



  • 外文名:equip
  • 詞性:動詞
  • 英式讀音:ɪˈkwɪp
  • 美式讀音:ɪˈkwɪp


英 [ɪˈkwɪp] 美 [ɪˈkwɪp]
v. 裝備,配備;使有所準備,使能夠勝任
[ 第三人稱單數 equips 現在分詞 equipping 過去式 equipped 過去分詞 equipped ]


equip with 裝備,配備;備有…,以…裝備
Auto Equip 自動換裝 ; 主動換裝 ; 自己主動換裝 ; 自動裝備
Standard equip 標準配置
fasten fix set equip 安裝
Equip Your Readers 武裝你的讀者 ; 您的讀者 ; 讀者
equip weapon 所選擇的武器 ; 使用所選擇的武器
OA equip 辦公室自動化設備 ; 化設備 ; 辦公室自動


  • She got a bank loan to rent and equip a small workshop. 她取得一筆銀行貸款來租用和裝備一個小車間。
  • The charity provided money to staff and equip two hospitals. 這個慈善機構提供資金裝備了兩家醫院並配備了人員。
  • Owners of restaurants have to equip them to admit disabled people. 餐館老闆們必須給餐館配備接納殘疾人的設施。
  • With Okuma's backing, Shirase got together just enough money to buy and equip a small ship. 在 Okuma 的支持下,Shirase 籌集了足夠的錢來購買和裝備一艘小船。
  • To help maximize fitness levels in our town's residents, we should, therefore, equip our new community fitness center with such machines. 因此,為了幫助我們城鎮的居民最大限度地提高健身水平,我們應該為我們新的社區健身中心配備這樣的機器。
  • The course is designed to equip students for a career in nursing. 此課程旨在使學生能夠勝任護理工作。
  • They try to equip their vehicles with gadgets to deal with every possible contingency. 他們儘量給他們的車輛配備各種小裝置以應付任何可能的突髮狀況。
  • First you should consider how to equip yourself to earn a living. 首先你應該考慮如何讓自己有能力謀生。
  • Such groups are the breeding grounds in which we acquire the norms and values that equip us for social life. 這種群體是我們的培養地,使我們獲得社會生活必備的規範和價值,適應社會生活。
  • Equip polearm weapons. If any. 裝備長桿武器,如果有的話,。
  • Swedes equip themselves for the dark. 瑞典人為抵抗黑暗做了充分的準備。
  • So, we have to train them and we have to equip them. 因此,我們需要培訓和裝備他們。
  • The basic purpose of school is to equip us for success. 學校的基本目的是使我們成功。
  • Equip support with known "gotchas" and caveats in releases. 對發布中已知的“陷阱”和備忘提供支持。
  • In 2010, we are due to get enough S-400s to equip another five battalions. 2010年,我們將獲得足夠的s—400系統裝備另外五個營。
  • An extra $130 is needed to equip it with third-generation wireless capability. 如配備3G無線上網功能則需額外支付130美元。
  • He hopes to equip robots with sensitive skin to make them more aware of their environment. 他希望這種電子皮膚能套用於機器人,這可以讓機器人對周圍的環境的反應更加靈敏。
  • In addition, the Navy intends to equip future warships, including the DDG-1000, with the SLQ-32. 此外,海軍打算在未來軍艦裝備SLQ - 32,包括DDG- 1000。
  • The system can also equip other aircraft and is currently being produced for F-16s as well as C-130s. 該系統也裝備其它飛機,目前為f- 16和C - 130生產。
  • He says WHO plans to rebuild the health facilities which have been damaged and destroyed and equip them. 他說,世界衛生組織計畫重建並重新配備被摧毀和損壞的醫療設施。
  • Programmers must equip and enhance themselves with the latest technologies in order to be efficient. 要想變得高效,程式設計師必須用最新的技術武裝和增強自己。
  • Of course, no one sets out casually to equip a 1982 linens delivery truck with tonnes of printing gear. 當然,沒人會輕易地開著一輛1982年產運麻布的皮卡,裝上幾噸重的印刷設備就出發遠行的。
  • While this system is minuscule and complete, its radio doesn't equip it to talk to other devices like it. 系統雖然小而全,它的無線電部分卻無法使之與同類設備通話。
  • While such programs can equip students with valuable work experience, they also come with potential risks. 但這些項目在為大學生提供寶貴工作經驗的同時,也伴隨著一系列潛在風險。
  • So what are some of the basic knowledge and concepts on equity indices that you should equip yourself with? 對於這些股票指數,我們應該掌握哪些基本的知識和概念呢?
  • First, you should equip yourself with the knowledge you can acquire. Only thus can you be confident of yourself. 第一,你應該用你學習到的知識來裝備自己,只有這樣你才能相信自己。
  • In particular, there is no need to equip the system test environment with large scale high performance hardware. 特別地,沒有必要為系統測試環境配備大規模高性能硬體。
  • To better equip our youth to navigate this fray, we should make media literacy a feature of public education. 為使我們的年輕一代在正確應對這種迷局時更加勝任,我們應該使媒介素養成為公共教育的題中之義。
  • I want to equip you with the necessary practical knowledge you need to actually start using these filesystems. 我要讓您知道一些必要的實用知識,有了這些知識您才能開始使用這些檔案系統。


