

  • 外文名:apparatus
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[ˌæpəˈreɪtəs]
  • 美式音標:[ˌæpəˈrætəs]


n. 設備,器具;機構,組織;器官;評論性注釋
[ 複數 apparatuses或apparatus ]


n. 裝置,[機]設備;[儀]儀器;器官


Golgi apparatus 高爾基器;高基氏體;高爾基氏體
gymnastic apparatus 體操器械;運動器具;體操東西;體
Spindle Apparatus 紡錘體
emergency oxygen apparatus 應急供氧裝置;緊急供氧裝置;應急氧氣設備;應急供氧裝配
breathing apparatus 呼吸機;呼吸器具;呼吸面具
measuring apparatus [測] 測量儀器;計量儀器;測定器
Chemiluminescence Apparatus 化學發光儀;化學閃光儀
Printing Apparatus Company 印刷器材公司;印刷器具材料公司;演出器材公司
vestibular apparatus [解剖] 前庭器官;前庭器;前庭裝置


  • 1One of the boys had to be rescued by firemen wearing breathing apparatus.其中的一個男孩得由戴著呼吸設備的消防隊員們營救。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2They lacked the scientific personnel to develop the technical apparatus much further.他們缺少進一步研發這些技術設備的科技人員。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3This entire apparatus fits on a chip no larger than a few square millimeters.這整個裝置可以被安置在不超過幾平方毫米的晶片上。
  • 4They devised an apparatus that connected a baby's pacifier to a counting device.他們設計了一種將嬰兒的奶嘴與計數裝置連線起來的裝置。
  • 5If you are unsure of how to use any apparatus or how to operate, ask your teacher for help.如果你不確定如何使用儀器或操作,請向老師尋求幫助。
  • 6The apparatus must be sufficiently shielded from the interfering effects of other particles.儀器必須能充分禁止其他粒子的干擾效應。
  • 7Firefighters needed breathing apparatus to enter the burning house.消防隊員需要呼吸器以便進入燃燒的大樓。《牛津詞典》
  • 8I nearly suffocated when the pipe on my breathing apparatus came adrift.我的呼吸器上的管子脫落時,我差一點窒息。《牛津詞典》
  • 9For many years, the country had been buried under the apparatus of the regime.多年來,該國一直處於這種政體的統治下。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10They were also spent to purchase music and painting apparatus.他們還被用來購買音樂和繪畫器材。
  • 11That is an act that no state or government apparatus can condone.那是任何州以及政府機構都不能縱容的一種行為。
  • 12The other side of a state legal apparatus is a state military apparatus.國家法律機構的另一面是國家軍事機構。
  • 13While he did this, his apparatus measured the extent to which sweat appeared on the volunteer's skin.當他這樣做時,他用設備檢測到了志願者皮膚上出現汗液的程度。
  • 14If you will not be frightened by terms, you will discover that you are quite wrong, and that all these terrible apparatus are being used by yourselves every day and every hour of your lives.如果你們不會被術語嚇倒,你們會發現你們是完全錯誤的,所有這些可怕的工具都是你們自己每天每時每刻使用的。
  • 15On the one side, you have the United States government's mighty legal and security apparatus fighting for data of the most sympathetic sort: the secrets buried in a dead mass murderer's phone.一方是美國政府強大的法律和安全機構,他們所爭奪的是最能引起同情的數據:藏在製造群體謀殺的死者手機里的秘密。
  • 16We are witnessing the emergence of a imposturous apparatus.我們目睹了一種冒牌設備的出現。
  • 17Gibson and Walk developed an apparatus called the visual cliff.吉布森和沃克開發了一種叫做視覺懸崖的裝置。
  • 18Consists of an aluminum alloy still with lid and clamp assembly, ring burner, connection apparatus, graduate cylinder and thermometers.鋁合金結構,由蓋、夾鉗、環焰燈、連線裝置、帶刻度圓筒和溫度計組成。
  • 19The apparatus is spotlessly clean.儀器上一塵不染。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 20The developing status of the admeasuring system for industrial robot and the work principle of performance admeasuring apparatus are introduced.介紹了工業機器人測試系統的發展現狀及性能測試儀的工作原理。
  • 21Role of the Police and Security apparatus.警察和安全保衛機構的角色。
  • 22She missed them and hit her head on the apparatus.她沒有抓住,頭撞在器械上。
  • 23That will mean making new apparatus, which could take a while.這意味著制出新儀器,不過得需要一段時間。
  • 24"And then I say that the pole is my apparatus," she laughed.“然後我再說鋼管式我的裝備,”她笑道。
  • 25So was born the echo-sounding apparatus, now in general use in ships.這樣就產生了目前各種船舶上普遍套用的回聲探測儀。
  • 26We see things, in other words, from the point of view of the apparatus.換句話說,我們,以機器的視角看待事物。
  • 27He used a special apparatus which had a cage for the rat and three doors.他用了一種特殊裝置,這種裝置上有個鼠籠和三扇門。
  • 28Your membership fee is for use of the apparatus; it's not a maid service.你支付的會員費是使用健身器械的費用,而不是請保姆打掃的費用。
  • 29And then there is the new challenge of beach reading on an electronic apparatus.用電子設備閱讀則帶來了新的問題。


