


  • 中文名:劉如川
  • 畢業院校:哥倫比亞大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:3D生物列印和物理在生物醫學中的套用等
  • 職務:重慶大學物理學院博士生導師







3. The Elasticity and Homophilic Interactions of Extracellular Domain of Cadherins -- A Study by Single-Molecule Experiments,新加坡機械生物研究所項目,2009-2012
4. From Bio Mimicking to Ultra and Multi Functional Bio Composite Materials,新加坡國立大學科學學院種子項目,2010
5. Single-Molecule Fluorescence / Force Spectroscopy of Green Fluorescent Protein,新加坡國立大學Tier 1項目,2008-2011
6. Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy of Interaction between Calmodulin and Peptids,新加坡國立大學啟動基金,2007-2009
7. Micromechanics of the Extracellular Matrix,美國衛生研究院項目
8. Molecular Basis of Titin Elasticity,美國衛生研究院項目


44. "The Impact of Hybrid Compositional Film/Structure on Organic-Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells”, Y. Wu, W. Chen, G. Chen, L. Liu, Z. He,R. Liu,Nanomaterials8 (6) doi: 10.3390/nano8060356 (2018) (通訊作者)
43. "Realizations of highly heterogeneous collagen networks via stochastic reconstruction for micromechanical analysis of tumor cell invasion", H. Nan, L. Liang, G. Chen, L. Liu,R. Liu, Y. Jiao,Physical Review E97 (3) 033311 (2018) (通訊作者)
42. "Microfabrication-Based Three-Dimensional (3-D) Extracellular Matrix Microenvironments for Cancer and Other Diseases", K. Song, Z. Wang,R. Liu, G. Chen, L. Liu, InternationalJournal of Molecular Science19 (4) doi:10.3390/ijms19040935 (2018)
41. "SKPM study on organic-inorganic perovskite materials", K. Song, Y. Wu, X. Chen, Y. He, L. Liu, G. Chen,R. Liu,AIP Advances8 (3) 0351114 (2018) (通訊作者)
40. "Enhancing the performance of NaNbO3 triboelectric nanogenerators by dielectric modulation and electronegative modification", M. Lai, L. Cheng, Y. Xi, Y. Wu, C. Hu, H. Guo, B. Du, G. Liu, Q. Liu,R. Liu,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.51 (2018) 015303 (10pp) (2017) (通訊作者)
39. "Derivation of persistent time for anisotropic migration of cells", Y. Liu, X. Zhang, Y. Wu, W. Liu, X. Li,R. Liu, L. Liu, J. Shuai,Chin. Phys. BVol. 26, No. 12 (2017) 128707 (2017)
38. "A novel 3-D bio-microfluidic system mimicking in vivo heterogeneous tumour microstructure reveals complex tumourstroma interactions",Q. Fan,R. Liu, Y. Jiao, C. Tian, James D. Farrell, X. Wang, F. Zhang, W. Yuan, H. Han, J. Chen, Y Yang, X. Zhang, F. Ye, M. Li, Z. Ouyang, and L. Liu,Lab on a ChipDOI:10.1039/C7LC00191F(2017)
37. "‘Nano Fishnet’ Structure Making Silk Fibers Tougher",R. Liu, Q. Deng, Z. Yang, D. Yang, M. Han and X. Liu,Adv. Func. Mater.doi: 10.1002/adfm.201600813 (2016) (通訊作者)
36. "Oriented Collagen Fibers Direct Tumor Cell Intravasation", W. Han, S. Chen, W.Yuan, Q. Fan, J. Tian, X. Wang, L. Chen, X. Zhang, W. Wei,R. Liu, J. Qu, Y. Jiao, R. H. Austin, L. Liu,Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA(2016)
35. "In vitro experimental models and their molding technology of tumor cell", G. Wang, X. Wang, T. Liu,R. Liu, L. Liu,Acta Phys. Sin. 65(18) 188700 (2016) (通訊作者)
34. "Single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy for quantitative biological applications",R. Liu, Y. Li, L. Liu,Quantitative Biology4(3): 177-191 (2016)
33. "Charges on nano-islands and fibrils of poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) – light-modulation, injection and transportation", H. Xuan, X. Chen, Y. Wu, K. Song, Y. Li andR. Liu,RSC Adv., 6, 15577 (2016) (通訊作者)
32. "Uncovering mechanosensing mechanisms at the single protein level using magnetic tweezers", S. Le,R. Liu, C. T. Lim, and J. Yan,Methods94, 13 (2016)
