先後主持國家自然科學基金面上項目、青年基金、中國博士後科學基金特別資助等科研項目10餘項。研究成果發表學術論文70餘篇,以第一作者在《Communications Earth & Environment》、《Earth and Planetary Science Letters》、《Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta》等刊物上發表論文20餘篇,合作出版專著3部。
1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,2020.01-2023.12,主持;
2. 國家自然科學基金青年基金,2018.01-2020.12,主持;
3. 中國博士後科學基金特別資助,2018.06-2019.12,主持;
4. 陝西省自然科學基礎研究計畫面上項目,2020.01-2021.12,主持;
5. 中國博士後科學基金面上資助,2017.06-2019.12,主持;
6. 陝西省博士後科研項目資助,2017.11-2019.11,主持;
7. 陝西省博士後科研配套項目,2018.09-2022.12,主持。
1. Yang, X.Q*., Mao, J.W., Bowyer, F.T., Wu, C.Z., Li, R.X., Zhao, C., Yang, G.W., Poulton, S.W. 2024. A phosphate-rich marine reservoir in the redox stratified Ediacaran ocean. Communications Earth & Environment 5, 41.
2. Yang, X.Q*., Mao, J.W., Li, R.X., Huang, F., He, C., Zhao, C., Wei, W., Yang, G.W., Xiong, Y.J., Poulton, S.W. 2024. Fluctuating oxygenation and dynamic iron cycling in the late Paleoproterozoic ocean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 626, 118554.
3. Yang, X.Q*., Mao, J.W., Wu, C.Z., Li, Z.Q., Konhauser, K.O., Chen, B.Y., Yang, G.W., 2023. Genesis and depositional environment of the Carboniferous Baishanquan iron deposit in Eastern Tianshan, Northwestern China. Lithos 456–457, 107304.
4. Yang, X.Q*., Mao, J.W., Li, R.X., Jiang, Z.S., Yu, M., Xu, L.G., Reershemius, T., Planavsky, N.J. 2023. The deposition and significance of an Ediacaran non-glacial iron formation. Geobiology 21, 44–65.
5. 楊國威, 楊秀清*, 吳佳林, 張旭升, 韓敏強, 王志華. 2023. 新疆阿爾泰天德II號鐵礦床礦物學特徵及其指示意義. 礦床地質42(4), 759–772.
6. 張旭升, 楊秀清*, 趙軍, 梁婷, 楊雲, 梁永生, 楊國威, 王曉青. 2023. 華北克拉通宣龍式鐵礦鋯石 U-Pb年齡及其對礦床成因的制約. 地質通報42(1), 55–67.
7. Yang, X.Q*., Mao, J.W., M. Santosh., Li, R.X., Wu, C.Z., Gao, J.G., Zhang, X.S., Wang, Z.H., 2022. Ediacaran iron formations from the North Qilian Orogenic Belt, China: Age, geochemistry, Sm–Nd isotopes and link with submarine volcanism. Precambrian Research 368, 106498.
8. Yang, X.Q*., Mao, J.W., Zhang, Z.H., Robbins, L.J., Planavsky, N.J., Jiang, Z.S., Duan, S.G., Chen, Z.W., 2021. Episodic ferruginous conditions associated with submarine volcanism led to the deposition of a Late Carboniferous iron formation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 292, 1–23.
9. Yang, X.Q*., Mao, J.W., Poulton, S.M., Dong, A.G., Liang, T., Wang, D.C., Zhang, X.S. 2021. The origin of early-Paleozoic banded iron formations in NW China. Gondwana Research 93, 218–226.
10. 楊秀清*, 張旭升. 2021. 北祁連埃迪卡拉紀菱鐵礦鐵建造成因及其對海洋環境的約束. 科學通報 66(23), 3032–3044.
11. 楊秀清*, 毛景文, 張作衡, 李厚民, 李立興, 張旭升. 2020. 條帶狀鐵建造:特徵、成因及其對地球環境的制約. 礦床地質 39(4), 697–727.
12. Yang, X.Q*., Mao, J.W., Jiang, Z.S., Santosh, M., Zhang, Z.H., Duan, S.G., Wang, D.C., 2019. The Carboniferous Shikebutai Iron Deposit in Western Tianshan, Northwestern China: Petrology, Fe-O-C-Si Isotopes, and Implications for Iron Pathways. Economic Geology 114(6), 1207–1222.
13. Yang, X.Q*., Zhang, Z.H., M. Santosh., Duan, S.G., Liang, T., 2018. Anoxic to suboxic Mesoproterozoic ocean: evidence from iron isotope and geochemistry of siderite in the Banded Iron Formations from North Qilian, NW China. Precambrian Research 307, 115–124.
