



  • 外文名:humid
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式讀音:[ˈhjuːmɪd]
  • 美式讀音:[ˈhjuːmɪd]


humid climate [氣候] 濕潤氣候 ; [氣候] 潮濕氣候 ; 潮濕天氣 ; 濕潤的氣候
humid test [試驗] 濕度試驗
humid tropics 濕熱帶 ; 濕副熱帶 ; 濕潤熱帶 ; 濕亞熱帶
humid zone 濕潤帶 ; 有濕氣地帶 ; 潮濕帶
humid gangrene 濕性壞疽 ; 翻譯
humid ether 含水醚 ; 濕醚
humid farming 灌溉農業
Very Humid 非常潮濕
Humid Accessories 保濕配件


  • 1It's hot out – very hot, very humid.外面熱烘烘的–非常熱,非常潮濕。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The island is hot and humid in the summer.這個島在夏季又熱又潮濕。《牛津詞典》
  • 3These plants love warm, humid atmospheres.這些植物喜歡溫暖潮濕的空氣。《牛津詞典》
  • 4Visitors can expect hot and humid conditions.遊客們會遇到炎熱潮濕的天氣狀況。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5These ferns will grow best in a humid atmosphere.這些蕨類植物在濕熱的環境中長得最旺。《牛津詞典》
  • 6It was humid that night.那個夜晚有些潮濕。
  • 7The sun beats mercilessly down in the humid air.太陽在潮濕的空氣中無情地照射著。
  • 8It has a warm and humid tropical climate on its Indian Ocean coastline.它在印度洋海岸線上擁有溫暖潮濕的熱帶氣候。
  • 9Zhuhai is a coastal city of which the weather is very humid all year round.珠海是一個沿海城市,全年氣候潮濕。
  • 10Because the East Coast is more humid, the weather is just totally different.因為東海岸比較潮濕,所以天氣完全不同。
  • 11Tropical plants like their surroundings bright and humid, while cacti need sunlight but very little water.熱帶植物喜歡明亮且潮濕的環境,而仙人掌需要光照但只需要很少的水。
  • 12We are not capable of replacing all fluids lost in sweat when we run, especially when it is very hot and humid.想完全彌補我們在跑步過程中損失的的水分是不可能的,特別是當環境非常炎熱和潮濕的時候。
  • 13One reason performance declines on sultry, humid days is that working muscles have to compete with the skin for blood.在悶熱潮濕的天氣里運動能力下降的一個原因是,運動中的肌肉必須與皮膚爭奪血液。
  • 14Safou is an evergreen tree found in the humid tropical forests of Africa, as far south as Angola, and as far north as Nigeria.薩福(Safou)是一種常綠樹,在非洲潮濕的熱帶森林中發現,南至安哥拉,北至奈及利亞。
  • 15Not all little black dresses should come in silky or velvety materials. You can save the cotton pieces for a hot day or a humid night.不是所有的黑色小禮服都要是絲綢或天鵝絨質地的。你可以把棉布的裙子留給炎熱的一天或者潮濕的夜晚。
  • 16It's been hot and humid for three weeks straight.天氣已連續三個星期又熱又濕。
  • 17Properly speaking, tropical rainforests grow in high-rainfall equatorial areas that remain wet or humid all year round.準確地說,熱帶雨林生長在高降雨量的赤道地區,這些地區全年保持濕潤。
  • 18Mrs. Schroeter hates the hot, humid summers.施特勒夫人憎恨炎熱、潮濕的夏天。
  • 19Take extra care when it's humid.當天比較悶熱潮濕的時候多加留心。
  • 20Summers are typically hot and humid.而夏天則是典型的濕熱氣候。
  • 21In the east, the air is humid in summer.在東方,夏季空氣潮濕。
  • 22It's too humid today; it's hard to breathe!今天真悶熱,熱得透不過氣來!
  • 23Outside, the sun beats mercilessly down in the humid air.外面,太陽在潮濕的空氣中無情地照射著。
  • 24This is what humid climate makes to the car! It's so rusty!潮濕的氣候使這輛車變得銹跡斑斑!
  • 25It was humid that night—for some reason he remembered that clearly.那個夜晚有些潮濕——出於某些原因他記得很清楚。
  • 26The best spot: the just-humid-enough crisper, away from anything else.最佳儲藏位置:足夠潮濕的保鮮儲藏格,並遠離的其他的食物。
  • 27Oman "s climate in the interior is hot and dry, but humid along the coast."阿曼境內氣候炎熱乾燥,海岸附近潮濕。
  • 28Summer is winding down, but the weather is still hot and humid in many areas.夏天漸漸過去,但是很多地方的天氣仍然炎熱潮濕。
  • 29By the time that Tess was dressed Clare was downstairs and out in the humid air.在苔絲穿好衣服的時候,克萊爾已經下了樓,走進了屋外的潮濕空氣里。
  • 30Hot or humid weather can make you sweat and requires additional intake of fluid.太熱或者太潮濕的環境更容易流汗,所以在這樣的環境下要求額外補充更多的水份。


