Hong 10這個名字源於韓語的同音異義字和英語的雙關語以及俏皮話。他名字的第三個字,Yeol,和韓語中數字10的發音一樣。所以,“Hong 10”在韓語中的發音和他真名的發音,Hong-Yeol,是一樣的。但是,這個綽號諢名在英語中也是這樣發音,所以他更趨向於用Hong-Ten而不管語言名詞的用法——不管是韓語英語或者其他。
Hong 10曾是Expression Crew的成員(他隨這個團體贏得了2002年Battle of the Year的團體冠軍)以及韓國全明星團體Project Seoul(已經解散)的成員,他現在已經退出Drifterz Crew,加入 Jinjo Crew,同時他仍然以單獨舞者身份表演。
Hong 10被認為是一個一流而且全面的BBoy,他可以不斷變化著用Footwork,Freeze,
Powermove動作壓節拍——別提在一場比賽中融合這所有是多么傑出的能力了。他的Breakaing街舞以連貫為特色——比如像Floorwork,sharp execution,以及標誌性動作。這所有亮點不僅是他舞蹈的自然融合,也體現了他的創造性。
Battle of the Year和UK BBoy Championship這兩個著名的賽事上代表韓國團體贏得了冠軍。但是,這些名氣顯露在他的個人街舞表演上,他在2002年Battle of the Year上第一戰對陣法國的Vagabonds中創造了“Hong 10 Freeze”,這可以輕易在YouTube上搜到。他在許多個人比賽中也有出色表現,贏得了2006年
Red Bull BC One個人冠軍,但他更被大家所熟知是在許多比賽中作為參加決賽的人,包括三次UK BBoy Championship。
現在hong 10已經加入了Jinjo。雖然在UK Bboy Championships 2009 的比賽中,Hong 10 出現在Jinjo中,而且中國的有關新聞中也報導他是Jinjo的,但是在R16 China 2010 judges show 中,主持人卻介紹他是Drifterz 和Seven Commandoz,所以現在暫時不知道他到底在哪個Crew。
Seven Commandoz是由Hong 10,Differ ,Skim,Wing,Ronnie組成的。Seven Commandoz的比賽可以在網上搜尋到。當然有不同的版本你可以搜Seven Commandoz,Seven Commandos,Seven Commando都可以搜到視頻。
Performance in Dance Dynamite, Japan
Be.B-Boy, Japan (1st Place)
Tokyo Dance Delight, Japan (2nd Place, Performance)
Style War, Korea (1st Place) Performance in Big Wax, Japan
Hip Hop Connection B-boy Master Mixed Battle Vol.1, Korea (1st Place)
B-Boy Unit Vol.4, Korea (1st Place)
B-Boy Master Championship, Korea (1st Place)
Solo battle with Remind in HipHop Connection Vol.3, Korea
Performance in Dance Dynamite, Japan
Be.B-Boy, Japan (1st Place)
Performance in Asian Comment, Denmark
Guest battle in Jam 2 The Beat, Denmark
Battle Of The Year 2002 Korea, Korea (1st Place)
International Battle of the Year 2002, Germany (1st Place)
UK B-Boy Championship 2002 Solo Category, UK (2nd Place)
UK B-Boy Championship 2002 Team Category, UK (1st Place)
Free Style Session Japan, Japan (2nd Place)
Take part in Sony Net MD TV advetisement, New Zealand
Voted Best B-Boy of the Year
Distinguished service prize, Honor of Dance 2003, Korea
Featured on <6'o Clock Focused Issues> MBC TV programme, Korea
B-Boy Master Mixed Battle Vol.3 Korea (1st Place)
Performance in <Big Wax>, Fukuoka Japan
Hiphop Planet, France (1st Place)
UK B-Boy Championship 2003 Team Category, UK (2nd Place)
Pro-Am Euro, France (1st Place)
Judge & Special Guest Battle at the Netherland Tournament
Performance in <Funky Funky> the musical, Korea
B-Boy Unit Vol.6, Korea (1st Place)
B-Boy Challenge Vol.4, Korea (1st Place)
Guest performance at <Breakin Convention>, UK
Guest performance at <Fitness Festival>, Italy
Guest performance <Korea Hip Hop Nite>, Taiwan
Judge of <B-Boy Battle>, Taiwan
Guest performance in the launching show of I-POD, Korea
Performed in the opening of <Korean Broadcasting Awards>, Korea
UK B-Boy Championship 2004 Solo Category (2nd place)
UK B-Boy Championship 2004 Team Category (1st place)
Free Style Session, Korea (1st place)
B-Boy Challenge Grand Championship, Korea (1st place)
Performance at Nike, Inc. LeBron event, Korea
Korean representative in <Free Style Session World Final>, Japan
Participation in <Match One's Skill>, Korea
Street Dance Summer Jam, Taiwan (1st place)
Stand-in performance in TV drama <Nonestop>, Korea
Opening performance for <EBS Robot Battle Korea>, Korea
Event performance in <Nike 5,6,7,8>, Korea
Judge of <Yongmasan Battle>, Korea
Performance in <Breakin' Convension>, UK
Red Bull BC One 1on1, Germany (2nd place)
K.O.B.E, Japan (1st place)
Judge of Battle of the Year South East Asia 2005, Taiwan
Participation in International Breakdance Event, The Netherlands
Hip Hop World Challenge 1on1, Germany (1st place)
Judge of <Red Bull Street Battle>, Hong Kong
UK B-Boy Championship Solo Category (2nd place)
UK B-Boy Championship Team Category (1st place)
KMTV <Original Move 1on1 vol.7>, Korea (1st place)
Motion-capture model for PSP game <B-Boy>, UK
Judge of <MBK 3on3 Battle>, Thailand
One Of The Move vol.2, Korea (1st place)
Armory Cup Korea 2006, Korea (2nd place)
Performance in <Breakin Convension>, UK
SBS <Hope TV> tournament, Korea (1st place)
Judge of <Top of Top>, Korea
Took part in KBS TV commercial, Korea
Red Bull Break in Battle, Ireland (2nd place)
Took part <Vita 500> commercial, Korea
UK B-Boy Championship 2006 Korea (1st place)
Battle of the Year 2006 Korea, Korea (1st place)
Performance in <B-Boy Park>, Korea
Motion-capture model for the game <Groove Party>, Korea
UK B-Boy Championship 2006 Team Category (2nd place)
Red Bull BC One 2006, Brazil (1st place)
Performance Of The Year, Korea (1st place)
B-Boy Unit Vol.9, Korea (2nd Place)
Red Bull Beat Battle (2nd Place)
Red Bull BC One 2007 (Semifinalist)
Battle of the Year 2007 (Judge)
Red Bull BC One 2008 (Judge)
BOTY Singapore 2009 Judges
UK Bboy Championships 2009 (Jinjo Crew )
R16 China 2010 judges(in the Expo 2010 Shanghai China )
R16 2010 中國賽區選拔賽 在上海世博會韓國館內舉行 Hong 10為裁判
judges show 可以在優酷網搜到。
入選redbull bc one 全明星隊
International Battle of the Year 2010 (1st Place)(JINJO CREW)
Red Bull BC One 2013,Korea(1st place)