



  • 中文名:張躍興
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:功能配合物及功能有機分子理論計算模擬
  • 任職院校:湖北大學




2011年8月到2013年10月比利時那慕爾大學化學系、魯汶大學聯盟博士後導師:Benoit Champagne教授
2013年10月到2014年9月美國麻薩諸塞大學阿默斯特分校高分子系、化工系、化學系、美國能源部太陽能吸收高分子材料(PHaSE)能源前沿研究中心(EFRC)博士後研究員導師:Dimitrios Maroudas教授、Paul Lahti教授、Thomas Russell教授
2014年9月至2016年3月沙烏地阿拉伯阿卜杜拉國王科技大學太陽能與光伏工程研究中心(SPERC)研究科學家導師:Jean-Luc Bredas教授




1.Zhang, Y. X.*; Lahtib, P. M.; Maroudas, D.* Charge transfer properties of diphenyl substituted cyclopentadithiophene organic semiconductors: The role of fluorine and malononitrile substitutions and crystal ordering.Organic Electronics2017,50, 130-137. SCI 3.399; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 93, rank 17 of 244, Quartile 1, top 10%.
2.Chen, X.-L.;Zhang, Y. X.*; Zhang, M.-Y.; Zeng, M.-H.* Bond Order Analysis, Packing Ratio, and Electronic Structures of Two Structural Polymorphs Based on Manganese Complexes.Chinese Journal of Chemistry2017,35, 927-930. DOI: 10.1002/cjoc.201600747.第一通訊, SCI 1.852.
1.Zhang, Y. X.; Cai, X.; Bian, Y. Z.; Jiang, J. Z.,Organic Semiconductors of Phthalocyanine Compounds for Field Effect Transistors (FETs).Structure and Bonding2010, 135, 275–322.InFunctional Phthalocyanine Molecular Materials. D. M. P. Mingos Ed., Springer Press.SCI 1.753.化學4區,引用45,排除自己他引42,排除全部他引31
2.Bian, Y. Z.;Zhang, Y. X.; Ou, Z. P.; Jiang, J. Z., Chemistry of Sandwich Tetrapyrrole Rare Earth Complexes,InHandbook of Porphyrin Science; Kadish, K. M.; Smith, K. M.; Guilard, R., Eds.; World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.: Singapore; 2011, Vol. 14, chapter 64, pp. 249-460.
1.Zhang Ming-Yuan#, Wang Zhenxing#, Yang Tao#, Zhang Yuexing#, Ma, Xiong-Feng,Sun Yi-Chen, Ouyang Zhong-Wen, Kurmoo Mohamedally, Zeng Ming-Hua*, Supramolecular Interactions Direct the Formation of Two Structural Polymorphs from One Building Unit in a One-Pot Synthesis.Chemistry-a European Journal2016,22, 13900-13907.共同第一作者, SCI 5.771,化學2區引用0次,排除自己他引0次,排除全部他引0次; ; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 92, rank 28 of 354, Quartile 1, top 10%..
2.Zhang, Y. X.#; Cai, X.; Yao, P.; Xu, H.; Bian, Y. Z.; Jiang, J. Z.*, Location of the hole and acid proton in neutral nonprotonated and protonated mixed (phthalocyaninato)(porphyrinato) yttrium double-decker complexes: Density functional theory calculations.Chemistry-a European Journal2007,13, 9503-9514.共同第一作者, SCI 5.771,化學2區,引用35,排除自己他引22,排除全部他引9; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 92, rank 28 of 354, Quartile 1, top 10%.
3.Zhang, Y. X.#; Steyrleuthner, R.; Bredas, J. L.*, Charge Delocalization in Oligomers of Poly(2,5-bis(3-alkylthiophene-2-yl)thieno[3,2-b]thiophene) (PBTTT).Journal of Physical Chemistry C2016,120, 9671–9677.第一作者, SCI 4.509,化學2區top,引用1,排除自己他引1,排除全部他引1; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 94, rank 6 of 107, Quartile 1, top 10%.