14. Yang, X.Q*., Zhang, Z.H*., M. Santosh., Li, C., Liang, T., 2018. Hydrothermal copper mineralization in the Mesoproterozoic Huashugou banded iron formation, Northwest China: characteristics, timing of formation and genesis. Ore Geology Reviews 102, 776–790.
15. Yang, X.Q*., Zhang, Z.H*., Jiang, Z.S., Duan, S.G., 2018. Geochronology, petrogenesis and tectonic significance of Huashugou granitoids in North Qilian, NW China. Lithos 314, 497–505.
16. Yang, X.Q., Zhang, Z.H*., Duan, S.G., 2018. Origin of the Mesoproterozoic Jingtieshan bedded barite deposit, North Qilian Mountains, NW China: Geochemical and isotope (O, S, Sr) evidence. Geological Journal 53 (S1), 21-32.
17. Yang, X.Q., Liang, T*., Guo, X.C., Zheng, Y., Zhou, Y., Chen, Z.H., 2018. Mineralogy and stable isotope constraints on the genesis of submarine volcanic–hosted Beizhan iron deposit in the Western Tianshan, NW China. Geological Journal 53 (S2), 329-344.
18. Yang, X.Q*., Zhang, Z.H., Guo, S.F., Chen, J., Wang, D.C., 2016. Geochronological and geochemical studies of the metasedimentary rocks and diabase from the Jingtieshan deposit, North Qilian, NW China: Constraints on the associated banded iron formations. Ore Geology Reviews 73, 42-58.
19. Yang, X.Q*., Zhang, Z.H., Li, C., Duan, S.G., Jiang, Z.S., 2016. Geochemistry and Re–Os geochronology of the organic-rich sedimentary rocks in the Jingtieshan Fe–Cu deposit, North Qilian Mountains, NW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 119, 65–77.
20. Yang, X.Q., Zhang, Z.H*., Duan, S.G., Zhao, X.M., 2015. Petrological and geochemical features of the Jingtieshan banded iron formation (BIF): a unique type of BIF from the Northern Qilian Orogenic Belt, NW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 113, 1218–1234.
21. 楊秀清, 張作衡*, 段士剛, 趙辛敏, 田宏海, 楊作華. 2016. 北祁連樺樹溝銅礦床礦物學和硫同位素特徵及其成礦意義. 礦床地質35(1), 185–195.
22. 楊秀清, 李厚民*, 李立興, 姚通, 陳靖, 劉明軍. 2014. 遼冀地區條帶狀鐵建造地球化學特徵: I. 主量元素特徵. 岩石學報 30(5), 1218–1238.
23. 楊秀清*, 李厚民, 李立興, 馬玉波, 陳靖, 劉明軍, 姚通, 陳偉十, 姚良德. 2014. 遼寧鞍山−本溪地區鐵礦床流體包裹體和硫、氫、氧同位素特徵研究. 地質學報88(10), 1917–1931.
24. 楊秀清*, 李厚民, 薛春紀, 李立興, 劉明軍, 陳靖. 2013. 遼寧歪頭山鐵礦床兩類礦石地球化學特徵及其對成礦作用的制約. 地質學報 87(10), 1580–1592.
25. 楊秀清, 李厚民*, 李立興, 劉明軍, 陳靖, 白雲. 2012. 遼寧弓長嶺鐵礦床磁鐵礦稀土元素特徵及其地質意義. 岩礦測試 31(6), 1058–1066.
1. 張作衡, 楊秀清, 劉升有, 段士剛, 郭少豐, 田宏海, 劉敏, 趙辛敏. 甘肅鏡鐵山鐵銅礦地質地球化學, 北京: 地質出版社, 2017.
2. 李厚民, 劉明軍, 李立興, 牛樹銀, 楊秀清, 洪學寬, 姚良德, 楊志遼, 孫愛群, 陳靖, 姚通. 遼寧弓長嶺沉積變質型富鐵礦床, 北京: 地質出版社, 2015.
3. 梁婷, 滕家欣, 王登紅, 鳳永剛, 張澤, 王藝茜, 譚細娟, 周義, 楊秀清, 高景剛, 李侃, 李建康, 丁亮, 高永寶, 三金柱, 燕州權. 新疆大紅柳灘鋰鈹稀有金屬礦床, 北京: 地質出版社, 2021.
2.《礦床地質》編委、《Journal of Earth Science》、《地球科學》、《地質通報》和《礦產勘查》青年編委
3.《Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta》、《Geophysical Research Letters》等國內外知名期刊評閱人