Hands Held High

《Hands Held High》,選自搖滾天團linkin park專輯的歌曲。著名反戰經典歌曲。體現了LinkinPark和全世界人民一樣期待和平,反對戰爭的情感。


  • 中文名稱:高舉雙手
  • 外文名稱:Hands Held High
  • 所屬專輯:《minutes to midnight》
  • 歌曲時長:03:51
  • 發行時間:2007.05
  • 歌曲原唱:linkin park
  • 填詞:Linkin Park
  • 編曲:Linkin Park
  • 音樂風格:搖滾,嘻哈
  • 歌曲語言:英語


林肯公園(Linkin Park)是一組來自美國加州的搖滾樂隊。林肯公園在2000年以首張專輯《混合理論》(Hybrid Theory)在主流音樂市場上獲得成功,該專輯銷售量超過2,400萬張,接下來發行的《天空之城—美特拉》(Meteora)專輯也取得成功,在2003年的美國告示牌200專輯榜(Billboard 200)上排名第一。最新專輯《末日警鐘 毀滅·新生》(Minutes to Midnight)不再是新金屬的風格,而走向主流,但仍然受到了歌迷的喜歡,截至2009年10月已經銷售超過800萬張。
Linkin Park樂隊成員Linkin Park樂隊成員


《Minutes to Midnight》是Linkin Park的第三張專輯
專輯主題跟以往Linkin Park所觸及的創作主題比起來顯得特別深沉、格外引人省思,但卻也自我喚醒我們每一個人的危機意識。專輯標題《Minutes to Midnight》想要表達出的其實就是“世界末日警鐘(Doomsday Clock)”的概念!
“世界末日警鐘(Doomsday Clock)”是源自於美國二次世界大戰時期,當美國在日本長崎及廣島投下兩顆核子彈之後,在1974年由一群芝加哥大學研究原子科學的科學家們(Board of Directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists at the University of Chicago)所一起創立的概念。科學家們以“世界末日警鐘(Doomsday Clock)”這個虛擬的定時器,來警惕人類將因過度使用核武,而導致自我滅亡。
主唱Chester表示:“創立這個末日鐘的目的就是要提醒世人,雖然人類擁有巨大力量,但當這股毀滅性力量反撲之時,我們都該仔細思考這股威力帶來的嚴重影響,轉眼之間世界末日已進入倒數計時。這個極具爭議性的主題,在幾年前我們是完全不會觸及的,當年我們在製作《Hybrid Theory》專輯時,我是團里最年長的,但年紀也只有23歲,當時的我們不覺得這個議題十分重要,但現在的我們卻認為它跟我們息息相關。這張專輯所比喻的“午夜”的概念,不單單只有指涉地球遭到人類破壞的這種巨觀層面,同時也映像出Linkin Park自我的微觀層面。
Minutes To MidnightMinutes To Midnight


Turn my mic up louder, I got to say something
〖將我的麥克風聲音調大 我有話要說〗
Lightweights steppin' aside when we come in
Feel it in your chest, the syllables get pumping
People on the street they panic and start running
Words on loose leaf sheet, complete coming
I jump in my mind, I summon the rhyme I'm dumping
〖我思想投入 號召韻律 傾注力量〗
Healing the blind, I promise to let the sun in
〖我在治療盲人 保證讓人們重見光明〗
Sick of the dark ways we march to the drumming
〖厭倦了黑暗的形勢 我們喧囂遊行〗
Jump when they tell us that they wanna see jumping
〖跳躍吧 當他們說他們想看見跳躍〗
Fuck that, I wanna see some fists pumping
〖這該死的 我想看見拳頭相向〗
List something, take back what's yours
〖列出來 拿走你的東西〗
Say something that you know they might attack you for
〖說出來 當你知道他們會為此而攻擊你〗
'Cause I'm sick of being treated like I have before
Like it's stupid standing for what I'm standing for
Like this war's really just a different brand of war
Like it doesn't cater to rich and abandon poor
Like they understand you in the back of their jet
When you can't put gas in your tank
these fuckers are laughing their way to the bank
and cashing their check
Asking you to have the passion and have some respect
For a leader so nervous in an obvious way
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day
In the living room, laughing like, "What did he say?"
〖在起居室嘲笑著 好像在問“他在說什麼”〗
In my living room watching it, I am not laughing
〖在我的起居室里 我並沒有嘲笑〗
'Cause when it gets tense, I know what might happen
〖因為那裡越來越緊張 我知道會發生什麼事〗
The world is cold, the bold men take action
〖世界那么無情 大膽的人採取行動〗
Have to react or get blown into fractions
At 10 years old, it's something to see
〖10歲的時候 看見一些事情〗
Another kid my age drugged under a Jeep
Taken and bound and found later under a tree
〖是否能大量發現 並且遲會兒在樹下找到他們呢〗
I wonder if he had thought "the next one could be me"
Do you see the soldiers that are out today?
They brush the dust from bulletproof vests away
It's ironic, at times like this you'd pray
〖真是諷刺 有時像這時候你會祈禱〗
But a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday
There's bombs on the buses, bikes, roads
〖有炸彈在公車上 在腳踏車上 在路上〗
Inside your market, your shops, your clothes
〖在超市里 在商店裡 在你的衣服里〗
My dad, he's got a lot of fear, I know
〖我的父親 他肯定很害怕 我知道的〗
But enough pride inside not to let that show
My brother had a book he would hold with pride
A little red cover with a broken spine on the back
〖紅色的封皮 背後破爛的書脊〗
He hand-wrote a quote inside
"When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die"
〖“當富人發動戰爭 死的是窮人”〗
Meanwhile, their leader just talks away
〖與此同時 領導人只是不斷地談話〗
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
The rest of the world watching at the end of the day
Both scared and angry, "What did he say?"
〖驚恐與憤怒混雜 好像在問“他在說什麼”〗
With hands held high into the sky so blue
As the ocean opens up to swallow you
With hands held high into the sky so blue
As the ocean opens up to swallow you
With hands held high into the sky so blue
As the ocean opens up to swallow you
With hands held high into the sky so blue
As the ocean opens up to swallow you
With hands held high into the sky so blue
As the ocean opens up to swallow you


