



  • 外文名:defame
  • 詞性:動詞
  • 英式發音:[dɪˈfeɪm]
  • 美式發音:[dɪˈfeɪm]
  • 釋義:誹謗;中傷


defame /dɪˈfeɪm/ TEM8 ( defaming, defamed, defames )
1.V-T If someone defames another person or thing, they say bad and untrue things about them. 誹謗 [正式]


defame e 損毀名譽
Defame Divinity 選民失敗辱及上帝
T Defame 前衛金屬
deface defame 誹謗
defame de fame 使名譽變低
to defame and persecute 讒害
defame e V 毀謗
I defame a good woman 我詆毀是個好女人 ; 我詆毀了一個好女人
To defame a man's reputation 污衊名聲


  • 1Trying to defame my company?企圖誣衊我的公司?
  • 2Their attempt to defame China will get nowhere.這些人利用謠言抹黑中國的企圖決不會得逞。
  • 3The article is an attempt to defame an honest man.一般都認為他是一個誠實的人。
  • 4The article is an attempt to defame an honest man.這篇文章旨在詆毀一個正直的人。
  • 5To attack the character or reputation of; speak ill of; defame.詆毀攻擊人格或名譽;說壞話;誹謗。
  • 6We expect politicians to defame each other in an election year .我們預料政客們在選舉年會互相誹謗。
  • 7They collected accounts from people who wanted to defame other people.他們收集的帳戶從人誰想要詆毀其他人。
  • 8Denigrate: to attack the character or reputation of; speak ill of; defame.詆毀:攻擊人格或名譽;說壞話;誹謗。
  • 9The law protects a person's name. Defame it, slander it, and you are in trouble!法律保護每個人的名。敗壞他人名聲,誹謗人的,會受到法律制裁。
  • 10One last thing - I intend to frame you for the murders, and defame you to your fellow citizens.最後還有一件事——我打算把這起謀殺栽贓給你,然後向市民誹謗你的罪行。
  • 11If I open Epiphyllum, moment, break in, leave it with a brilliant, let others to modify, to defame!我若曇花,開也一瞬,敗也一霎,留下那一抹燦爛,任別人去修飾,去詆毀!
  • 12Some people spread untrue message or defame others, the result of such behavior will lead to the bad reputation of the victims.有些人散布不實信息或誹謗他人,這一行為會給受害人的名聲帶來損害。
  • 13Saturn is second from Venus in Salman Khan's horoscope which indicates that he may get defame or discredit at some stage in his life.土星是第二個來自金星在沙爾曼汗的星座,表明他可能會詆毀或貶低一些在他的生活階段。
  • 14One last thing - I intend to frame you for the murders, and defame you to your fellow citizens. A fine fellow like you deserves no better.最後還有一件事——我打算把這起謀殺栽贓給你,然後向市民誹謗你的罪行。像你這樣的傢伙是罪有應得的。
  • 15Everyone has the right to choose the way they want to live. You can choose not to agree with them, but please do not curse or defame them.每個人都有選擇自己生活方式的權力,你可以不認同他人,但不可以惡毒地詛咒和詆毀!
  • 16It is illegal to defame or disparage BEIJING 2008 TICKETING Website, the trademarks or service marks of BOCOG, or any aspect of the Website.誹謗或誣衊北京2008票務網站、北京奧組委的商標或服務商標或者本網站的任何方面,均是非法行為。
  • 17It is no exaggeration to say that the fundamental mission statement of the current system is to defame and deconstruct Western culture and history.沒有誇大的說,當前系統的根本任務供述是誹謗和重建西方文化和歷史。
  • 18They frequently harass their victims by contacting their friends, colleagues, online contacts, etc., to either defame them or to gain pertinent information about their personal and professional lives.他們通過不斷的聯繫他們的朋友,同學,線上聯繫人等等或是誹謗他們或者是獲取他們個人和職業生涯相關的信息,給受害者造成麻煩。


