vt. 解構;拆析
She sets up a framework to deconstruct various categories of film. 她創建了一個框架來解析影視的各種分類。
The thought is determined by its ability to deconstruct the real. 這個想法是取決於它是否能真正的解構。
We zealously deconstruct. We have that very active internal monologue. 我們非常積極的解構著世界,因為我們有積極的內心表達欲。
Deconstruct Your Fears - I'm sure you don't have a phobia about getting stuff done. 消除恐懼-我敢肯定你對完成任務不存在恐懼。
Second, deconstruct the ideal female in male's eyes- a good wife and a loving mother. 第二是解構了男性心目中理想的女性——一賢妻良母形象;
Before you invest hundreds and thousands of hours on a language, you should deconstruct it. 在投入成百上千個小時來學一門外語之前,你應該先解構它。
Modern image is used by New Moon School to deconstruct the image pattern of classical poetry. 新月派現代意象的營造對古典詩歌意象模式的解構。
But at last she has to re-deconstruct the history in her novel. The breakthroughs and lim... 新歷史主義的突破與局限在小說中得到了集中的體現。
When nerds run out of things in the external world to deconstruct and analyze, guess where they go? 當書呆子們在外面的世界找不到東西去解構和分析的時候,猜怎么著?
Secondly, this license does not permit one to deconstruct the software and change the software code. 其次,本許可證,不容許一個解構,軟體和改變軟體代碼。
When nerds run out of things in the external world to deconstruct and analyze, guess where they go? Inward. 當書呆子們在外面的世界找不到東西去解構和分析的時候,猜怎么著?
Deconstruct website design and learn to hone your creative skills with this comprehensive guide to the web. 這本書引導你解構網站設計,磨鍊創意技巧。
My paintbrush is like a knife. I prefer to deconstruct the image of a matter and grasp the inner essence. 我的筆猶如一把刀,我要解構事物的表象,捕捉內在的本質。
Deconstruction... importing a philosophy to deconstruct the language of architecture (Derrida, Deleuze). 解構主義……引入一套哲學體系來毀滅建築語言(德希達,德勒茲)。
As more information is received, you deconstruct old mental models, then create new ones to better fit the situation. 隨著接收到的信息量在不斷增長,您將解構舊的心理模型,然後創建更符合情況的新模型。
You still had literary heroes, masters and disciples; it was just that what they did now was deconstruct each other. 文學作品中的英雄和師徒依舊存在,不過他們現在做的只是彼此解析而已。
I think it is my tendency to deconstruct the documentary style through a personal game that causes a shift in its nature. 我想這是我的傾向,通過個人解構遊戲,導致其性質發生了變化的紀實風格。
Of course, you could deconstruct a complex sequence into multiple individual steps, each with its own interim output file. 當然,可以把複雜的序列分解為多個單獨的步驟,每個步驟有自己的中間輸出檔案。
What makes Ledonne think that a video game is the best way to try and deconstruct the tortured minds that led to Columbine? Ledonne怎么會認為一個遊戲是審判和剖析那些導致科倫拜的扭曲靈魂的最好途徑?
Trying to deconstruct why I do it, I'm not afraid to say that I'm at least a little vain, I wouldn't appear on television if I wasn't. 我嘗試解構我為什麼會這樣做,但恐怕我只能說,我至少有那么點兒愛慕虛榮了。
Narrative therapy has been developed in recent years, the key is help consulter to deconstruct the old story and construct the new story. 敘事心理治療是近年來形成的一個諮詢學派,其關鍵是幫助來訪者解構舊故事。建構新故事。
Faced with the change in the use of the building, we first deconstruct the straightforward logic of the space and blur the functions' interface. 面對建築用途的改變,我們首先解析了空間的直接邏輯性並且模糊了功能定義。
It is no exaggeration to say that the fundamental mission statement of the current system is to defame and deconstruct Western culture and history. 沒有誇大的說,當前系統的根本任務供述是誹謗和重建西方文化和歷史。
We asked them to deconstruct the most common myths about pregnancy, some of which are propagated in extremely popular and well-regarded pregnancy books. 我們邀請她們重新講解一些人們平日聽說的懷孕常識,這些常識中,有些是時下十分流行的宣傳,有些是口碑很好的懷孕保健書上寫的。
From Rousseau and Marx and the Frankurfud School to the postmodernism, there have analysis, criticize and deconstruct to the modernity from different angles. 從盧梭、馬克思、法蘭克福學派以至到後現代主義,都從不同角度對現代性進行了分析、批判和解構。
But you deconstruct why I was successful, why the company was successful, you can point back to those failures; you can point back to learning how to sell ads. 但當你深究為什麼我能夠成功,為什麼這個公司能成功是,你得回溯到那些我們曾經歷的失敗中去,你能回溯到我們怎樣售賣廣告中去。
In the meanwhile he constructed the male characters with feminine qualities to help deconstruct the patriarchal tradition prevailing in the Victorian society. 塑造具有女性性格特徵的男性角色來進一步凸顯他對主流社會的譏諷和男權體系的抨擊。
Going further with this notion, let's deconstruct the meaning of form naturally, and then distill that meaning into some simplified geometric categories technically. 將這個概念進一步解釋,就是讓我們來解構自然造型,解釋它們的意義,然後提煉成一些簡單的可以從技術上分類歸納的描述。