



  • 外文名:gymnastic
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式發音:[dʒɪmˈnæstɪk]
  • 美式發音:[dʒɪmˈnæstɪk]


英 [dʒɪmˈnæstɪk] 美 [dʒɪmˈnæstɪk]
adj. 體操的,體育的


gymnastic /dʒɪmˈnæstɪk/ TEM4
1.ADJ of, relating to, like, or involving gymnastics (像)體操的


gymnastic apparatus 體操器械 ; 運動器具 ; 體操東西 ; 體
gymnastic shoes 體操鞋
gymnastic knife 體育刀
gymnastic stick 體操棍
gymnastic hall 體操館 ; 體育館
gymnastic pants 體操褲
Gymnastic equipment 體操設備 ; 體操器材 ; 體操器械 ; 體育器械
Gymnastic Ball 健身球
Gymnastic instruction 體操訓練


  • Trent Dimas won gold in the final men's gymnastic event. 特倫特·迪馬斯在男子體操決賽中贏得了金牌。
  • This American parrot, named AJ, can dunk, play golf and perform gymnastic moves. 這隻美國鸚鵡名叫AJ ,能扣籃、打高爾夫並表演體操動作。
  • A closely related theory sees theater as evolving out of dances that are primarily pantomimic, rhythmical or gymnastic, or from imitations of animal noises and sounds. 一個緊密相關的理論認為,戲劇從主要為啞劇的、有節奏的或體操的舞蹈中演變而來,或者從模仿動物的噪音和聲音演變而來。
  • We cover all Gymnastic prelims and finals. 我們蓋住所有體操的預備考試和決賽。
  • Wow, you mean that gymnastic champion? Who did she play? 哇!你是說那位體操冠軍嗎?她演的是誰?
  • Li ning won the first gold medal in men's gymnastic for China. 李寧在男子體操比賽中為中國獲得第一塊金牌。
  • Needs to depend on the post-natal gymnastic exercises to restore. 需要靠產後健身操來恢復。
  • She passed her qualification for the Olympic gymnastic competition. 她獲得了奧林匹克體操比賽的資格。
  • She passed her qualification for the Olympic gymnastic competition. 她獲得了奧林·皮克體操比賽的資格。
  • We all did our best, but the visiting gymnastic team skinned us alive. 我們竭盡全力,但來訪的體操隊還是把我們打敗了。
  • They are planning more gymnastic activities for the middle school students. 他們在計畫著為中學生開展更多的體操運動。
  • On our return from school our drawing and gymnastic masters would be ready for us. 放學回來,我們的圖畫和體操老師已在家裡恭候多時了。
  • Sylvia didn't have any gymnastic classes but she was tall, strong, and she was popular. 西爾維婭沒有上過任何的體操課,但是她長得又高又壯的,很受大家的歡迎。
  • The company that any enlists does not need development to go in gymnastic activity. 任何一個參與的企業不需要深入到體育的活動中去。
  • Gymnastic equipment - Trampolines - Functional and safety requirements, test methods. 體操設備。蹦床。功能和安全要求、試驗方法。
  • It is hard to be both a supplicant and a critic, but Mr Cameron did his gymnastic best. 很難界定卡梅倫到底是祈求者還是評論者,但卡梅倫卻展現了他最靈活的一面。
  • Sightseeing and receiving of telephone call will be allowed outside the gymnastic room. 請於本室室外參觀團體操課程或接聽手提電話。
  • Cheng had begun to perfect her vault, one of the most difficult and dangerous gymnastic moves. 跳馬是體操項目中難度最大、最為危險的項目,而程菲在跳馬項目上已經日趨完美。
  • This article describes the importance of observing in gymnastic teaching from some aspects. 從幾個方面論述了觀察力在健美操教學中的重要性。
  • Protection and assistance are frequently adopted means methods in the gymnastic and training. 保護與幫助是體操教學訓練中經常採用的重要手段和方法。
  • The Jiuzhou gymnastic stadium in Mianyang is now housing more than 20,000 earthquake survivors. 現時有超過2000名地震生還者被安頓在綿陽的九州體育館。
  • Follow the gymnasts along the Olympic journey to Sydney. We cover all Gymnastic prelims and finals. 沿著奧林匹克旅行跟隨體操運動員到悉尼。我們蓋住所有體操的預備考試和決賽。
  • Volleyball as one of gymnastic item in '2+1 item': How about its effectiveness in demonstration area? 排球作為“2+1項目”中體育項目中的一項,它在各示範區開展的效果怎樣?。
  • Shakira became a singer when she was a teenager, she dropped out of gymnastic and then turned to sing. 夏奇拉在青少年的時候就成為了一名歌手,她停止了練體操,轉向唱歌。
  • He had made a profitable deal with a businessman to do a gymnastic exhibition on the beach near the gulf. 他和一個商人做了一筆有利可圖的交易,在海灣附近的海灘上舉行一個體操公開示範表演。
  • I was in the gymnastic club. Gymnastic practice practice is good for spiritual and mental harmony, I think. 我參加體操社我想,體操練習對精神與心理的協調有用。