31. "Homophilic Interaction and Deformation of E-cadherin and Cadherin 7 Probed by Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy", F. Wu, C. Lu, J.P. Thiery, C.T. Lim, S. Shen, S. Zhong andR. Liu,Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 587, 38 (2015) (通訊作者)
30. "Hybrid nanogenerators based on triboelectrification of a dielectric composite made of lead-free ZnSnO3 nanocubes", G. Wang, Y. Xi, H. Xuan, C. Hu,R. Liu, X. Chen, L. Cheng,Nano Energy18, 28 (2015)(通訊作者)
29. "Unique synthesis of sandwiched graphene@(Li0.893Fe0.036)Co(PO4) nanoparticles as high-performance cathode materials for lithiumion batteries", L. Liu, H. Zhang, X. Chen, L. Fang, Y. Bai,R. Liuand Y. Wang,J. Mater. Chem. A, 3, 12320, (2015)
28. "Plasmon-driven surface catalysis in hybridized plasmonic gap modes", H. Wang, T. Liu, Y. Huang,R. Liu, X. Wang, W. Wen, M. Sun,Scientific Reports, 4, (2014)
27. "Force-dependent conformational switch ofa-catenin controls vinculin binding", M. Yao, W. Qiu,R. Liu, A. K. Efremov, P. Cong, R. Seddiki, M. Payre, C. T. Lim, B. Ladoux, R. Mège, J. Yan,Nature Communications, 5, 4525 (2014)
26. "Biophysical Properties of Intrinsically Disordered p130Cas Substrate Domain - Implication in Mechanosensing", K. Hotta, S. Ranganathan,R. Liu,F. Wu, H. Machiyama, R. Gao, M. M. Kanchi, K. Ohe, C.-Y. Kim, Y. Sawada,PLOS Computational Biology, 10, e1003532 (2014) doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003532
25. "Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Nanocomposites for Photovoltaic Cells",R. Liu,Materials, 7, 2747 (2014) doi:10.3390/ma7042747
24. "P130Cas Substrate Domain is Intrinsically Disordered as Characterized by Single-Molecule Force Measurements", C. Lu, F. Wu, W. Qiu, andR. Liu,Biophysical Chemistry, 180, 37-43 (2013)(通訊作者)
23. "Bipedal Nanowalker by Pure Physical Mechanisms", J. Cheng, S. Sreelatha, R. Hou, A. Efremov,R. Liu, J. RC van der Maarel, Z. Wang,Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, 238104 (2012)
22. "Remarkable Disparity in Mechanical Response among Extracellular Domains of Type I and II Cadherins",R. Liu, F. Wu, J.P. Thiery,Journal of Biomolecular Structures and Dynamics, 31, 1137 (2013) (通訊作者)
21. "Stretching Single Talin Rod Molecules Activates Vinculin Binding", A. del Rio, R. Perez-Jimenez,R. Liu, P. Roca-Cusachs, J. M. Fernandez and M. P. Sheetz,Science323, 638-641 (2009)
20. "Mechanical characterization of Protein L in the low-force regime by electromagnetic tweezers/evanescent nanometry",R. Liu, S. Garcia-Manyes, A. Sarkar, C. L. Badilla and J. M. Fernandez,Biophysical Journal96(9), 3810-3821 (2009) (通訊作者)
19. "Imaging of photoinduced interfacial charge separation in conjugated polymer/ semiconductor nanocomposites",R. Liu,J. Phys. Chem. C113 (21), 9368-9374 (2009) (通訊作者)
18. "Fluctuating Two-State Light Harvesting in a Photosynthetic Membrane", D. Pan, D. Hu,R. Liu, X. Zeng, S. Kaplan, H. P. Lu,J. Phys. Chem. C111 (25), 8948-8956 (2007)
17. "Revealing Two-State Protein-Protein Interactions of Calmodulin by Single-Molecule Spectroscopy",R. Liu, D. Hu, X. Tan, H. P. Lu,J. Am. Chem. Soc.128(31), 10034-10042 (2006)
16. "A Conformational Switch of Intramolecular Electron Transfer", M. W. Holman, P. Yan, K.-C. Ching,R. Liu, F. I. Ishak, D. M. Adams.Chem. Phys. Lett.413(4-6), 501-505, (2005)
15. "Studying and Switching Electron Transfer: From the Ensemble to the Single Molecule", M.W. Holman,R. Liu,L. Zang, P. Yan, S.A. Dibenedetto, R.D. Bowers, D. M. Adams,J. Am. Chem. Soc.126(49), 16126-16133 (2004)
14. "Single-Molecule Spectroscopy of Interfacial Electron Transfer", M.W. Holman,R. Liu, D.M. Adams,J. Am. Chem. Soc.125(41), 12649-54, (2003).
