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26. Zhao G, He LQ+, Zhang HF, Ding WP, Liu Z, Luo DW, Gao DY, Trapped water of human erythrocytes and its application in cryopreservation, Biophys. Chem. 107 (2): 189-195 Feb 1 2004 (SCI)
25. Zhang HF, He LQ, Zhao G, Cheng SX, Gao DY, Approaches to extract thermal properties from dual-thermistor heat pulse experimental data, Meas Sci Technol 15 (1): 221-226 Jan 2004(EI);
24. Zhao G, Guo XJ, He LQ*, Liu Zhong, Gao DY., Comparative study of glass transformation of glycerol-H2O-NaCl ternary system and glycerol-PBS complex system, Thermochimica Acta 419 (1-2): 131-134 (2004) (EI)
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15. Liqun He, Eugene Kogan, and Dawei Luo, Shortest path across a mesoscopic system, Phys. Rev. B 67, 113201 (2003)(SCI)
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12. D. Luo, L. He, S. Cheng, Gao, D.Y. Numerical simulation of cell response in freezing process of ternary solutions, CryoLetters 24, 161-170(2003)
11. Haifeng Zhang, Liqun He, Shuxia Cheng, Zaiteng Zhai and Dayong Gao, A dual-thermistor probe for absolute measurement of thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity by the heat pulse method, Measurement Science and Technology, Meas. Sci. Technol. 14, 1396-1401(2003) (EI)
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6. X.D. Cui, Carlos Labarrere, L.Q. He, S.X. Cheng, D.Y. Gao, et al, Cryopreservation and Microsurgical Implantation of Rabbit Carotid Arteries, Cell Preservation Technology , Vol.1, No.2, P121(2002)
5. H.F. Zhang, S.X. Cheng, L.Q. He, A.L. Zhang, Y. Zheng and D.Y. Gao, Determination of Thermal Conductivity of Biomaterials in the Temperature Range 233-313 Using a Tiny Detector Made of a Self-Heated Thermistor , Cell Preservation Technology , Vol.1, No.2, P141 (2002)
4. D.Y. Gao, Paul Watson, Li-qun He, Jianping Yu, and John Crister, Development of a Directional Solidification Device for Cell Cryopreservation, Cell Preservation Technology, Vol.1, No.4, P231-238(2002)
3. Liqun He, Eugene Kogan, Moshe Kaveh, Shlomo Havlin, Nehemia Schwartz and Dawei Luo, Distribution function of mesoscopic hopping conductance,Chin. Phys. Lett. , Vol.19, No.11, 1683(2002);
2. Eugene Kogan, Pier A. Mello, Liqun He, Wave scattering through classically chaotic cavities in the presence of absorption: an information-theoretic model, Phys. Rev. E 61, No.1, R17-R20 (2000)
1. 鐘明, 羅大為, 朱柞金, 胡漢平, 何立群,程曙霞, 雷射輻照金屬/炸藥複合介質溫度場的數值模擬,強雷射與粒子束, 第12卷, 第2期 (2000) (所主持的項目)(EI)
5. Ding WP, He LQ**, Zhao G, Luo DW, Zhou M, Gao DY, Effects of inlet and outlet on mass transfer of hemodialyzers, 4th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, JUL 20-30, 2004 RECENT ADVANCES IN FLUID MECHANICS : 655-658, 2004
4. Dawei Luo, Liqun He, Dayong Gao, Shuxia Cheng, Numerical simulation of freezing of biological tissue, Heat Transfer in Multiphase Systems, Theory and Fundamental Research, Heat and Mass Transfer in Biotechnology(ASME HTD, 374(4), Vol.4), 467-470(2003)(EI)
3. Dawei Luo, Liqun He, Dayong Gao, Shuxia Cheng, Heat-mass transfer in large cell suspensions (cells in a ternary cryopreservation medium: Water-NaCl-DMSO) during the freezing process, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, NOV 15-21, 2003,2003 ADVANCES IN BIOENGINEERING : 17-18, 2003
2. Dawei Luo, Sui Lin, Tzu Fang Chen, Liqun He, Dayong Gao, Temperature dependent thermal conductivity measurement on biological materials by solving inverse heat conduction problem: A theoretical study,
Heat Transfer in Multiphase Systems, Theory and Fundamental Research, Heat and Mass Transfer in Biotechnology (ASME, HTD, 374(4), Vol.4): 463-465(2003)
1. H.F. Zhang, S.X.Cheng, L.Q. He, A.L. Zhang, Y. Zheng, and D.Y.Gao,A Tiny Detector Made Of A Self-Heated Thermistor For Determing Thermal Conductivity Of Biomatermials In Temperature Range 233~313k,Proceedings of IMECE2002,ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition,November 17-22, 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana (IMECE2002-33683)
6. Z. Shu, L. He,** P. Wang, L. Zhong, W. Ding, D. Gao, the influence of rehydration velocity and temperature on the recovery of lyophilized red blood cells, Cryobiology, 2004, 49: 336;
5. P. Wang, Z. Shu, L. He, X. Cui, Y. Wang, D. Gao, the diverse behavior of the smooth muscle cells of rabbit carotids cryopreserved with dimethyl sulfoxide and 1,2-propanediol , Abstracts/Cryobiology, 2004, 49: 339;
4. P. Wang, Z. Shu, L. He, X. Cui, Y. Wang, D. Gao, the vessel structure and mechanical properties of cryopreserved rabbit carotids after in vitro culture , Abstracts/Cryobiology, 2004, 49: 339;
3. Zhao Gang, He Liqun**, Liu Zhong, Luo Dawei, Gao Dayong, the influence of hydration of salt ions on intracellular ice formation and its growth, Abstracts/Cryobiology, 2004, 49: 333
2. G. Zhao, L. He**, D.W. Luo, D.Gao, L. Zhong, the influence of intracellular ice on water transport across cell membranes, Abstracts/Cryobiology 49 (2004) ,301;
1. P. Wang, Y. Wang, Z. Shu, L. He, X. Cui, D. Gao, The pertinence of the expression of heat shock proteins in HeLa cells to survival after cryopreservation , Abstracts/Cryobiology 49 (2004) ,305;