- 外文名:fondly
- 詞性:副詞
- 英式發音:[ˈfɒndli]
- 美式發音:[ˈfɑːndli]
in the art department of a majorpublishing house. There he was introduced to the process ofbookmaking, an activity that was soon to become his lifelongcareer. Before his death in 1986, Mr. Galdone illustrated almostthree hundred books, many of which he himself wrote or retold. Heis fondly ...
1、Our short-lives connexion with existence we fondly flatter ourselves, is an indissoluble and lasting union—a honeymoon that knows neither coldness, jar, nor separation. 我們一廂情願,痴心妄想,竟把自己在世上的暫時棲身,當作千古不變、萬事長存的結合,好像沒有冷淡、爭執、離別的蜜月。2、The...
2013年Aldrich Alexandra編著圖書。媒體推薦 “A sparklingly mischievous debut. . . . Aldrich’s narrative tidily and fondly bears witness to the inexorable unraveling of a storied genealogy.” (Publishers Weekly (starred review))“Novelistic. . . . Vividly gothic. . . . It’s a trick to tell...
sound of him rocking and rolling through Inner City suburbs, picking out subjects at random. The highlights include 'House and Garden', 'Tracksuited' and 'Man Doll'.Comparisons will depend on one's frame of reference - for those who get "that striped sunlight sound", and remember fondly a...
with fond memories (the years together were to her ``absolute bliss'')--the idea that it was scandalous at the time doesn't seem to cross her mind, and she is surprised to find that Tracy's wife thought the affair was only a rumor. She seems to remember almost everyone fondly--her...
17They would sit there in the empty nursery, recalling fondly every smallest detail of that dreadful evening.他們會坐在空蕩蕩的育兒室里,深情地回憶那個可怕夜晚的每一個細節。18Three dreadful days and nights dragged their tedious hours along, and the village sank into a hopeless stupor.可怕的三天...
one land that all men desire to see, and having seen once-by even a glimpse would not give that glimpse for the shows of the rest of the world combined” - Mark Twain. Nestled among the rolling mountains with the glistening Mt Kanchenjunga towering over the azure sky, Darjeeling fondly ...
When I'm thinking about you fondly Then I'm thinking about the only Real meaning of the sun You're the real meaning of the sun It shows you off to everyone You're the real meaning of the stars They guide me to the places you are The real meaning I want the real meaning I want ...
愚蠢地(fondly):意為愚蠢地、徒勞地。萊斯博斯海岸(Lesbian shore):卡利俄珀(Calliope)是朱庇特和謨涅摩敘涅的女兒,是俄耳甫斯的母親,也是一位繆斯。傳說中,俄耳甫斯的音樂能迷住動物、飛鳥,甚至無生命的自然之物。對彌爾頓以及許多人來說,他是詩歌力量的象徵。關於俄耳甫斯之死的故事,見奧維德的《變形記》...
《think of me》是音樂劇《歌劇魅影》中的一首插曲。歌曲介紹 這首歌曲是著名音樂劇《歌劇魅影》中的一首歌曲,一首詠嘆調,由女主演唱。歌詞 Think of me,想想我 think of me fondly,深情的想想我 when we've said goodbye.當我們已互道再會 Remember me, once in a while - 偶爾記起我 please promise ...
戀念,拼音為liàn niàn,漢語詞語,意思是想念;懷念;念念不忘;依依不捨;眷戀思念。詞語解釋 【英譯】 [think constantly of ;remember fondly]【漢譯】懷念;思念。詞語造句 僑胞們戀念著祖國。詞語舉例 葉聖陶 《火災·兩樣》:“過後回想,也只覺那一年是很可戀念的,別的就說不大出了。”鄭振鐸 《...
在《被毀滅的人》之後,貝斯特連續發表了一些引人注目的短篇故事,如《星光,明亮的星》(star Light star Bright,1953)、《可愛的華氏度》(Fondly Fahrenheit,1954)等,後者是貝斯特最為人稱道的短篇之一。1956年,貝斯特在英國出版了他的另一部長篇科幻傑作《虎!虎!》(Tiger,Tiger)通過這部作品,貝斯特將...
