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  • 外文名:divine
  • 詞性:形容詞、名詞、動詞
  • 英式音標:[dɪˈvaɪn]
  • 美式音標:[dɪˈvaɪn]


英 [dɪˈvaɪn] 美 [dɪˈvaɪn]
adj. 的,天賜的;絕妙的,極令人愉快的
v. (憑直覺)猜測,推測;占卜,預測;(通過探礦術)發現(水源)
n. <舊>牧師神學家;天意,上帝(the Divine)
【名】 (Divine)(英)迪萬(人名)
[ 複數 divines 第三人稱單數 divines 現在分詞 divining 過去式 divined 過去分詞 divined 比較級 diviner或more divine 最高級 divinest或most divine ]


divine comedy n. 神曲(義大利詩人但丁作的敘事詩)
divine law 神法
divine service 祭禮;禮拜


  • "They were divine," she sighs, dreamily. “他們是神聖的,”她神情恍惚地嘆了口氣。
  • The sentry was our young Divine. 更夫是我們年輕的神學學生。
  • It was his neighbor, a young Divine, who lived on the same floor. 他的鄰居是一位年輕的牧師,與他住在同一層樓。
  • These divine beings descend to earth and mate with female humans. 這些神靈降臨凡間,並與女性人類交配。
  • The original quote about human nature went like this: "To err is human, to forgive, divine." 關於人性的原話是這樣寫的:“犯錯是人的行為,而寬恕是神的事情。”
  • In ancient mythology there was no impassable gulf separating the divine from the human beings. 在上古神話中,神與人之間沒有不可逾越的鴻溝。
  • To assist someone in suicide is not only to break criminal laws, but to break divine laws as well. 幫助他人自殺不僅違反了刑法,而且也違反了神法。
  • Gold was considered divine in ancient Greece and was used to adorn temples and as an offering to the gods. 在古希臘,黃金被認為是神聖的,被用來裝飾廟宇和作為對神的祭品。
  • This diabolical agent had the divine permission, for a season, to burrow into the clergyman's intimacy, and plot against his soul. 這個惡魔的代理人獲得神聖的特許,在一段時間裡,鑽入牧師的內心,陰謀破壞他的靈魂。
  • It made sense to show the statue looking ahead at what was happening in front of it, so that the living performer of the ritual could interact with the divine or deceased recipient. 讓雕像朝前看、並能觀看到前方發生的事情是有意義的,這樣,現場的儀式表演者就可以與受膜拜的神靈或逝去的人們互動。
  • He trusted in divine providence. 他相信上蒼。
  • Her carrot cake is divine. 她的胡蘿蔔餅好吃極了。
  • No player has a divine right to be in this team. 沒有哪名選手天生就有權留在這個隊里。
  • A degree does not give you a divine right to wealth. 學位不會給你帶來滋生財富的特權。
  • He suggested that the civil war had been a divine punishment. 他暗示此次內戰是上天的懲罰。
  • She could divine what he was thinking just by looking at him. 她一看就知道他在想什麼。
  • Bums are as divine as seraphs! 流浪漢和六翼天使一樣神聖!
  • This might tickle, but it feels divine. 這可能會使人發癢,但感覺很奇妙。
  • Neither the young Divine said so, nor anyone of his grumbling companions in the coach of the vetturino. 無論是年輕的神學學生,還是他坐在馬車裡的那些牢騷滿腹的同伴,都沒有這樣說。
  • They do not believe implicitly in the immaculateness of Ministers and the divine origin of Kings. 他們並不暗中相信部長的完美無瑕和國王的神聖淵源。
  • Thus, God functions as the sanctioner or as the divine accountant. 因此,上帝成為了制裁者或神聖的會計師。
  • We drink, and it tastes divine. 我們喝下去,它嘗起來是神聖的。
  • Human Justice and Divine Justice. 人類正義和神聖的正義。
  • He had well over 200 divine names. 他有超過200個神聖的名字。
  • Into the Divine Self! 進到神聖的自我!
  • To forgive is divine. 原諒別人是神聖的。
  • The oracles were expected to divine the future. 傳神諭者被期盼能預言未來。
  • Was he always divine or did he become divine? 他生來就是神,還是變成神?
  • S: So we've already passed the divine deadline. 史:所以我們已經過了神聖最後期限。
  • I really do think this is divine punishment. 我確實認為,這就是所謂的天譴。


