In Between(林肯公園歌曲)

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  • 作品名稱:in between
  • 外文名稱:in between
  • 作品別名:in between
  • 創作年代:2007年5月
  • 作品出處:專輯《Minutes To Midnight》
  • 文學體裁:搖滾
  • 作者:Linkin park
  • 語言:英語
基本信息,專輯Minutes to Midnight,專輯曲目,歌詞,


專輯:《Minutes To Midnight》 中文譯名:末日警鐘:毀滅·新生
歌手:Linkin Park 林肯公園上市時間:
In Between
2003年的《流星聖殿(Meteora)》之後,已經有四年沒有發表全新專輯的“林肯公園”在全球樂迷屏息以待,倒數著“林肯公園”新專輯《Minutes to Midnight》的問世之下,這個讓所有樂迷望眼欲穿的全新錄音室大碟《Minutes to Midnight》,終於決定在5月中旬隆重問市。

專輯Minutes to Midnight

《Minutes to Midnight》是Linkin Park的第三張專輯
專輯主題跟以往Linkin Park所觸及的創作主題比起來顯得特別深沉、格外引人省思,但卻也自我喚醒我們每一個人的危機意識。專輯標題《Minutes to Midnight》想要表達出的其實就是“世界末日警鐘(Doomsday Clock)”的概念!
“世界末日警鐘(Doomsday Clock)”是源自於美國二次世界大戰時期,當美國在日本長崎及廣島投下兩顆核子彈之後,在1974年由一群芝加哥大學研究原子科學的科學家們(Board of Directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists at the University of Chicago)所一起創立的概念。科學家們以“世界末日警鐘(Doomsday Clock)”這個虛擬的定時器,來警惕人類將因過度使用核武,而導致自我滅亡。
主唱Chester表示:“創立這個末日鐘的目的就是要提醒世人,雖然人類擁有巨大力量,但當這股毀滅性力量反撲之時,我們都該仔細思考這股威力帶來的嚴重影響,轉眼之間世界末日已進入倒數計時。這個極具爭議性的主題,在幾年前我們是完全不會觸及的,當年我們在製作《Hybrid Theory》專輯時,我是團里最年長的,但年紀也只有23歲,當時的我們不覺得這個議題十分重要,但現在的我們卻認為它跟我們息息相關。這張專輯所比喻的“午夜”的概念,不單單只有指涉地球遭到人類破壞的這種巨觀層面,同時也映像出Linkin Park自我的微觀層面


1. Wake
2. Given Up
3. Leave Out All The Rest
4. Bleed It Out
5. Shadow Of The Day
6. What I've Done
7. Hands Held High
8. No More Sorrow
9. Valentine's Day
10. In Between
11. In Pieces
12. The Little Things Give You Away
13. No Roads Left (iTunes Exclusive) (Pre-Order Only)
14. What I've Done (Distorted Remix) (Bonus Track)
15. Given Up (Third Encore Session) (Bonus Track)


Let me apologize to begin with 容許我以道歉作開場
Let me apologize for what I'm about to say 容許我為接下來的獨白道歉
But trying to be genuine was harder than it seemed 但努力變得真誠比看起來要辛苦
And somehow I got caught up in between 不知為何我被夾在中間進退維谷
Let me apologize to begin with 讓我以道歉作開場白
Let me apologize for what I'm about to say 讓我為接下來的獨白道歉
But trying to be someone else was harder than it seemed 但努力變得真誠比看起來要痛苦
And somehow I got caught up in between 不知為何我被夾在中間進退維谷
Between my pride and my promise 夾在我的自尊和諾言之間
Between my lies and how the truth gets in the way 夾在我的謊言和真實的接踵之間
The things I want to say to you get lost before they come 我的話在對你說之前就消失無影蹤
The only thing that's worse than one is none 唯一比唯一更沉重的是虛空
Let me apologize to begin with 容許我以道歉作開場
Let me apologize for what I'm about to say 容許我為接下來的獨白道歉
But trying to regain your trust was harder than it seemed 但努力再得到你的信任比看起來要痛苦
And somehow I got caught up in between 不知為何我被夾在中間進退維谷
Between my pride and my promise 夾在我的自尊和諾言之間
Between my lies and how the truth gets in the way 夾在我的謊言和真實的接踵之間
The things I want to say to you get lost before they come 我的話在對你說出來之前就消失無影蹤
The only thing that's worse than one is none 唯一比唯一更沉重的是虛空
The only thing that's worse than one is none 唯一比唯一更沉重的是虛空
And I cannot explain to you 而且在我說出、完成、計畫的任何事之內
In anything I say or do or plan 我無法向你解釋
Fear is not afraid of you 恐懼並不害怕你
But guilty is a language you can understand 但內疚是你可以理解的語言
I cannot explain to you 在我說出、完成的任何事之內
In anything I say or do 我無法向你解釋
But hope the actions speak the words they can 但我希望行動能代替我的語言
For my pride and my promise 為了我的自尊和諾言
For my lies and how the truth gets in the way 為了我的謊言和真實的接踵
The things I want to say to you get lost before they come 我的話在對你說出來之前就消失無影蹤
The only thing that's worse than one is 唯一比唯一更沉重的是
Pride and my promise 自尊和諾言
Between my lies and how the truth gets in the way 夾在我的謊言和真實的接踵之間
The things I want to say to you get lost before they come 我的話在對你說出來之前就消失無影蹤
The only thing that's worse than one is none 唯一比唯一更沉重的是虛空
The only thing that's worse than one is none 唯一比唯一更沉重的是虛空
The only thing that's worse than one is none 唯一比唯一更沉重的是虛空


