- 中文名:fspecial函式
- 外文名:fspecial
- 用途:用於建立預定義的濾波運算元
- 類型:函式名稱
h = fspecial(type)
h = fspecial(type,para)
averaging filter
H = FSPECIAL('average',HSIZE) returns an averaging filter H of size
HSIZE. HSIZE can be a vector specifying the number of rows and columns in
H or a scalar, in which case H is a square matrix.
The default HSIZE is [3 3].
circular averaging filter
H = FSPECIAL('disk',RADIUS) returns a circular averaging filter
(pillbox) within the square matrix of side 2*RADIUS+1.
The default RADIUS is 5.
Gaussian lowpass filter
H = FSPECIAL('gaussian',HSIZE,SIGMA) returns a rotationally
symmetric Gaussian lowpass filter
of size HSIZE with standard
deviation SIGMA (positive). HSIZE can be a vector specifying the
number of rows and columns in H or a scalar, in which case H is a
square matrix.
The default HSIZE is [3 3], the default SIGMA is 0.5.
filter approximating the 2-D Laplacian operator
H = FSPECIAL('laplacian',ALPHA) returns a 3-by-3 filter
approximating the shape of the two-dimensional Laplacian
operator. The parameter ALPHA controls the shape of the
Laplacian and must be in the range 0.0 to 1.0.
The default ALPHA is 0.2.
Laplacian of Gaussian filter
為拉普拉斯高斯運算元,有兩個參數,hsize表示模板尺寸,默認值為[3 3],sigma為濾波器的標準差,單位為像素,默認值為0.5.
H = FSPECIAL('log',HSIZE,SIGMA) returns a rotationally symmetric
Laplacian of Gaussian filter of size HSIZE with standard deviation
SIGMA (positive). HSIZE can be a vector specifying the number of rows
and columns in H or a scalar, in which case H is a square matrix.
The default HSIZE is [5 5], the default SIGMA is 0.5.
motion filter
H = FSPECIAL('motion',LEN,THETA) returns a filter to approximate, once
convolved with an image, the linear motion of a camera by LEN pixels,
with an angle of THETA degrees in a counter-clockwise direction. The
filter becomes a vector for horizontal and vertical motions.
default LEN is 9, the default THETA is 0, which corresponds to a
horizontal motion of 9 pixels.
Prewitt horizontal edge-emphasizing filter
用於邊緣增強,大小為[3 3],無參數
H = FSPECIAL('prewitt') returns 3-by-3 filter that emphasizes
horizontal edges by approximating a vertical gradient. If you need to
emphasize vertical edges, transpose the filter H: H'.
[1 1 1;0 0 0;-1 -1 -1].
Sobel horizontal edge-emphasizing filter
H = FSPECIAL('sobel') returns 3-by-3 filter that emphasizes
horizontal edges utilizing the smoothing effect by approximating a
vertical gradient. If you need to emphasize vertical edges, transpose
the filter H: H'.
[1 2 1;0 0 0;-1 -2 -1].
unsharp contrast enhancement filter
H = FSPECIAL('unsharp',ALPHA) returns a 3-by-3 unsharp contrast
enhancement filter. FSPECIAL creates the unsharp filter from the
negative of the Laplacian filter with parameter ALPHA. ALPHA controls
the shape of the Laplacian and must be in the range 0.0 to 1.0.
The default ALPHA is 0.2.
enhancement filter. FSPECIAL creates the unsharp filter from the
negative of the Laplacian filter with parameter ALPHA. ALPHA controls
the shape of the Laplacian and must be in the range 0.0 to 1.0.
The default ALPHA is 0.2.