4.Zhang, Y. X.; Champagne, B., Understanding the Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of One-Dimensional Ruthenium(II) Ammine Complexes.Journal of Physical Chemistry C2013,117, 1833-1848.第一作者, SCI 4.509,化學2區top,引用15,排除自己他引14,排除全部他引13; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 94, rank 6 of 107, Quartile 1, top 10%.
5.Zhang, Y. X.; Champagne, B., Theoretical Insight into the Second-Order NLO Response of the Bis{4-[2-(4-pyridyl)ethenyl]benzoato}-zinc(II) Metal–Organic Framework.Journalof Physical Chemistry C2012,116, 21973–21981.第一作者, SCI 4.509,化學2區top,引用8,排除自己他引7,排除全部他引6; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 94, rank 6 of 107, Quartile 1, top 10%.
6.Zhong, A. M.; Bian, Y. Z.;Zhang, Y. X.*, Semiconductor Performance of Phthalocyaninato Lead Complex and Its Nonperipheral Substituted Derivatives for Organic Field Effect Transistors: Density Functional Theory Calculations.Journal of Physical ChemistryC2010,114, 3248–3255.唯一通訊作者, SCI 4.509,化學2區top,引用10,排除自己他引7,排除全部他引7; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 94, rank 6 of 107, Quartile 1, top 10%.
7.Zhang, Y. X.; Cai, X.; Qi, D. D.; Bian, Y. Z.; Jiang, J. Z., Charge Transfer Properties of Bis(phthalocyaninato) Rare Earth (III) Complexes: Intrinsic Ambipolar Semiconductor for Field Effect Transistors.Journal of Physical Chemistry C2008,112, 14579–14588.第一作者, SCI 4.509,化學2區top,引用26,排除自己他引16,排除全部他引13; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 94, rank 6 of 107, Quartile 1, top 10%.
8.Zhang, Y. X.; Cai, X.; Bian, Y. Z.; Li, X. Y.; Jiang, J. Z., Heteroatom substitution of oligothienoacenes: From good p-type semiconductors to good ambipolar semiconductors for organic field-effect transistors.Journal of Physical Chemistry C2008,112, 5148-5159.第一作者, SCI 4.509,化學2區top,引用52,排除自己他引43,排除全部他引43; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 94, rank 6 of 107, Quartile 1, top 10%.
9.Shi, X.-X.#; Zhang, Y. X#.; Chen, Q.-J.#; Yin, Z.; Chen, X.-L.; Wang, Z. X.; Ouyang, Z.-W.; Kurmoo, M.; Zeng, M.-H.* Ferromagnetic Coupling in Copper Benzimidazole Chloride: Structural, Mass Spectrometry, Magnetism, and DFT Studies. Dalton Transactions 2017,46, 16663-16670. DOI: 10.1039/c7dt03576d.共同第一作者,SCI 4.029,化學2區top,引用x,排除自己他引x,排除全部他引x; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 89, rank 7 of 64, Quartile 1.
10.Zhang, Y. X.*; Lahtib, P. M.; Maroudas, D.* Charge transfer properties of diphenyl substituted cyclopentadithiophene organic semiconductors: The role of fluorine and malononitrile substitutions and crystal ordering.Organic Electronics2017, 50, 130-137. SCI 3.399; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 93, rank 17 of 244, Quartile 1, top 10%.
11.Zhang, Y. X.;Cai, X.; Qi, D. D.; Yao, P.; Bian, Y. Z.; Jiang, J. Z., Methyloxy substituted heteroleptic bis(phthalocyaninato) yttrium complexes: Density functional calculations.Chemphyschem2008,9, 781-792.第一作者, SCI 3.138,引用13,排除自己他引5,排除全部他引4; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 85, rank 24 of 159, Quartile 1.
