



  • 外文名:defeating
  • 詞性:名詞、及物動詞
  • 英式音標:[dɪ'fiːt]
  • 美式音標:[dɪ'fiːt]


英 [dɪ'fiːt]     美 [dɪ'fiːt]    
n. 挫敗;敗北
vt. 戰勝;擊敗;使...不能實現


self-defeating 自掘墳墓 ; 弄巧成拙 ; 自我挫敗 ; 自暴自棄的
Defeating Demon 擊敗人魔
Self-defeating Policies 給自己拆台的政策
self-defeating measures 適得其反的措施
Solid wood defeating 實木台腳
Defeating Cancer 抗癌之路
self-defeating ego orientation 敗的自我定向 ; 自我防衛取向
Defeating the Odds 得勝糾結


  • Team USA reached the semifinals by defeating New Zealand in the second round. 美國隊在第二輪擊敗紐西蘭隊後進入了半決賽階段。
  • Their son, Baal, is a storm god. He's depicted in mythological literature Mot as defeating both the chaotic sea god, Yam, and the god of death, Mot. 他們的兒子Baal是風暴之神,在神話文學的描述中,他打敗了混亂的海神Yam和死神Mot 。
  • Dishonesty is ultimately self-defeating. 不誠實最終將會自食其果。
  • Narrowly self-interested behaviour is ultimately self-defeating. 狹隘自私的行為最終會自拆台腳。
  • The navy played a limited but significant role in defeating the rebellion. 在平息叛亂中海軍起了有限但卻重要的作用。
  • Paying children too much attention when they misbehave can be self-defeating. 孩子有不良行為時,小題大做可能適得其反。
  • That means defeating the lock somehow, or breaking a window. 這意味著要設法撬開鎖,或打破窗戶。
  • Those who use self-defeating humor, making fun of themselves, for the enjoyment of others, tend to maintain that hostility toward themselves even when alone. 那些自黑式的幽默,拿自己開玩笑,來讓別人開心的人,即使在獨處的時候往往也會對自己懷有敵意。
  • In 1938, the Cantabs suffered only one loss, and a first title, defeating former nemesis. 1938年,坎塔布斯隊只輸了一場,並且獲得了第一個冠軍,擊敗了前強硬對手。
  • This is unfortunately rather self-defeating. 不幸的是,這有點兒弄巧成拙。
  • Besides, American policy can seem self-defeating. 此外,美國的政策似乎也弄巧成拙。
  • Sit down and plan out a strategy for defeating your doubt. 坐下來然後制定一項擊敗懷疑的計畫。
  • It's about something more like defeating a spiritual enemy. 而是類似於戰勝精神上的敵人。
  • It points to the success in defeating the rebels in Mbandaka. 這源於其在姆班達卡成功打敗叛軍。
  • Taking Brega is believed to be critical to defeating the colonel. 奪取布雷加被認為是打敗卡扎菲的關鍵所在。
  • Apple's apparent shift marks the end of a self-defeating war. 蘋果公司的明顯轉變終於為其自毀長城的行為劃上了一個句號。
  • I couldn’t tell the voters they’d made a mistake in defeating me. 我不能對他們說,他們沒有投票支持我是錯誤的。
  • The uncertainty over nationalisation is costly and self-defeating. 國有化的不確定性的代價是昂貴而且具有自我毀滅傾向。
  • Is the model of self-defeating co-ordinated selling very realistic? 非利己調整賣出模型是現實的么?
  • Dr. Cutler's research suggests that this is self-defeating behavior. 卡特勒博士的研究表明這是一種事與願違的行為。
  • And nothing excites most MEPs more than defeating the other institutions. 而且,對歐洲議員們來說,沒有什麼比擊敗其他機構更能讓他們興奮的了。
  • In the end, the only man capable of defeating James Cameron was James Cameron. 最終能打敗詹姆斯·卡梅隆的人,還是只有詹姆斯·卡梅隆。
  • Check it out for more help on defeating these common mental blocks to creativity. 參考此書以獲得關於怎樣戰勝抑制創造力的思想障礙的更多幫助。
  • To cut science funding in order to cut the deficit is actually self-defeating. 為了減少赤字而削減科技經費無異於飲鴆止渴。
  • Resisting change or trying to control the change out of life is self-defeating. 無論是抗拒變化還是試圖控制我們無能為力的東西都是自尋煩惱。
  • Blaming the Senate, or the United States, is unfair — and potentially self-defeating. 去譴責參議院或者美國,是不公平的——甚至會弄巧成拙。
  • Each group has a unique flavor and a distinct strategy for defeating the Elder Dragons. 每支隊伍都有獨特的風格和明顯的策略來對付埃爾·德龍群。


