- 外文名:forthcoming
- 詞性:形容詞、名詞
- 英式讀音:[ˌfɔːrθˈkʌmɪŋ]
- 美式讀音:[ˌfɔːrθˈkʌmɪŋ]
- 1A monarchist party is running in the forthcoming elections.一個主張君主政體的政黨要參加即將來臨的大選。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 2He reckons that the forthcoming field tests will be the turning point — and he's hoping for good news.他認為即將進行的實地試驗將是一個轉折點,他希望有好訊息。
- 3Financial support was not forthcoming.財政支援尚未到手。《牛津詞典》
- 4She's never very forthcoming about her plans.她一直不很願意說出自己的計畫。《牛津詞典》
- 5They promised that the money would be forthcoming.他們承諾說錢會到位的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 6One source predicts no major shift in policy will be forthcoming at the committee hearings.有一訊息預言在委員會聽證會上不會有政策上的重大變動。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 7William, sadly, was not very forthcoming about any other names he might have, where he lived or what his phone number was.很遺憾,威廉在有關他可能有的其它名字、他的住處或者電話號碼等方面不太願意提供信息。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 8Additional loans and gifts from relatives, forthcoming because of group obligation rather than narrow investment calculation, have supplemented personal savings.來自親戚的額外貸款和禮物是出於集體義務,而不是狹隘的投資計算,補充了個人儲蓄。
- 9A monograph on the subject might be forthcoming.關於本主題的一個專論即將推出。
- 10The budget report was even less forthcoming.預算報告甚至不想透露太多訊息。
- 11The losers in a forthcoming primary may break away.在即將到來的初選中的落選者也許將有望擺脫敗局。
- 12We expected a bit more but it was not forthcoming.我們預計會有稍多一點的成果,但沒有達成。
- 13They were not as forthcoming in previous censuses.在此前的人口普查中他們沒有被視為是可親的。
- 14The upshot: Adobe's forthcoming software is probably not allowed.結果是,奧多比即將推出的軟體可能不允許被使用。
- 15Forthcoming rules on air pollutants, for example, worry them a lot.即將到來的關於空氣污染物的管理規則就讓他們很擔心。
- 16But the onus is on brokers and insurers to be more forthcoming.不過經紀商們和保險公司的責任馬上就要降臨了。
- 17Perhaps he is afraid it will eat into sales of his forthcoming memoir.大概他害怕這件事損害即將售賣的回憶錄。
- 18Inspirational, experienced, realistic, forthcoming, and optimistic.靈感、經驗、現實主義、預言、樂觀。
- 19Does the meeting have any connections with the forthcoming Sino-US summit?這次會見與即將進行的中美首腦會談有何聯繫?
- 20But when licences to export gold were asked, they were not forthcoming.但是當被問到是否允許出口黃金時,他們都沒有立即回答。
- 21He told reporters: "we've been as forthcoming with facts as we can be."他告訴記者:“我們已經盡力提供現有的事實。”
- 22The deal may be a sign of forthcoming consolidation in the hedge-fund industry.這項交易可能是對沖基金業即將合併的標誌。
- 23More information will be further introduced in several forthcoming articles.後續文章將提供更多信息。
- 24The research will be published in a forthcoming issue of Psychological Science.這項研究結果將發表在即將出版的《心理科學》期刊上。
- 25The explanation was not readily forthcoming; and, in truth, he did not require any.沒有人立即給他解釋;說實話,他也不需要任何解釋。
- 26Future fireworks are forthcoming, for the star will someday explode as a supernova.這顆恆星總有一天會爆炸成為超新星,未來即將在這裡看到更美的空中煙火。