- 外文名:cryopreservation
- 詞性:名詞
- 發音:['kraiəu,presə'veiʃən]
- 釋義:低溫貯藏
深低溫保存或超低溫保存(英語: cryopreservation),指將生物、生命組織、或細胞等有機物質和其他物質在攝氏零下196度或以下的低溫保存的一種科技。一般來說,深低溫保存是泛指在低於零下196度攝氏/ 77度開氏(即液態氮的熔點) 的低溫下...
超低溫保存 超低溫保存(cryopreservation),是將細胞等置於液氮中保存,解凍後仍能存活的技術。
Bin Wen*, Ruling Wang, Hongyan Cheng, Songquan Song. Cytological and physiological changes in orthodox maize embryos during cryopreservation. Protoplasma 239: 57-67 Bin Wen*, Chuantao Cai, Ruling Wang, Yunhong Tan, Qin...
30. Peitao W., Z.Q. Shu, L.Q. He, X.D., Cui, Y-Z Wang, and Dayong Gao, The pertinence of expression of heat shock proteins (HSPs) to the efficacy of cryopreservation in HELAS, Cryoletters 26 (1): 7-16...
94. W.-L. Bi, C. Pan, X.-Y. Hao, Z.-H. Cui, M.M. Kher, Z. Markovi?, Q.-C. Wang, Teixeira da Silva J.A. Cryopreservation of grapevine (Vitis). In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol-Plant (accepted).93. J....
[1]Xiaoming Zhou, Zhong Liu, Xin M. Liang, ZhiquanShu, Pingan Du, DayongGao. Theoretical investigations of a novel microfluidic cooling/warming system for cell vitrification cryopreservation. International Journal of Heat ...
Q.H. Liu, D.Y. Ma, S.H. Xua, Z.Z. Xiao,Y.S. Xiao,Z.C. Song, J. Li.Summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) sperm cryopreservation and application in interspecific hybridization with oliver flounder (P. olivaceus...
(1) Lv, C., Wu, G., Hong, Q., & Quan, G*. (2019). Spermatozoa Cryopreservation: State of Art and Future in Small Ruminants. Biopreservation and Biobanking, 17(2), 171-182.(2) Quan, Guobo, Julang...
Zhu Z, Fan X, Pan Y, Lu Y, Zeng W*. Trehalose improves rabbit sperm quality during cryopreservation. Cryobiology. 2017; 75:45-51. DOI.10.1016/j.cryobiol.2017.02.006. (IF=″1.996)Zhu Z, Fan X, Lv Y, ...