- 外文名:generosity
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式讀音:[ˌdʒenəˈrɒsəti]
- 沒聲音:[ˌdʒenəˈrɑːsəti]
盛意,漢語詞語,拼音:shèng yì,釋義為盛情;濃厚的情意。釋義 [great kindness;generosity] 盛情;非常濃厚的情意 你的盛意我心領了 出處 《孔叢子·對魏王》:“子高曰:‘然,此誠君之盛意也。’”運用示例 唐·元稹《獻事表》...
2.慷慨準則(The Maxim of Generosity):最小限度地使自己得益;最大限度地使自己受損。3.讚譽準則(The Maxim of Approbation/Flattery):最小限度地貶低別人;最大限度地讚譽別人。4.謙遜原則(The Maxim of Modesty):最小限度...
1.V-T If you say that something dehumanizes people, you mean it takes away from them good human qualities such as kindness, generosity, and independence. 使喪失人性 雙語例句 Simply put, when we treat people as human...
unyieldingness,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“不屈”。雙語例句 Optimism is the composure after failure, the generosity in ordinariness, the unyieldingness after setbacks.樂觀是失敗之後的鎮靜,樂觀是平凡中的曠達,樂觀...
Generosity’s my enemy So I’m broke and your heart’s rich Because of me Know that this is my fault Gave a little too much Knew that this was gonna happen But I’m not gonna lie You can make me cry thousand...
她在人是否能越活越快樂這方面的研究成果,已獲頒坦伯頓正向心理學獎(Templeton Positive Psychology Prize),並獲得慷慨的科學(Science of Generosity)計畫、坦伯頓基金會(John Templeton Foundation)、美國國家心理健康研究中心(...
remissness,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“不小心;疏忽”。短語搭配 remissness discipline 懶散 雙語例句 Is this owing to the generosity of him in whose possession it is found, or to the remissness of the ...
He treated them with generosity and thoughtfulness.他待他們寬容大度、體貼周到。I am writing to show my appreciation of your thoughtfulness.我給您寫信以表達我對您的周全考慮的感激之情。The thoughtfulness, empathy and love of...
His generosity, calm nature and constant good humor have made the longest days seem shorter, the largest obstacles surmountable.他慷慨,平和的本性及一貫的幽默感讓最長的一天似乎變短,最大的障礙也能克服。And when faced with...