how to be a wildflower

how to be a wildflower

《How to be a wild flower》(如何成為一朵野花)是一本自然藝術繪本,由藝術家Katie Daisy創作,由美國Chronicle Books出版社於2016年2月16日發行。


  • 書名:How to be a wild flower
  • 別名:如何成為一朵野花
  • 作者:Katie Daisy
  • 類別:繪本
  • 原作品:How to be a wild flower
  • 出版社:Chronicle Books
  • 出版時間:2016年2月16日
  • 頁數:208 頁
  • 定價:19.95 美元
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • ISBN:9781452142685


《How to be a wildflower》(如何成為一朵野花)是一本精美的自然藝術繪本,由美國年輕藝術家Katie Daisy創作,美國Chronicle Books出版社2016年2月16日發行。書中內容描繪了作者對大自然的無盡熱愛,介紹了很多親近自然、享受自然的活動,如遠足、游泳、觀察星座月相觀鳥、認識樹葉野花蘑菇等,還教授了一些製作自然美食的方法步驟以及靜心冥想的途徑,讓繁忙的都市人能夠卸下生活的重負,在大自然中自在呼吸,感受自然和生活的美好。


前言 introduction 5-13
漫遊 wander 14-63
採集 gather 64-109
品味 savor 110-155
思考 ponder 156-206
致謝 acknowledgement 207-208


Katie Daisy was raised by the birds and warm breezes of small-town Lindenwood, Illinois, brought up among the other wildflowers with roots planted deeply in the natural world.
She found her voice and honed her skills at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, graduating in 2009 and subsequently beginning an adventurous career as a freelance illustrator. She sells high-quality prints through her website & Etsy shop, and has licensed her work for a wide-reaching variety of products. Working in watercolor and acrylic paint as well as mixed media materials, Katie strives to capture the magic and beauty of a life lived in harmony with the land.
Katie currently lives and works in a quiet cabin beneath the warm sun and old-growth pines of the Pacific Northwest, along with her husband, Eli, and baby, Finn. She carries the prairie with her, seeking to experience and reveal ever-more fully the wonders of the natural world, to savor the simple joys of life, and to help others do the same.
how to be a wildflower
如何成為一朵野花 萬物有靈
how to be a wildflower
如何成為一朵野花 寶石的魔力


