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  • 外文名:curl
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞
  • 英式音標:[kɜːl]
  • 美式音標:[kɜːrl]


英 [kɜːl] 美 [kɜːrl]
v. (使)彎曲,捲曲;(使)盤繞,(使)彎彎曲曲移動;邊緣翹起;撇(嘴);參加冰壺運動
n. 鬈髮,捲髮;(頭髮的)捲曲;捲曲物,螺旋狀物;(鍛鍊肌肉的)彎曲運動
【名】 (Curl)(英)柯爾(人名)
[ 複數 curls 第三人稱單數 curls 現在分詞 curling 過去式 curled 過去分詞 curled ]


curl up 捲起
Curl Bending 卷邊彎曲加工 ; 繞彎機
abdominal curl 仰臥起坐 ; 收腹
Leg Curl 腿彎舉
curl up 作渦旋狀地纏繞或轉動 ; 蜷縮 ; 捲起 ; 使蜷曲
Arm curl 二頭肌推舉器 ; 臂彎舉 ; 單臂彎曲
curl cut 捲曲切 ; 卷切的套用 ; 曲卷切 ; 卷切


  • Dry curly hair naturally for maximum curl and shine. 讓捲髮自然地風乾以最大限度地增加頭髮的捲曲和光澤。
  • The paper started to shrivel and curl up in the heat. 那張紙在高溫下開始起皺捲曲。
  • The wave and curl of her blonde hair gave her sensuality and youth. 波浪式的捲曲金髮使她顯得性感並富有青春活力。
  • In colder weather, your cat will curl up into a tight, heat-conserving ball. 在更冷的天氣里,你的貓會蜷縮成緊緊的一團來保暖。
  • You can curl up in an armchair, or in bed, with a good book. 你可以蜷縮在扶手椅或床上,讀一本好書。
  • His hair had a natural curl. 他的頭髮是自然鬈。
  • You can rhyme 'girl' with 'curl'. 你可以用girl和curl押韻。
  • She has hair that refuses to curl. 她的頭髮怎么也不捲。
  • He wanted to curl into a tiny ball. 他想把自己蜷成一個小團。
  • A thin curl of smoke rose from a rusty stove. 一縷薄薄的青煙從生鏽的爐子裡冉冉升起。
  • You should curl up (蜷縮) into a ball and cover your head and neck with your hands. 你應該蜷縮起來,用手護住頭和脖子。
  • If you eat stale bread, your hair will curl. 你要是吃了不新鮮的麵包,頭髮就會變卷。
  • They share a more recent ancestor with Drosera sundews, which can also curl their leaves over their prey. 它們與毛氈苔有著更近代的祖先,毛氈苔也可以將樹葉捲起來蓋住獵物。
  • Just five one-hundredths of an inch thick, light golden in color and with a perfect "saddle curl," the Lay's potato chip seems an unlikely weapon for global domination. 樂事薯片只有五百分之一英寸厚,淺金黃色,有完美的“馬鞍卷”形狀,似乎不太可能成為“統治全球的武器”。
  • Use the curl command-line utility. 使用curl命令行實用工具。
  • Get curl for Windows. 獲取curl for Windows。
  • You have first to compute the curl of f. 首先你需要計算f的旋度。
  • The curl of my lips. 麗唇的曲度。
  • Long white strips curl under his fingers. 長白條餐巾紙在他的手指下纏繞著。
  • Curl up in the fetal position, she spoons. 在胎兒的位置,她會用勺子。
  • That is called the curl of a vector field. 這個量叫向量場的旋度。
  • And, wherever it's defined, it's curl is zero. 並且不論在哪裡定義,旋度都為零。
  • There is no curl. This is not what curl measures. 這個場裡沒有旋度,旋度是不度量拉伸之類的東西的。
  • With your new piece of thread, curl it like this. 新換的線要這樣卷一下。
  • Of course, in physics maybe you have seen curl in space. 當然在物理上,可能遇到的是空間的旋度。
  • That one tells you about the curl of the electric field. 那個關於電場旋度的方程。
  • The curl -n command forces curl to read your.netrc file. curl- n命令強制curl讀取您的.netrc檔案。
  • Well, the answer is basically in our convention for curl. 答案主要基於我們對旋度的約定。
  • The question is what does the curl of a force field mean? 問題是一個力場的旋度代表什麼?