28Do you remember when I pinched your glasses?你還記得我偷拿過你的眼鏡嗎?《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》29He could remember everything very distinctly.他什麼事都能記得清清楚楚。《牛津詞典》30I fondly remember my first job as a reporter.我深深地記得我初次工作當記者的情景。《牛津詞典》
Missing the girl ,fondly and far away I am in the faraway coastal defense site Standing on the high island Looking at the waves rolling and rolling Thinking of my parents who gave me my life I am in the faraway sea border Standing in the high sentry With hot blood flowing in the chest...
After two years in Fez, CRC sailed for Spain, carrying with him many treasures, among them rare plants and animals accumulated during his wanderings. He fondly hoped that the learned men of Europe would receive with gratitude the rare intellectual and material treasures which he had brought for ...
I fondly imagined that surgery meant a few stitches and an overnight stay in the hospital. 我不切實際地以為外科手術就是縫幾針並在醫院呆上一夜。Overnight storms left many streets underwater and forced the closure of road tunnels in the city. 一夜的暴風雨使城市裡的許多街道都淹沒在水中,公路...
Spot where youthful memories fondly cling So I tune my heart to the dear old song Once more its chorus sing Peking Normal is the place I crave dear old college where fond memories cling ere I lay me in the quiet grave May I journey back to old Peking 《國立北京師範大學校校歌》1923年...
眷念,漢語詞語,拼音:juàn niàn,指想念;思念,出自明屠隆 《彩毫記·蓬萊傳信》、清 葉廷琯 《鷗陂漁話·家古為先生遺像》。釋義 [think fondly of] 想念;思念 眷念舊友 出處 唐 元稹 《鶯鶯傳》:“ 長安 行樂之地,觸緒牽情。何幸不忘幽微,眷念無斁。”例句 明 羅貫中《三國演義》第六十四回 《...
《Think Of Me》是高垣彩陽演唱的一首歌曲,於2013年12月11日發行,收錄在《Melodia 2》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 Think of me Think of me fondly When we've said goodbye Remember me once in a while,Please promise me you'll try When you find That once again you long To take your heart back and be...
Our short-lives connexion with existence we fondly flatter ourselves, is an indissoluble and lasting union—a honeymoon that knows neither coldness, jar, nor separation. 我們一廂情願,痴心妄想,竟把自己在世上的暫時棲身,當作千古不變、萬事長存的結合,好像沒有冷淡、爭執、離別的蜜月。He was the ...
《Apple Blossom》是Esperanza Spalding演唱的歌曲,於2010年9月14日發行。歌曲歌詞 Mother of the Spring Her branches cradle slipping Buds yawning open Welcome by an aging man He greets them fondly With memories of when Her bows were arms that Held him as a younger man Together they would marvel ...
People at hedge funds speak fondly of their industry's feral roots.對沖基金的人天真地談論他們行業的野性根源。Although pigeons have shown remarkable feats of perception when given training in the lab, the new study is the first research showing similar abilities in untrained feral pigeons.雖然在實驗...
1、Our short-lives connexion with existence we fondly flatter ourselves, is an indissoluble and lasting union—a honeymoon that knows neither coldness, jar, nor separation. 我們一廂情願,痴心妄想,竟把自己在世上的暫時棲身,當作千古不變、萬事長存的結合,好像沒有冷淡、爭執、離別的蜜月。2、The...
《Midsummer Girl》是Razorlight演唱的歌曲,由Johnny Borrell作詞作曲,收錄於《Olympus Sleeping》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 I remember fondly your spit on my lips I remember fondly your hand on my hip I remember fondly yeah I could fly you home I remember fondly my I remember fondly my midsummer girl Midsu...
You fondly kiss the huge waves of the sea 思鄉的情愁播撒在無垠的太空 The sentiment of homesickness is sown in the boundless space 你用行動告白 You show patriotic feeling through actions 這裡才是追逐夢想的地方 This is the place to pursue dreams 你是海空翱翔的白鴿 You are the white dove ...
langsyne,英語單詞,主要用作名詞、副詞,作名詞時譯為“往昔;很久以前”,作副詞時譯為“很久以前”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 langsyne /ˌlæŋˈsəɪn, -ˈsaɪn/ 1.ADV long ago; long since 很久以前; 很久以來 2.N times long past, esp those fondly remembered 往昔 → ...