Upgrade Your Life

Upgrade Your Life

《Upgrade Your Life》是Wiley出版的圖書,作者是Gina Trapani


  • ISBN:9780470238363
  • 作者:Gina Trapani
  • 出版社:Wiley
  • 出版時間:2008年3月17日
  • 頁數:480
  • 定價:USD 29.99
  • 裝幀:Paperback
Whether you?re a Mac or Windows user, there are tricks here for you in this helpful resource. You?ll feast on this buffet of new shortcuts to make technology your ally instead of your adversary, so you can spend more time getting things done and less time fiddling with your computer. You?ll learn valuable ways to upgrade your life so that you can work?and live?more efficiently,...(展開全部) Whether you?re a Mac or Windows user, there are tricks here for you in this helpful resource. You?ll feast on this buffet of new shortcuts to make technology your ally instead of your adversary, so you can spend more time getting things done and less time fiddling with your computer. You?ll learn valuable ways to upgrade your life so that you can work?and live?more efficiently, such as: empty your e-mail inbox, search the Web in three keystrokes, securely save Web site passwords, automatically back up your files, and many more. Gina Trapani 美國科學促進協會分支Expert Lab的項目總監,資深Web專家,知名技術作家,國際著名部落格網站Lifehacker.com的創始人。2007年入選《福布斯》網際網路名人榜,2006年曾獲《連線》Rave大獎。作品曾發表在《哈佛商業評論》、《連線》、《華爾街日報》、《紐約時報》和《時代》等報刊和雜誌上。除本書外,她還著有Lifehacker: 88 Tech Tricks to Turbocharge Your Day和The Complete Guide to Google Wave等暢銷書。


