- 外文名:grilled
- 詞性:形容詞、動詞
- 英式發音:[ɡrɪld]
- 美式發音:[grɪld]
《鐵扒》是2006年上映的喜劇電影,由Jason Ensler執導,Ray Romano和凱文·詹姆斯出演。電影講述了兩位推銷員,不得不在特殊的天氣里脫售一些牛肉的故事。劇情簡介 兩位朋友組成大宗凍肉的挨家挨戶的推銷員。然而伴隨著天氣的逐漸轉熱,...
grilling, smoking, and the use of rotisseries, and each recipe provides instructions for both gas and charcoal grills.Features: -- Over 75 inspiring photographs of finished dishes-- Basic recipes for simply grilled foods ...
(including The Art of Plank Grilling), it definitely shows. Reader maintains that anything at all can be cooked with gas or charcoal, from delectable hors d'oeuvres to hearty main dishes, from perfectly grilled ...
烤雞(Grilled chicken),是一道中餐菜餚。主要原料有雞肉、鹽、味素、蔥姜蒜、五香八角等。製作者可依據自己的口味添加不同的調料製作各種口味的烤雞。但烤雞較為油膩,食用宜適量。製作原料 各種雞肉,鹽,味素、蔥姜蒜、五香八角等...
Grilled Prawns on a Skewer 70 紅葡萄酒五花肉 Preserved Pork Belly with Red Wine 72 煎奶油比目魚 Buttered Flatfish 74 煎牛肉 Glutinous Beef Roast 76 烤鮪魚排 Grilled Tuna Ribs 78 烤奶油扇貝 Buttered Scallop 80 烤飛魚卵...
Grilled Beef Kofta 東 亞 極致川味辣烤肋眼 Grilled Ribeye with Sichuan Hot Sauce X.O 醬蘆筍炒牛筋 Green Asparagus Stir-fried Beef Tendon with X.O Sauce 芝麻大蔥牛肉卷餅 Sesame Leek Beef Roll 佛山柱侯醬牛腩筋 Beef ...
烤魚(Grilled fish)一種發源於重慶巫溪縣,而發揚於萬州的特色美食,充分借鑑傳統渝菜及重慶火鍋用料特點,是口味奇絕、營養豐富的風味小吃。其製作原料主要有魚、蘑菇、番茄等,其製作方法是類經過烤制之後進行烹飪即可,這種烹調方式實現...
" though the menu is accessible on the company's web site. These variations include 3x3 (which has three patties and three slices of cheese), 4x4 (four patties and four slices of cheese), Neapolitan shakes, grilled ...
蔥烤銀鱈魚 Grilled Codfish with Scallion,原料:鱈魚,麵包糠,乳酪,土豆,配料:蔥,大蒜,白鬍椒粉。調料:黃油,橄欖油,鹽,·融化鱈魚的時候架在架子上,這樣肉不會爛得沒形狀。蔥烤銀鱈魚 Grilled Codfish with Scallion 原料...
《皇帝,讓我吻你入睡》是Grilledcutlassfish、Carumok創作的一部大女主、搞笑類漫畫,連載於快看漫畫。劇情簡介 穿越到小說中‘莉莉安’人物形象的我,對該故事的結局了如指掌,為了拯救姐姐與整個家族,我代替姐姐進入皇宮為無法睡眠的...