12.Zhang, Y. X.; Jiang, J. Z., Circular Dichroism of Chiral 1,8,15,22-Tetra(alkoxyl)phthalocyaninato Lead and Yttrium Complexes: Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Calculations.Journal of Physical Chemistry A2009,113, 12179–12186.第一作者, SCI 2.883,引用6,排除自己他引4,排除全部他引2; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 72, rank 40 of 144, Quartile 2.
13.Zhang, Y. X.; Cai, X.; Zhou, Y.; Zhang, X. X.; Xu, H.; Liu, Z. Q.; Li, X. Y.; Jiang, J. Z., Structures and spectroscopic properties of bis(phthalocyaninato) yttrium and lanthanum complexes: Theoretical study based on density functional theory calculations.Journal of Physical Chemistry A2007,111, 392-400.第一作者, SCI 2.883,引用32,排除自己他引17,排除全部他引11; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 72, rank 40 of 144, Quartile 2.
14.Zhang, Y. X.; Zhang, X. X.; Liu, Z. Q.; Bian, Y. Z.; Jiang, J. Z., Structures and properties of 1,8,15,22-tetrasubstituted phthalocyaninato-lead complexes: The substitutional effect study based on density functional theory calculations.Journal of Physical Chemistry A2005,109, 6363-6370.第一作者, SCI 2.883,引用57,排除自己他引39,排除全部他引21; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 72, rank 40 of 144, Quartile 2.
15.Zhu, Y. F.; Qi, D. D.; Zhang, L. J.; Wan, L.;Zhang, Y. X.*; Jiang, J. Z., Structures and properties of novel 5,15-di[4-(5-acetylsulfanylpentyloxy)phenyl]porphyrin derivatives: Density functional theory calculations.Science China-Chemistry中國科學:化學2010,53, 2183-2192.唯一通訊作者SCI 2.429; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 82, rank 64 of 354, Quartile 1.
16.Zhang, Y. X.; Qi, D. D.; Cai, X.; Jiang, J. Z., Nature of the Near-IR Band in the Electronic Absorption Spectra of Neutral Bis(tetrapyrrole) Rare Earth(III) Complexes: Time-dependent Density Functional Theory Calculations.International Journal of Quantum Chemistry2010,110, 1559-1564.第一作者, SCI 2.184.
17.Zhang, Y. X.; Cai, X.; Zhang, X. X.; Xu, H.; Liu, Z. Q.; Jiang, J. Z., Time-dependent density functional theory studies of the electronic absorption spectra of metallophthalocyanines of group IVA.International Journal of Quantum Chemistry2007,107, 952-961.第一作者, SCI 2.184,引用22,排除自己他引17,排除全部他引17
18.Chen, X.-L.;Zhang, Y. X.*; Zhang, M.-Y.; Zeng, M.-H.* Bond Order Analysis, Packing Ratio, and Electronic Structures of Two Structural Polymorphs Based on Manganese Complexes Chinese Journal of Chemistry 2017, 35, 927-930. DOI: 10.1002/cjoc.201600747.第一通訊, SCI 1.852.
19.Zhang, Y. X.; Castet, F.; Champagne, B., Theoretical investigation of the first hyperpolarizability redox-switching in a ruthenium complex.Chemical Physics Letters2013,574,42-46.第一作者和唯一通訊作者, SCI 1.860,引用5,排除自己他引5,排除全部他引5
20.Wan, L.; Qi, D. D.;Zhang, Y. X.*, The effect ofb-saturated pyrrolic rings on the electronic structures and aromaticity of magnesium porphyrin derivatives: a density functional study.Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling2011,30, 15-23.唯一通訊作者, SCI 1.674,引用9,排除自己他引9,排除全部他引5.
