《中醫兒科學》 為“世界中醫學專業核心課程教材”套書之一分冊。該套教材包括《中醫基礎理論》《中醫診斷學》《中藥學》《方劑學》《中醫內科學》《中醫婦科學》《中醫兒科學》《針灸學》《推拿學》《黃帝內經選讀》《傷寒論選讀》《金匱要略選讀》《溫病學》13分冊,另配有《世界中醫學專業核心課程教學大綱》1分冊。叢書總主編為張伯禮院士和世界中醫藥學會聯合會教育指導委員會。《中醫兒科學》由馬融教授和韓新民教授主編。
上 篇 中醫兒科學基礎
第一章 中醫兒科學學術源流
第一節 古代中醫兒科學發展概況
第二節 現代中醫兒科學發展成就
第二章 生理病理病因特點
第一節 生理特點
第二節 病理特點
第三節 病因特點
第三章 生長發育與保健
第一節 年齡分期
第二節 生長發育
第三節 兒童保健
第四章 臨證概要
第一節 診法概要
第二節 辨證概要
第三節 治療概要
下 篇 中醫兒科學臨床
第五章 新生兒疾病
第一節 新生兒黃疸
第二節 臍部疾患
第六章 肺系病證
第一節 感冒
第二節 咳嗽
第三節 肺炎喘嗽
第四節 哮喘
第五節 反覆呼吸道感染
第七章 脾系病證
第一節 嘔吐
第二節 泄瀉
第三節 便秘
第四節 腹痛
第五節 厭食
第六節 積滯
第七節 疳證
第八章 心肝系病證
第一節 夜啼
第二節 病毒性心肌炎
第三節 兒童多動症
第四節 兒童抽動症
第五節 自閉症
第六節 驚風
第七節 癲癇
第九章 腎系病證
第一節 尿頻
第二節 遺尿
第三節 水腫
第四節 血尿
第五節 五遲五軟
第十章 傳染病
第一節 麻疹
第二節 風疹
第三節 猩紅熱
第四節 水痘
第五節 手足口病
第六節 流行性腮腺炎
第七節 百日咳
第十一章 皮膚疾病
第一節 膿皰瘡
第二節 蕁麻疹
第三節 尿布疹
第四節 濕疹
第五節 乳痂
第六節 接觸性皮炎
第十二章 五官疾病
第一節 鵝口瘡
第二節 口瘡
第三節 乳蛾
第四節 過敏性鼻炎
第五節 結膜炎
第十三章 其他病證
第一節 發熱
第二節 川崎病
第三節 傳染性單核細胞增多症
第四節 幼年特發性關節炎
第五節 紫癜
第六節 性早熟
第七節 小兒肥胖症
第八節 汗證
第九節 維生素D缺乏性佝僂病
附 篇
中醫藥走向世界系列教材——世界中醫學專業核心課程教材(World Textbook Series for Chinese Medicine Core Curriculum)
世界中醫學專業核心課程教材(World Textbook Series for Chinese Medicine Core Curriculum)叢書總主編為張伯禮院士和世界中醫藥學會聯合會教育指導委員會。《中醫兒科學》由馬融教授和韓新民教授主編,國際知名中醫專業英語翻譯和英語語言專家聯合翻譯、編校。
這是第 1 套基於《世界中醫學本科(CMD前)教育標準》的世界中醫學專業核心課程教材,具有國際性、科學性、系統性、完整性、實用性。可供世界各國、地區中醫教育機構接受中醫學專業教育的海外學生,以及國內中醫院校留學生使用,亦可為雙語教學師生和廣大中醫愛好者學習提供參考。
World Textbook Series for Chinese Medicine Core Curriculum(13 fascicles)
Fundamental Theories of Chinese Medicine
Diagnostics in Chinese Medicine
Chinese Materia Medica
Formulas of Chinese Medicine
Chinese Internal Medicine
Gynecology in Chinese Medicine
Pediatrics in Chinese Medicine
Theory and Practice of Acupuncture & Moxibustion
Theory and Practice of Tuina
Huáng Dì Nèi Jīng (Selected Readings of Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic)
Shāng Hán Lùn (Selected Readings of On Cold Damage)
Jīn Guì Yào Lüè (Selected Readings of Essentials from the Golden Cabinet)
Wēn Bìng Xué (Warm Diseases:Theory and Practice)
Outline of Chinese Medicine Core Curriculum(1 fascicle)
Key Features include:
1. Written by renowned Chinese medicine practitioners, authors and professors from China and the greater global community 中國和國際著名中醫醫生、作者和教授共同撰寫
2. Translated and edited by authoritative Chinese medicine translators and English language experts國際知名中醫專業英語翻譯和英語語言專家聯合翻譯、編輯和校對
3. This textbook series follows the principles of medical ethics, scientific value, systematic integrity, general applications, advancement of Chinese medicine, safety, and medical standards 本套教材的編譯堅持了教材的思想性、科學性、系統性、普適性、先進性、安全性、規範性等原則
4. Attractive two-color layout 雙色排版
5. Logically organized so readers can quickly find the information they need 體例編排合理,讀者可快速查到所需信息
6. The first complete series designed to support a Chinese medicine core curriculum. The World Textbook Series for Chinese Medicine Core Curriculum is based on the World Standard of Chinese Medicine Undergraduate (Pre-CMD) Education第 1 套基於《世界中醫學本科(CMD前)教育標準》的世界中醫學專業核心課程教材
7. Organized and compiled by the Educational Instruction Committee of the WFCMS 由世界中醫藥學會聯合會教育指導委員會組織編寫
?? 幾十年來,主要從事心腦血管疾病中西醫結合防治和中醫藥現代化研究。開展血管性痴呆(VD)研究,制定了VD證類分型標準和按平台、波動及下滑三期證治方案;明確了中風病證候和先兆症動態演變規律,建立了綜合治療方案;創立了腦脊液藥理學方法,揭示中藥對神經細胞保護作用機制;完成了首例中藥對冠心病二級預防大規模循證研究,建立了中醫藥循證評價系列方法。三次擔任國家“973”計畫項目首席科學家,提出效應配伍理論和以組分配伍研製現代中藥的關鍵技術;開拓中成藥二次開發研究領域,培育了中藥大品種群;倡導中藥智慧型製造推動了中藥產業技術升級。
Dr. Zhang Bo-li is an academician and a China-renowned specialist and academic leader in Chinese internal medicine, a national key discipline (recognized as important and receiving support by the Chinese government). He is currently the President of the Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. He is also the Deputy Chief Engineer of the National Major Scientific and Technological Special Project for "Significant New Drugs Development", a member of the Medical Reform Advisory Committee of the State Council, Vice Committee Director of the Pharmacopoeia Committee, Director of the National Chinese Medicine Teaching Advisory Board of the Ministry of Education and Director of the Educational Instruction Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies. Moreover, he holds concurrent posts such as Honorary President of the China Association of Integrative Medicine, Vice President of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Vice President of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies.
