



  • 外文名:doctoral
  • 詞性:形容詞、名詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈdɒktərəl]
  • 美式發音:[ˈdɑːktərəl]


doctoral /ˈdɒktərəl/
1.ADJ A doctoral thesis or piece of research is written or done in order to obtain a doctorate. 博士的 [ADJ n]


Doctoral Forum 博士生論壇 ; 博士論壇
Doctoral course 博士後期課程
I doctoral 我考上了博士研究生
Doctoral Programs 博士項目
doctoral postgraduate 博士研究生
Doctoral programmes 博士課程
doctoral positions 博士後職位
doctoral advisor 博士生導師 ; 博導 ; 另博導
Doctoral dissertation 博士學位論文 ; 電子科技大學圖示 ; 翻譯


  • 1Eric told me that they postponed having children until he gets his doctoral degree.埃里克告訴我,直到他拿到博士學位後他們才會要孩子。
  • 2But the regular time it takes to get a doctoral degree in the humanities is nine years.但獲得人文學科的博士學位通常需要9年時間。
  • 3Not surprisingly, up to half of all doctoral students in English drop out before getting their degrees.在所有英語專業的博士生中,多達一半的人在獲得學位之前就輟學了,這不足為奇。
  • 4Today foreign students earn 30 percent of the doctoral degrees awarded in the United States and 38 percent of those in the United Kingdom.如今,外國學生在美國獲得30%的博士學位,在英國獲得38%的博士學位。
  • 5Each country concerned could increase the number of scholarships and other financial support for doctoral theses and research projects in this area.每個相關的國家可以增加在這一領域的博士論文和研究項目的獎學金和其他財政支助。
  • 6Professionalism has turned the acquisition of a doctoral degree into a prerequisite for a successful academic career: as late as 1969 a third of American professors did not possess one.專業主義已經把獲得博士學位變成了學術生涯成功的先決條件:直到1969年,三分之一的美國教授沒有博士學位。
  • 7The subtle and intelligent little book The Marketplace of Ideas: Reform and Resistance in the American University should be read by every student thinking of applying to take a doctoral degree.每一個想要申請博士學位的學生都應該閱讀《思想的市場:美國大學的改革與抵制》這本篇幅短小卻精妙而睿智的書。
  • 8A man named Huang Guoping is known to the public for a part of his doctoral thesis.一個叫黃國平的人因為其博士論文的部分內容而為人所知。
  • 9Dmitry Doronin, a doctoral student from Russia, is keen to share his experience in rural villages in Zhejiang with his 1.4 million followers online.來自俄羅斯的博士生德米特里·多羅寧熱衷於在網上與他的140萬冬粉分享他在浙江農村的經歷。
  • 10In 2016, Felix Bock, a doctoral student at the University of British Columbia, Canada, found out people threw away about 100,000 pairs of chopsticks every day in Vancouver alone.2016年,加拿大的英屬哥倫比亞大學的博士生菲利克斯·博克發現,僅在溫哥華,人們每天就會扔掉大約10萬雙筷子。
  • 11Doctoral studies last for three years.博士教育持續三年。
  • 12This is my first year in a doctoral program.今年我剛參加到一個博士項目中。
  • 13"Doctoral fields couldn't be far behind," she said.“博士領域,她們不可能落後”她說。
  • 14Ross discovers that his Doctoral Thesis is in NYU's library.羅斯發現他的博士論文在紐約圖書館裡。
  • 15Pyc received her master's and doctoral degrees from Kent State.Py c獲得了他在肯特州立大學的碩士和博士學位。
  • 16The university plans to enroll four doctoral students starting next year.他們計畫從明年開始招收4個博士生。
  • 17There are different expectations for Master's theses and for Doctoral theses.碩士和博士論文會有不同的要求。
  • 18But the median time-median! -to a doctoral degree in the humanities is nine years.但是,在人文學科領域獲得博士學位的平均時間——平均!——為九年。
  • 19Nguyen said the women she has met in doctoral study are "very strong-willed women."Nguyen說,她在博士學習中遇到的都是“非常堅定的女性。”
  • 20The LHC is testing the wits of some 8,000 researchers, including 2,500 doctoral students.目前LHC正挑戰著8000名研究人員的智慧,其中包括2500名博士生。
  • 21More women than men graduate from college and graduate school, and receive doctoral degrees.從大學、研究院畢業,取得博士學位的女性已超過了男性。
  • 22Of all the vacancies, 85 percent require candidates with master's degree or doctoral degrees.在所有的工作崗位中,85%要求申請者持有碩士或是博士學位。
  • 23Together, ASU offers 94 bachelor's degree programs, 89 master's degrees and 48 doctoral degrees.ASU共提供94個學士學位項目、89個碩士學位項目和48個博士學位項目。
  • 24She was steeped in Rwanda’s turbulent history, having written her doctoral thesis about it in 1972.她熟諳盧安達動亂的歷史,並在1972年以此為主題完成了她的博士論文。
  • 25During a campus tour for doctoral students, Brin was Page's guide — and they bickered the entire time.在一次博士生校園參觀中,布林是佩奇的嚮導,整個參觀期間他倆爭得不可開交。


