double-decker n. 雙層電汽車,雙層甲板船, 雙層夾心三明治。
- 外文名:double-decker
- 屬性:英語單詞
- 詞性:名詞

double-decker n. 雙層電汽車,雙層甲板船, 雙層夾心三明治。
double-decker double-decker n. 雙層電汽車,雙層甲板船, 雙層夾心三明治。雙層電汽車,雙層甲板船, 雙層夾心三明治
Hepburn Shoes on the Double-Decker Spell of the Painting Nirvana of Love A Compulsory Course As Bright As The Peach Blossom Lychee Martini Bygones of No Significance To The Nevedand Far Beyond My Reach Be Sure to Live...
Hepburn Shoes on the Double-Decker Spell of the Painting Nirvana of Love A Compulsory Course As Bright As The Peach Blossom Lychee Martini Bygones of No Significance To The Nevedand Far Beyond My Reach Be Sure to Live...
1. Yang Zhou, Yuexing Zhang, Hailong Wang, Jianzhuang Jiang,* Yongzhong Bian,* Atsuya Muranaka, Nagao Kobayashi* “Mixed (Phthalocyaninato)(Porphyrinato) Rare Earth Double-Decker Complexes with C4 Chirality: Synthesis,...
Linker, and Haimin Wang,Slow Rise and Partial Eruption of a Double-Decker Filament. I Observations and Interpretation,Astrophys. J.,756, 59, 2012. Rui Liu, Tong-Jiang Wang, Jeongwoo Lee, Guillermo Stenborg, Chang Liu...
15.H2O-involved hydrogen bonds in pseudo double-decker supramolecular structure of 1,8,15,22-Tetrasubstituted phthalocyaninato zinc complex.R. Li, Y. Zhang, S. Dong, X. Zhang, Y. Bian, J. Jiang.Crystal Growth & ...
因為地下城,蒙特婁有時被人們稱作為雙層城市(Double-Decker City)和城市二合一(Two Cities in One)。 多倫多地下步行道系統在上世紀70年代已有4個街區寬,9個街區長,在地下連線了20座停車庫、很多旅館、電影院、購物中心和1000家左右...
spectroscopic properties, and electrochemistry of heteroleptic rare earth double-decker complexes with phthalocyaninato and tetrakis(4-chlorophenyl)porphyrinato ligands” New. J. Chem, 28, 1116-1122, 2004.3. Fanli Lu, Llew...
24.Zhang, Y. X.; Qi, D. D.; Cai, X.; Jiang, J. Z., Vibrational Spectra of Mixed (Phthalocyaninato)(porphyrinato) Yttrium(III) Double-Decker Complexes: Density Functional Theory Calculations.Vibrational Spectroscopy...
Among the facilities on President VII & VIII are the iconic main lobbies, the elegant double-decker dining rooms decorated with hollow sculptures, multi-functional performance hall and high-end internet cafes. Each room is...