21.Zhong, A. M.;Zhang, Y. X.*; Bian, Y. Z., Structures and spectroscopic properties of nonperipherally and peripherally substituted metal-free phthalocyanines: a substitution effect study based on density functional theory calculations.Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling,2010,29, 470-480.唯一通訊作者, SCI 1.674,引用13,排除自己他引12,排除全部他引11
22.Wan, L.;Zhang, Y. X.*; Qi, D. D.; Jiang, J. Z., Structures and Properties of 1, 8, 15, 22-Tetrasubstituted Phthalocyaninato Zinc and Nickel Complexes: Substitution and Axially Coordination Effects Study Based on Density Functional Theory Calculations.Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling2010,28, 842–851.唯一通訊作者, SCI 1.674,引用14,排除自己他引9,排除全部他引6
23.Zhang, Y. X.; Yao, P.; Cai, X.; Xu, H.; Zhang, X. X.; Jiang, J. Z., Density functional theory study of the inner hydrogen atom transfer in metal-free porphyrins: Meso-substitutional effects.Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling2007,26, 319-326.第一作者, SCI 1.674,引用19,排除自己他引9,排除全部他引8
24.Zhang, Y. X.; Qi, D. D.; Cai, X.; Jiang, J. Z., Vibrational Spectra of Mixed (Phthalocyaninato)(porphyrinato) Yttrium(III) Double-Decker Complexes: Density Functional Theory Calculations.Vibrational Spectroscopy2009,51, 184–192.第一作者, SCI 1.682,引用3,排除自己他引3,排除全部他引2
25.Zhang, Y. X.; Zhang, X. X.; Liu, Z. Q.; Xu, H.; Jiang, J. Z., Comparative density functional theory study of the structures and properties of metallophthalocyanines of group IVB.Vibrational Spectroscopy2006,40, 289-298.第一作者, SCI 1.682,引用27,排除自己他引20,排除全部他引20
26.Guo, R. H.; Zhang, L. J.;Zhang, Y. X.*; Bian, Y. Z., Charge transfer properties of phthalocyaninato zinc complexes for organic field-effect transistors: Tuning semiconductor nature via peripheral substituents.Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines2011,15, 964-972.唯一通訊作者, SCI 1.087.
27.Chen, X.-L.; Xu, H.-B.; Shi, X.-X.;Zhang, Y. X.; Yang, T.; Kurmoo, M.; Zeng, M.-H.* Hierarchical Assembly and Aggregation-Induced Enhanced Emission of a Pair of Isostructural Zn14 Clusters. Inorganic Chemistry 2017, 56, 14069–14076.
28.Zhang, M.; Yang, T.; Wang, Z. X.; Ma, X.-F.;Zhang, Y. X.; Greer, S. M.; Stoian, S. A.; Ouyang, Z.-W.; Nojiri, H.; Kurmoo, M.; Zeng, M.-H.* Chemical reaction within a compact non-porous crystal containing molecular clusters without the loss of crystallinity.Chemical Science2017, 8, 5356-5361. SCI 8.668.
29.Zeng, M.-H.*; Yin, Z.; Liu, Z.-H.; Xu, H.-B.; Feng, Y.-C.; Hu, Y.-Q.; Chang, L.-X.;Zhang, Y. X.; Huang, J.*; Kurmoo, M. Assembly of a Highly Stable Luminescent Zn5 Cluster and Application to Bio-Imaging. Angewandte Chemie International Edition2016,55, 11407–11411. SCI 11.709.
30.Rao, Y.; Kim, T; Park, K. H.; Peng, F.; Liu, L.; Liu, Y.; Wen, B.; Liu, S.; Kirk, S. R.; Wu, L.; Chen, B.; Ma, M.; Zhou, M.; Yin, B.;Zhang, Y. X.; Kim, D.*; Song, J.*π-Extended“Earring”Porphyrins with Multiple Cavities and Near-Infrared Absorption.Angewandte Chemie International Edition2016,55, 6438–6442.