13. "Single-Molecule Spectroscopy of Intramolecular Electron Transfer in Donor-Bridge-Acceptor Systems",R. Liu, M.W. Holman, L. Zang, D.M. Adams,J. Phys. Chem. A107(34), 6522-6526, (2003).
12. "A Single-Molecule Probe Based on Intramolecular Electron Transfer", L. Zang,R. Liu, M.W. Holman, K. T. Nguyen, D.M. Adams,J. Am. Chem. Soc.124(36), 10640-10641 (2002).
11. "Edge Transfer Lithography of Molecular and Nanoparticle Materials", O. Cherniavskaya, A. Adzic, C. Knutson, B.J. Gross, L. Zang,R. Liu, D.M. Adams,Langmuir18(18), 7029-7034, (2002).
10. "Ultraviolet photoluminescence from 4H-SiC nanocrystalline films deposited on silicon substrate", Z. Fu, B. Yang,R. Liu, Y. Ruan,J. Mat. Res.17(3), 570-574, (2002).
9. "Intense ultraviolet photoluminescence from amorphous Si:O:C films prepared by liquid-solution-phase technique", Z. Fu, M. Li, B. Yang,R. Liu,Thin Solid Films389(1,2), 12-15, (2001).
8. "alpha-SiC layers grown on silicon via nano-sized silicon nitride precursor route",R. Liu, B. Yang, Z. Fu, Q. Chen, L. Hong, M. Li, Z. Liu, Y. Ruan,Thin Solid Films345(2), 188-191, (1999).
7. "Intense green-yellow luminescence from nanostructured SiO2 with codoping of Dy3+ and Al3+", Y. Li, C. Mo, L. Zhang,R. Liu, Y. Liu,Nanostructured Materials11(3), 307-310, (1999).
6. "New method to grow preferentially-oriented 4H-SiC films on Si substrate", Z. Fu, B. Yang,R. Liu, P., Zhang, Y. Ruan,Chinese Science Bulletin44(6), 575-576, (1999).
5. "Preparation of a SiOxCyHz ultraviolet-emitting films by benzene-thermal synthesis method", M. Li, Z. Fu, B. Yang, H. Chen,R. Liu, Y. Ruan,Zhongguo Kexue Jishu Daxue Xuebao29(6), 730-734, (1999).
4. "SiC films grown on silicon by pyrolysis of polyimide Langmuir-Blodgett films containing dispersed silicon nanoparticles", Z. Fu, B. Yang,R. Liu, J. Fu, P. He, Z. Liu, Y. Ruan,Mat. Lett.37(4-5), 294-297, (1998).
3. "Stable blue-green and ultraviolet photoluminescence from silicon carbide on porous silicon",R. Liu, B. Yang, Z. Fu, P. He, Y. Ruan,Solid State Comm.106(4), 211-214, (1998).
2. "Intense green luminescence associated with two-fold coordinated Si in silica aerogel doped with Al3+", Y. Li, C. Mo, L. Yao,R. Liu, W. Cai, X. Li, Z. Wu, L. Zhang,J. Phys: Condensed. Matter10(7), 1655-1664, (1998).
1. "不同退火條件對(Hg,Tl)-1223熱電勢率的影響",張輝,許勤倫,楊碚芳,付正平,劉如川,李明,阮耀鐘,低溫物理學報20(3),169-173,(1998)




