- 外文名:fiddling
- 詞性:形容詞、名詞、動詞
- 英式發音:[ˈfɪdlɪŋ]
- 美式發音:[ˈfɪdlɪŋ]
- 1Who's been fiddling with the TV again?誰又在擺弄電視機了?《牛津詞典》
- 2I've been fiddling about with this design for ages.我不斷地修改這個設計已經好長時間了。《牛津詞典》
- 3He was fiddling with his keys while he talked to me.和我談話時他不停地擺弄鑰匙。《牛津詞典》
- 4She told Whistler that his portrait of her was finished and to stop fiddling with it.她告訴惠斯勒他為她畫的肖像已經完成了,不要再改來改去了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 5It is the notion of fiddling that is the key.擺弄(fiddling)的想法才是關鍵。
- 6Look for scratching or fiddling with clothing.關注抓撓或撥弄衣服的動作。
- 7Instead they look at fiddling with university admissions.他們開始關注對大學入學條件的調整。
- 8I can't seem to stop fiddling with it and trying out new things.我似乎無法阻擋自己四處修改並嘗試各種新事物。
- 9But the Conservatives seem less keen on fiddling with the market.但是新上台的保守黨似乎並不熱衷於攪動市場格局。
- 10The suggestion of fiddling public finances flummoxed and infuriated him.對於他揮霍公共錢財的暗示讓他難堪和憤怒。
- 11Such fiddling with tradition would shock many Jews, but others enjoy it.這種擺弄傳統做法的行為可能讓很多猶太人震驚,但是也有人很喜歡。
- 12No amount of fiddling with your current career is going to make you happy.即使你對當前的職位付出再多,也無法再讓你感到快樂。
- 13Tedious fiddling about with mice and joysticks will become irritants of the past.單調乏味的滑鼠和操縱桿將成為歷史。
- 14By fiddling with currencies, however, the adjustments needed are being deflected.而玩弄匯率的把戲只會使我們的調整措施偏離了正確的方向。
- 15To prevent malevolent fiddling the DNS infrastructure itself needs to be secured, too.為了防止惡意的詐欺,域名系統基礎設施本身也需要保護。
- 16Optimists, however, argue there may be benefits from today's fad for currency fiddling.樂觀主義者卻認為,對於貨幣無足輕重也許會受益於今天的主導趨勢。
- 17Resist the temptation to jump in and start fiddling with the frameworks right away.請忍住要立即投入並開始玩轉框架的誘惑。
- 18Have you ever seen a sales guy not fiddling with or talking on his Blackberry phone?你看過哪位推銷員沒有擺弄他的黑莓手機或是沒有通過黑莓手機講話嗎?
- 19I turn on the engine impatiently. I'm fiddling with the radio when I hear something.我不耐煩地開著發動機,調試電台聽著一些東西。
- 20She took my kids into the garden and, on returning, found me fiddling with her CD player.她把我的孩子們帶到花園裡,等她回來時發現我在玩弄她的CD機。
- 21the author is well-placed to tap the nation’s vein of frustrated creativity and fiddling.由他來釋放這個國家血液里受挫的創造力和對雕蟲小技的熱衷,正是再合適不過了。
- 22Natalie MacMaster is a star of Cape Breton fiddling, a Canadian tradition with Scottish roots.Natalie MacMaster是蘇格蘭裔加拿大人,是世界Cape Breton fiddling演奏明星。
- 23Last month an Iowa judge sentenced a producer to ten years in prison for fiddling credits.上個月,愛荷華的一個製片人因騙取稅收優惠被法官判處10年監禁。
- 24It might spell the end of fiddling around for remote controls in between the sofa cushions.亂翻沙發墊找遙控器的時代就要終結了。
- 25A little fiddling with the incoming image and even the blurriest picture snaps right into focus.一個極小的剛進入視野的影像,甚至最模糊的畫面也被拍攝得很清晰。
- 26One practical problem you might run into while fiddling with multiple browsers is window clutter.處理多個瀏覽器時可能遇到的一個實際問題就是如何避免視窗混亂。
- 27In this sense, we are nowhere near a 'complete' solution which will not need fiddling with again.從這方面來說,我們永遠無法“完成”解決方案而不再需要任何調整。
- 28Increasing the planet's resilience will probably involve a few dramatic changes and a lot of fiddling.對地球恢復力的增強將會包含一些戲劇性的變化和大量瑣碎的事宜。
- 29Every one fiddling with books and fighting for getting higher education are familiar with the word essay.每個閒來翻書和想受到更高教育的人,都熟悉短篇論文。