31.Lu, G. F.; Chen, Y. L.;Zhang, Y. X.; Bao, M.; Bian, Y. Z.; Li, X. Y.; Jiang, J. Z., Morphology controlled self-assembled nanostructures of sandwich mixed (phthalocyaninato)(porphyrinato) europium triple-deckers. Effect of hydrogen bonding on tuning the intermolecular interaction.Journal of the American Chemical Society2008,130, 11623-11630.
32.Steyrleuthner, R.;Zhang, Y. X.; Zhang, L.; Kraffert, F.; Cherniawski, B. P.; Bittl, R.; Briseno, A. L.; Bredas, J.-L.; Behrends, J. Impact of morphology on polaron delocalization in a semicrystalline conjugated polymer.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics2017, 19, 3627-3639. SCI 4.449
33.Van Cleuvenbergen, S.; Stassen, I.; Gobechiya, E.;Zhang, Y. X.;Markey, K.; De Vos, D. E.; Kirschhock, C.; Champagne, B.; Verbiest, T.; van der Veen, M. A., ZIF-8 as Nonlinear Optical Material: Influence of Structure and Synthesis.Chemistry of Materials2016,28, 3203-3209.
34.Su, w.; Tang, Z.; Li, P.; Wang G.; Xiao, Q.; Li, Y.; Huang, S.; Gu, Y.; Lai, Z.;Zhang, Y. X.New dinuclear ruthenium arene complexes containing thiosemicarbazone ligands: synthesis, structure and cytotoxic studies.Dalton Transactions2016,45, 19329-19340. SCI 4.177.
35.Marin, L.; Van Mierloo, S.;Zhang, Y. X.; Robeyns, K.; Champagne, B.; Adriaensens, P.; Lutsen, L.; Vanderzande, D.; Maes, W., Reaction of 4H-cyclopenta[2,1-b:3,4-b ']dthiophenes with NBS-a route toward 2H-cyclopenta[2,1-b:3,4-b ']dithiophene-2,6(4H)-diones.Tetrahedron2013,69, 2260-2267.
36.Marin, L.;Zhang, Y. X.; Robeyns, K.; Champagne, B.; Adriaensens, P.; Lutsen, L.; Vanderzande, D.; Bevk, D.; Maes, W., Trivalent organophosphorus reagent induced pinacol rearrangement of 4H-cyclopenta[2,1-b:3,4-b 0 ]dithiophen-4-one.Tetrahedron Letters2013,54, 526-529.
37.Zhu, P. H.; Zhang, X. W.; Wang, H. L.; Zhang, Y. X.; Bian, Y. Z.; Jiang, J. Z.,Ferrocene-Decorated (Phthalocyaninato)(Porphyrinato) Double- and Triple-Decker Rare Earth Complexes: Synthesis, Structure, and Electrochemical Properties.Inorganic Chemistry2012,51, 5651–5659.
38.Wan, L.; Qi, D. D.;Zhang, Y. X.; Jiang, J. Z., Controlling the Directionality of Charge Transfer in Phthalocyaninato Zinc Sensitizer for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell: Density Functional Theory Studies.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2011,13, 1639–1648.
39.Qi, D. D.; Zhang, L. J.; Wan, L.;Zhang, Y. X.; Jiang, J. Z., Conformational Effects, Molecular Orbitals, and Reaction Activities of Bis(phthalocyaninato) Lanthanum Double-deckers: Density Functional Theory Calculations.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2011,13, 13277-13286.
40.Ma, P.; Kan, J. L.;Zhang, Y. X.; Huang, C. H.; Bian, Y. Z.; Chen, Y. L.; Kobayashi, N.; Jiang, J. Z., The first solution-processable n-type phthalocyaninato copper semiconductor: tuning the semiconducting nature via peripheral electron-withdrawing octyloxycarbonyl substituents.Journal of Materials Chemistry,2011,21, 18552-18559.
