- 外文名:eggshell
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[ˈeɡʃel]
- 美式發音:[ˈeɡʃel]
- 1Over time, the protein in the eggshell breaks down into its constituent amino acids.隨著時間的推移,蛋殼中的蛋白質分解成其構成成分胺基酸。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 2He broke the eggshell.他打破了蛋殼。
- 3This spongy tissue serves as a source of calcium for eggshell formation.這種海綿狀組織是形成蛋殼的鈣質來源。
- 4He applies eggshell chips to demonstrate the peaceful beauty of Southern China.他用蛋殼碎片來展示中國南方的和平之美。
- 5Nuclear DNA was successfully extracted from a 13,000-year-old emu eggshell and a giant moa eggshel.細胞核 DNA 成功地從一隻1.3萬年前的鴯鶓蛋殼和一隻巨大的恐鳥蛋殼中被提取出來了。
- 6I know I am walking on the eggshell .我知道自己現在正處於危險境地。
- 7The walls had been painted an eggshell white.牆面用蛋殼漆刷成了白色。
- 8When the goose is in the eggshell there is no bone.當鵝還在蛋殼裡的時候,沒有骨頭。
- 9Just as mine Ming - Lee's room was painted soft eggshell white.正如如我的明-李的房間是描畫的軟蛋殼白色的。
- 10He, through the Internet, found a supply of ostrich eggshell channels.他通過網際網路,找到了一條供應鴕鳥蛋殼的渠道。
- 11It made a strange popping noise as the last bit of eggshell attached itself.當最後一塊蛋殼附到它上面時,它發出一種古怪的爆裂聲。
- 12This eggshell China, pure, white and translucent, has an irresistible charm.這件純淨透明,潔白無瑕的薄胎瓷器,魅力無窮。
- 13Thai artist puts finishing touches on a decorated ostrich eggshell in Bangkok.在泰國曼谷,一名藝術家在一顆彩繪鴕鳥蛋殼上做最後的修飾。
- 14When God did the same with the eggshell of this red-yoked universe centuries ago.像當初上帝剖開紅心蛋一樣的宇宙的殼。
- 15Zhang Heng, however, did not believe the eggshell to be the boundary of the cosmos.張衡把天比作一個雞蛋殼,把地比作蛋殼中的雞蛋黃,但他並不認為硬殼是宇宙的邊界。
- 16In a nest of dried grass and feathery moss sat an eggshell, its top neatly lopped off.一個蛋殼放在用乾草和輕柔苔蘚做的窩裡,頂部被整齊削掉。
- 17For four days, the skies were eggshell blue, with intermittent clouds and one rain shower.在我停留的4天裡,天空蔚藍,不時有雲朵,還下了一場小雨。
- 18A wisp of smoke escapes from Mount St. Helens' dramatic eggshell-shaped crater after an eruption.一小股煙從爆發後的聖海倫斯火山蛋殼型的火山口傾瀉而出。
- 19More in line with food hygiene requirements, no eggshell and eggshell into the egg outside the dirt.更符合食品衛生要求、無蛋殼及蛋殼外髒物進入蛋液。
- 20It has been known to us that the protein is conducive to the construction of the eggshell Calcium carbonate.大家已經知道這個蛋白對蛋殼碳酸鈣的形成有幫助。
- 21This is a movie stub from our first date! This is an eggshell from the first time you made me breakfast in bed!這是我們第一次一起看電影的票根,這是你第一次為我做早餐時剩的蛋殼,這是我們第一次約會時從博物館拿的化石。
- 22Chondroitin sulfate was extracted from the eggshell membrane with a method of dilute alkali-enzyme hydrolysis.以蛋殼膜為原料,採用稀鹼與酶解相結合的方法提取硫酸軟骨素。
- 23The researchers added: 'This study provides the first evidence that ancient DNA is preserved in fossil avian eggshell.研究者還補充到,“我們在研究中第一次發現,蛋殼化石傳遞的DNA信息里有禽流感的痕跡。”
- 24The living organism inside the eggshell would have had the same DNA as the chicken it would develop into, he said.他說,蛋殼內的活體應當擁有與雞相同的基因,即使它成為雞的基因。
- 25The Diro eggshell (Dinornis robustus) from the South Island moa was one used to pinpoint genetic material by researchers來自紐西蘭南島的恐鳥(Dinornis robustus)摩亞的蛋殼化石成為研究目標,研究者們從中成功獲取基因信息
- 26Her face is carefully made up and she wears dangly crystal earrings and an eggshell-blue trouser suit with white sandals.她的臉精心化了妝,戴著水晶吊墜耳環, 穿了一條蛋殼藍的褲子和一雙白色涼鞋。
- 27Painted red on eggshell, with colorful net bags, hanging in a child's neck, for blessing children, and hopping them are safe.蛋殼塗上紅色,用五顏六色的網袋裝著,掛在小孩子的脖子上,意為祝福孩子逢凶化吉,平安無事。
- 28Traditional ethics seem especially important in some situations where the margin between right and wrong is as thin as an eggshell.在有些是非之間的界限薄如蛋殼的情況下,傳統道德準則顯得尤為重要。