- 外文名:surmountable
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[sɜː'maʊntəbl]
- 美式發音:[sərˈmaʊntəbl]
surmountable antagonists 可克服性拮抗劑
Surmountable Fatigue 可耐受疲勞
surmountable manner 超越方法
in surmountable 不能克服的
surmountable a 可戰勝的
surmountable representations 超越性代表
realize our surmountable development 實現自身的跨越式發展
maximum height of surmountable obstacle[車輛] 最大越障高度
His generosity, calm nature and constant good humor have made the longest days seem shorter, the largest obstacles surmountable.他慷慨,平和的本性及一貫的幽默感讓最長的一天似乎變短,最大的障礙也能克服。
And when faced with an opponent who seems smaller or weaker, or a challenge that seems surmountable, we might assume that we will be on top.而當我們面對一位較為弱小的敵人,或是看起來可以駕馭的挑戰時,我們可能會預見到成功。
But Schultz is using tactics that experts say should work: acknowledge the crisis, say its surmountable, and tweak — don't gut — the company's core strategy.不過專家們認為,舒爾茨的策略應該會奏效:承認危機客觀存在,但並非不可戰勝,然後對公司的核心戰略進行微調——但不要進行大刀闊斧地改革。