41.Zhang, L. J.; Qi, D. D.;Zhang, Y. X.; Bian, Y. Z.; Jiang, J. Z., Density Functional Theory Studies on the Structures and Electronic Communication of Meso-Ferrocenylporphyrins: Long Range Orbital Coupling via Porphyrin Core.Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling.2011,29, 717-725.
42.Qi, D. D.;Zhang, Y. X.; Zhang, L. J.; Jiang, J. Z., Structures and Spectroscopic Properties of Fluoroboron-Subtriazaporphyrin Derivatives: Density Functional Theory Approach on the Benzo-Fusing Effect.Journal of Physical Chemistry A2010,114, 1931-1938.
43.Qi, D. D.; Zhang, L. J.;Zhang, Y.X.; Bian, Y. Z.; Jiang, J. Z., Nature of the Intense Near IR Absorption and Unusual Broad UV-Vis-NIR Spectra of Azulenocyanines: Density Functional Theory Studies.Journal of Physical Chemistry A2010,114, 13411-13417.
44.Chen, Y. L.; Chen, L. N.; Qi, G. J.; Wu, H. X.;Zhang, Y. X.; Xue, L.; Zhu, P. H.; Ma, P.; Li, X. Y., Self-Assembled Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Nanocomposite of a Perylenetetracarboxylic Diimide Derivative and CdS.Langmuir2010,26, 12473-12478.
45.Ma, P.; Chen, Y. L.; Cai, X.; Wang, H. L.;Zhang, Y. X.; Gao, Y. N.; Jiang, J. Z., Organic field effect transistors based on 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-pentyloxyphenyl)porphyrin single crystal.Synthetic Metals2010,160, 510-515.
46.Cai, X.; Qi, D. D.;Zhang, Y. X.; Bian, Y. Z.; Jiang, J. Z., Semiconductor Properties of Perylene Diimide Derivatives.Acta Phys. Chim. Sin.2010,26, 1059-1064.
47.Cai, X.;Zhang, Y. X.; Qi, D. D.; Jiang, J. Z., Density Functional Theory Study on the Semiconducting Properties of Metal Phthalocyanine Compounds: Effect of Axially Coordinated Ligand.Journal of Physical Chemistry A2009,113, (11), 2500-2506.
48.Zhou, Y.;Zhang, Y. X.; Wang, H. L.; Jiang, J. Z.; Bian, Y. Z.; Muranaka, A.; Kobayashi, N., Mixed (Phthalocyaninato)(Porphyrinato) Rare Earth Double-Decker Complexes with C4 Chirality: Synthesis, Resolution, and Absolute Configuration Assignment.Inorg. Chem.2009,48, 8925–8933.
49.Qi, D. D.;Zhang, Y. X.; Cai, X.; Jiang, J. Z.; Bai, M., Inner Hydrogen Atom Transfer in Benzo-Fused Low Symmetrical Metal Free Tetraazaporphyrin and Phthalocyanine Analogues: Density Functional Theory Studies.Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling2009,27, 693-700.
50.Yao, P.; Han, S. H.;Zhang, Y. X.; Zhang, X. Y.; Jiang, J. Z., Structures and Spectroscopic Properties of Meso-Tetrasubstituted Porphyrin Complexes: Meso-Substitutional and Central Metallic Effect Study Based on Density Functional Theory Calculations.Vibrational Spectroscopy.2009,50, 169–177.
51.Liang, B. L.;Zhang, Y. X.; Wang, Y. F.; Xu, W.; Li, X. Y., Structures and properties of 1,7-disubstituted perylene tetracarboxylic diimides: The substitutional effect study based on density functional theory calculations.Journal of Molecular Structure2009,917, 133–141.
52.Cai, X.; Sheng, N.;Zhang, Y. X.; Qi, D. D.; Jiang, J. Z., Structure and spectroscopic properties of phthalocyaninato zinc(II) complexes fused with different number of 15-crown-5 moieties.Spectrochimica Acta Part a-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy2009,72, 627-635.
