

fluctuating,英語單詞,主要用作動詞、形容詞,作動詞時譯為“波動,起伏不定(fluctuate 的現在分詞)”,作形容詞時譯為“波動的,變動的”。


  • 外文名:fluctuating
  • 詞性:動詞、形容詞
  • 美式發音:['flʌktʃʊ,et]
  • 釋義:波動,起伏不定(fluctuate 的現在分詞)|波動的,變動的


V-I If something fluctuates, it changes a lot in an irregular way. 波動
fluctuation N-VAR 波動


fluctuating market 變動市場 ; 變動劇烈的商業行情 ; [金融] 波動行市 ; 市況波動
fluctuating force 漲落力 ; 脈動力 ; 脈衝力
fluctuating pressures 脈動壓力
fluctuating loudness 波動響度
fluctuating opinions 變化不定的意見
fluctuating stage 波動階段
rotational fluctuating 轉角波動
fluctuating prssure 脈動壓力
fluctuating characteristics 波動特點


  • 1In the grass-fed system, farmers are also not subject to the wildly fluctuating milk prices of the international commodity market.在草飼體系中,奶農也不受國際商品市場牛奶價格劇烈波動的影響。
  • 2We also know that the global climate system is immensely complicated and that everything is in some way connected, and so the system is capable of fluctuating in unexpected ways.我們還知道,全球氣候系統極其複雜,一切都以某種方式聯繫在一起,因此,這個系統能夠以意想不到的方式波動。
  • 3Increase flexibility to handle fluctuating volumes?處理波動量的靈活性能否增加?
  • 4He'd been thinking about the fluctuating fortunes of great powers.他之前一直在思考大國搖擺不定的命運。
  • 5Now we finally have some information on how the desert dust is fluctuating.現在我們終於有了一些關於大氣中沙漠塵埃量變化的信息。
  • 6Many vegetable growers in China have been affected by fluctuating prices recently.中國許多蔬菜種植者最近受變動價格的影響。
  • 7If the sun's energy output is changing, then its temperature must be fluctuating too.如果太陽輸出的能量在變化那么其溫度必定也在波動之中。
  • 8Second, the company needs to reduce its exposure to fluctuating euro-dollar exchange rates.其次,該公司需要減少由歐元兌美元匯率浮動帶來的損失。
  • 9Securites become a kind of currency, traded in the so called “secondary market” at fluctuating price.證券變成一種貨幣,在所謂的“第二市場”以波動價格予以交易。
  • 10Fluctuating inventories have been a big influence on overall economic activity since the onset of the crisis.自危機爆發時起,變化不定的庫存水平就一直對整體經濟活動造成很大影響。
  • 11Basically, you do not want re-adapting to the same thing you already adapted to to produce fluctuating results.您基本上不會希望去重新適配到您已經適配到的相同類型以產生波動的結果。
  • 12Not so the producers, whose income is directly related to the fluctuating daily price on the London Metal Exchange.但是生產商家卻不是這樣,他們的收入與倫敦金屬交易所的每月浮動價格直接相關。
  • 13Fluctuating market conditions bring out a survival instinct that sometimes makes them commit illegal or immoral ACTS.動盪的市場環境會激發生存的本能,從而讓他們有時做些不合法或不道德的事情。
  • 14Geophysicists have long known that the source of the fluctuating magnetic field lies deep in the center of the earth.地球物理學家很早就知道,地球磁場變化的原因深藏於地球中心。
  • 15Their fluctuating population, between 2,500 and 3,500 residents at a given time, remains out of sight to most Australians.在特定的時間內他們的人口在2500和3500之間波動,不過仍然在大多數澳大利亞人視野之外。
  • 16Their fluctuating population, between 2, 500 and 3, 500 residents at a given time, remains out of sight to most Australians.在特定的時間內他們的人口在2500和3500之間波動,不過仍然在大多數澳大利亞人視野之外。
  • 17For ChangingThePresent, we've had fluctuating test coverage statistics, but we're settling on a number between 80% and 85%.對於ChangingThePresent,我們已有的測試覆蓋率統計數據有些浮動,但我們還是設定了80%和85%間的一個數字。
  • 18"Heejeong separated the data into when the solar wind was fluctuating a lot and when it was fluctuating a little," he added.“金熙真把太陽風活動劇烈和相對穩定時得到的數據分開,”他又說道,“當行星際磁場波動不大時,她得到的結果和我們熟悉的一樣。
  • 19Those effects [from contagion] are not reflected in highly visible bank collapses, fluctuating share prices or mortgage failures.那些影響(通過蔓延)並沒有在顯而易見的銀行崩潰、股票市場波動,或抵押貸款失敗中反應出來。
  • 20If current and voltage are fluctuating, however, other factors come into play, as the current and voltage interact with each other.如果電流和電壓變動,其它因素開始作用,因為電流和電壓是互相影響的。(譯者註:其它因素?)
  • 21The company's financial chief described advertiser sentiment as 'still fragile, ' and 'fluctuating on a month-by-month basis.'該公司首席財務長說,廣告商的情緒還很脆弱,每個月都會出現起伏。
  • 22VoIP also allows call-centre operators to work from home, making it easier to match the number of workers to fluctuating demand.語音網路技術電話當然也可以使呼叫中心的操作員在家中就能輕鬆配置員工們的不同需求。
  • 23The ultimate point of smart grids, however, is to allow dynamic pricing, with electricity charges fluctuating in response to demand.但智慧型電網的終極目標是希望電價能夠按照需求回響而上下浮動,實現動態定價。
  • 24Moran is right, it is simple: and yet, for such a simple message, its cultural penetration has been patchy, fluctuating and disappointing.墨蘭是對的,這本來就很簡單:然而, 即便是這樣一個簡單的信息,它的文化穿透一直都不甚完整,搖擺不定,令人失望。
  • 25But ma said that, in the field, the manure will take longer to work because of differences in oxygen supply and fluctuating temperatures.但是馬輝文說,由於氧氣供應和溫度的變化,雞糞在田間需要更長的時間才能見效。