For decades, Dr. Zhang has been devoted to the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases by integrating traditional Chinese medicine with western medicine, and to the modernization of Chinese medicine (CM). He carried out studies on vascular dementia (VD) and formulated the classification criteria for VD patterns and a treatment scheme based on three phases, i.e., stable, fluctuating and aggravated phases. He specified the patterns and manifestations of stroke as well as the dynamic progression of its premonitory symptoms, and developed a comprehensive therapeutic schedule. He created the pharmacological method of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and demonstrated the protective effect of Chinese medicinals on nerve cells and the relevant mechanisms. He completed the first large-scale evidence-based study on the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease with Chinese medicinals, and developed a series of methods for evidence-based evaluation on CM. He served as Chief Scientist of the National Program on Key Basic Research Project of China (973 Program) for three consecutive terms and developed the theory of effect-based compatibility as well as the critical technology for the research and development of modern Chinese medicinals through component-based compatibility. He expanded the research field of the secondary development of Chinese patent medicine which introduced a large group of mass market medicines, and initiated the intelligent manufacturing of Chinese medicinals which promoted the technological upgrading of CM industry.
Dr. Zhang has won 7 national awards (including the first prize for national progress in science and technology) and 10 first-prize provincial and ministerial awards for progress in science and technology. He has published more than 350 papers and over 30 monographs or textbooks. He has mentored and cultivated more than 200 postgraduates.
Dr. Zhang is widely recognized for his prominent contributions in advancing CM. Since 1991, he has been granted a special government allowance by the State Council. He has been conferred with many honorary titles and awards, including National Advanced Worker (2005), Outstanding Scientific and Technological Worker (2001) and National Young and Middle-aged Expert with Outstanding Contribution (1991) as well as the Ho Leung Ho Lee Prize (2006), Wu Jie-ping Medical Research Award (2015) and International Award for Outstanding Contribution to Chinese Medicine (2010).
A Brief Introduction to the Educational Instruction Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies
The Educational Instruction Committee (EIC) of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS) is an international advisory, decision-making, and guiding institution concerning Chinese Medicine (CM) education under WFCMS. It carries out important work and research on international CM education, consultancy and coordination, and its headquarters are located in Tianjin, P. R. China (Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine). The secretariat is the standing office of EIC.
The purposes of the EIC are to increase understanding between international regions and CM educational institutions, to advocate exchanges and cooperation within CM educational communities, to improve the level of CM education, and to promote the CM education industry, in order to make a greater contribution to world CM personnel training.
The mission of the EIC is to generalize the standardization of international CM education; to promote and ensure a healthy and well-ordered development of CM education in various countries/regions according to the international industry standard of CM education released by WFCMS; and to convene international academic conferences, symposia and exhibitions.
The mission also is to set up a website on international CM education and provide consultancies and information services; to construct a platform of international exchanges and advocate the unique features and domination of various countries/regions; to strengthen exchanges and cooperation among CM educational institutions from different countries/regions; to publish academic articles on CM education and research; to study the rules and experiences about CM education in respective countries/regions, to encourage CM educational reform and innovations, and to study international CM education.
In order to improve CM education in the world, the EIC organizes international CM education training, teacher training, teacher exchanges, further education, and remote education. It actively cooperates with relevant departments of WFCMS in level examinations and qualification approvals.
EIC commits itself to promote international exchanges and development of CM education, to improve global CM personnel training, and to accelerate the spread and development of CM sciences in the world.