53.Cai, X.;Zhang, Y. X; Qi, D. D.; Jiang, J. Z., Density functional theory study on organic semicon-ductor for field effect transistors: Symmetrical and unsymmetrical porphyrazine derivatives with annu-lated 1,2,5-thiadiazole and 1,4-diamyloxybenzene moieties.Science in China Series B: Chemistry2009,52, 840-848.
54.Feng, J. Q.;Zhang, Y. X.; Zhao, C. T., Li, R. J.; Xu, W.; Li, X. Y.; Jiang, J. Z., Cyclophanes of perylene tetracarboxylic diimide with different substituents at bay positions.Chemistry-a European Journal2008,14, 7000-7010.
55.Zhang, X. M.; Muranaka, A.; Lv, W.;Zhang, Y. X.; Bian, Y. Z.; Jiang, J. Z.; Kobayashi, N., Optically active mixed phthalocyaninato-porphyrinato rare-earth double-decker complexes: Synthesis, spectroscopy, and solvent-dependent molecular conformations.Chemistry-a European Journal2008,14, 4667-4674.
56.Li, R. J.;Zhang, Y. X.; Zhou, Y.; Dong, S.; Zhang, X. Y.; Bian, Y. Z.; Jiang, J. Z., 1,8,15,22-Tetrasubstituted phthalocyaninato zinc complex: H2O-involved hydrogen bonds formed with the help of side 3-pentyloxy groups at the non-peripheral positions.Crystal Growth & Design2008,8, 4454–4459.
57.Lv, W.; Zhang, X. M.; Lu, J. T.; Zhang, Y. X.;Li, X. Y.; Jiang, J. Z., Synthesis and Hollow-Sphere Nanostructures of Optically Active Metal-Free Phthalocyanine.European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry2008, 4255-4261.
58.Liu, Q. Y.; Li, Y.; Liu, H. G.; Chen, Y. L.; Wang, X. Y.;Zhang, Y. X.; Li, X. Y.; Jiang, J. Z., Nanotubes fabricated from sandwich-type mixed (porphryinato)(phthalocyaninato)europium complex by template technique.Journal of Physical Chemistry C2007,111, 7298-7301.
59.Su, W.;Zhang, Y. X.; Zhao, C. T.; Li, X. Y.; Jiang, J. Z., Self-assembled organic nanostructures: Effect of substituents on the morphology.Chemphyschem2007,8, 1857-1862.
60.Zhao, C. T.;Zhang, Y. X.; Li, R. J.; Li, X. Y.; Jiang, J. Z., Di(alkoxy)- and di(alkylthio)-substituted perylene-3,4;9,10-tetracarboxy diimides with tunable electrochemical and photophysical properties.Journal of Organic Chemistry2007,72, 2402-2410.
61.Wang, X. Y.;Zhang, Y. X.; Sun, X.; Bian, Y. Z.; Ma, C. Q.; Jiang, J. Z., 2,3,9,10,16,17,24,25-octakis(octyloxycarbonyl)phthalocyanines. synthesis, spectroscopic, and electrochemical characteristics.Inorganic Chemistry2007,46, 7136-7141.
62.Zhang, X. T.; Dou, J. M.; Wang, D.;Zhang, Y. X.; Zhou, Y.; Li, R. J.; Yan, S. S.; Ni, Z. G.; Jiang, J. Z., Divalent manganese linked tungsten-molybdenum polyoxometalates: Synthesis, structure, and magnetic characteristics.Crystal Growth & Design2007,7, 1699-1705.
63.Sheng, N.;Zhang, Y. X.; Xu, H.; Bao, M.; Sun, X.; Jiang, J. Z., (Phthalocyaninato)copper(II) complexes fused with different numbers of 15-Crown-5 moieties - Synthesis, spectroscopy, supramolecular structures, and the effects of substituent number and molecular symmetry.European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry2007, 3268-3275.
