- 外文名:impassable
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英標:[ɪmˈpɑːsəbl]
- 譯義:不能通行的(名詞impassability,副詞impassably);無路可通的
- 美標:[ɪmˈpæsəbl]
The avenue had never been paved, and deep mud made it impassable in winter. 這條大街從來沒有鋪過,深泥使其在冬天無法通行。He dug a hole in our yard on Edgerton Avenue to plant a maple tree when I was born. 他在我出生時在埃傑頓大道我家的院子裡挖了個坑,種了一棵楓樹。She was ...
1.(阻隔) be obstructed; be blocked up; be impassable 2.(轉用於抽象事物)3.(文理錯誤) not make sense; be illogical; be ungrammatical 4.{醫} clausura (閉鎖畸形); obstruction (梗阻); choking (窒息)相關詞組 水泄不通 一竅不通 狗屁不通 通脫不拘 不通水火 不通文墨 文理不通 密...
In ancient mythology there was no impassable gulf separating the divine from the human beings. 在上古神話中,神與人之間沒有不可逾越的鴻溝。To assist someone in suicide is not only to break criminal laws, but to break divine laws as well. 幫助他人自殺不僅違反了刑法,而且也違反了神法。Gold ...
是2021年上映的德國電視劇 劇情簡介 In the midst of the impassable landscape at the foot of the Alps, a young group of serious offenders is undergoing an experiential educational program intended to rehabilitate them. All of a sudden, a member of the program dies a violent death. Nobody knows...
wonderful tropical plant life. 從那兒我們會去別的沼澤,甚至到有美麗熱帶植物的原始森林去看看。It was surrounded by walls that were 10 m high and 2.5 meters wide. A marshy and impassable area stretched behind the walls. 環繞城堡的城牆高10米,寬2.5米。城牆後面是一片沼澤和難以逾越的區域。
A piece of impassable bog with yield of liquid peat. 一個不可逾越的泥沼區。As elsewhere in Indonesia, peat in Riau is disappearing. 像印尼其它地區一樣,廖內省的泥炭土也在逐漸消失。In peat pasture areas these emissions are particularly prevalent. 在草炭牧區這些排放尤其普遍。Inland are fertile ...
unfordable,英語單詞,譯為“無法通過的”。雙語例句 K. Consider the following for swamps, lakes, and unfordable rivers. 在沼澤,湖泊和無法繞行的河流中行進,考慮以下幾點。The explorers were confronted with gorges(that were)almost impassable and rivers(that were)often unfordable. 探險人員面臨著幾乎...
《Rien Ne Peut T'arrêter》是2014年Anne Serra、Nicolas Berno、Eric Soubelet主演的一部微電影,導演是David Hourrègue。劇情簡介 Some things in life are just unacceptable.To know about your loved one's death in a hospital corridor is one of them. Some walls are impassable. And what do ...
3.5 Point Trapping and Impassable Lattice Arrangements 4.Tilling Problems 5.Distance Problem 6.Problems on Repeated Subconfigurations 7.Incidence and Arrangement Problems 8.Problems on Points in Genral Positon 9.Graph Drawings and Geometric Graphs 10.Lattice Point Problems 11.Geometric Inequalities 12....
over the rivers at the city limits, its mystery resolving into vivid, caustic focus in the book's concluding scenes. "Follow Me Down" owns moments both wondrous in their sympathy and wild in their desolation, as Stark culls from the crumbling city setting characters mercurial and impassable, ...
On impassable roads Hardly making progress Streets turn in to floods Winter at the eastern front They do no longer proceed Heavy cold is setting in Forcing troops to raise the siege Stumbling wading through The blizzard rage Advance halts Disappears in snow and ice Iwan laughs Welcoming general ...
Into the high impassable drifts Mountains of might Mountains of might So rightly I am watching These mountains that I know Forever standing here These mountains northern face Mountains of might Mountains of might Mountains of might Mountains of might Mountains of might Mountains of might Mountains of...