定內陸地點的全部...