64.Liu, Z. Q.; Zhang, X. X.;Zhang, Y. X.; Jiang, J. Z., The molecular, electronic structures and IR and Raman spectra of metal-free, N,N '-dideuterio, and magnesium tetra-2,3-pyrazino-porphyrazines: Density functional calculations.Vibrational Spectroscopy2007,43, 447-459.
65.Cai, X.;Zhang, Y. X.; Zhang, X. X.; Jiang, J. Z., Structures and properties of metal-free and copper tetrakis(thiadiazole) porphyrazine and metal-free tetrakis(selenodiazole) porphyrazine based on density functional theory calculations.Journal of Molecular Structure-Theochem2007,812, 63-70.
66.Feng, Y. Y.; Chen, S. H.; Guo, W. J.;Zhang, Y. X.; Liu, G. Z., Inhibition of iron corrosion by 5,10,15,20-tetraphenylporphyrin and 5,10,15,20-tetra-(4-chlorophenyl)porphyrin adlayers in 0.5 M H2SO4solutions.Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry2007,602, 115-122.
67.Liu, Z. Q.; Zhang, X. X.;Zhang, Y. X.; Jiang, J. Z., Theoretical investigation of the molecular, electronic structures and vibrational spectra of a series of first transition metal phthalocyanines.Spectrochimica Acta Part a-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy2007,67, 1232-1246.
68.Cai, X.;Zhang, Y. X.; Zhang, X. X.; Jiang, J. Z., Structures and properties of 2,3,9,10,16,17,23,24-octasubstituted phthalocyaninato-lead complexes: The substitutional effect study on the basis of density functional theory calculations.Journal of Molecular Structure-Theochem2006,801, 71-80.
69.Liu, Z. Q.; Zhang, X. X.;Zhang, Y. X.; Li, R. J.; Jiang, J. Z., The molecular, electronic structures and vibrational spectra of metal-free, N,N'-dideuterio and magnesium tetra-2,3-pyridino-porphyrazines: Density functional calculations.Spectrochimica Acta Part a-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy2006,65, 467-480.
70.Zhang, X. X.;Zhang, Y. X.; Jiang, J. Z., Infrared spectra of metal-free, N',N-dideuterio, and magnesium porphyrins: density functional calculations.Spectrochimica Acta Part a-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy2005,61, 2576-2583.
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1.Yuexing Zhang, Ming-Hua Zeng,卟啉酞菁-有機低聚物複合半導體材料電荷傳輸和離域的理論研究(邀請報告,分會主持人)。中國化學會第四屆卟啉與酞菁學術研討會,時間:2017年7月6日—2017年7月9日,山東.青島。
2.Yuexing Zhang, Theoretical Simulation of Metal Organic Frameworks and Coordination Clusters. The 3 rd International Symposium on Hierarchically Structured Materials: For Green Chemistry, March 27-29, 2017; Wuhan, China.
3.張躍興,Champagne, B.金屬有機框架配合物二階非線性光學性質的理論研究. CHINAMUR 2012: IVth Symposium on Chemistry, Material Science, and Related Fields, October 21, 2012; Namur, Belgium.
4.Zhang, Y. X.; Champagne, B., TDDFT Study on the Optical Absorption Spectra and Second-Order NLO properties of One-Dimensional Ruthenium(II) Ammine Complexes. TD-DFT (Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory) conference, April 23-26, 2013; Nantes, France.
5.Zhang, Y. X.; Champagne, B., Modeling the Second-Order NLO Response of MOFs and Switching MOFs. IAP 7/05 Workpackage 2 “Supramolecular catalysis, photocatalysis and advanced separations” Work meeting, January 22, 2013; Ghent University, Belgium.
6.Zhang, Y. X.; Champagne, B., Theoretical Insight into the Second-Order NLO Responses of Metal Organic frameworks (MOFs). QSCP-XVII (XVIIth International Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics), August 19-25, 2012; Turku, Finland.


