



  • 外文名:competence
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 單詞發音:英[ˈkɒmpɪtəns]美[ˈkɑːmpɪtəns] 




core competence 核心競爭力 ; 核心能力 ; 核心才能 ; 核心專長
language competence 語言能力 ; 語言表達能力 ; 語言素質 ; 言語能力
social competence 社會能力 ; 社會語言能力 ; 社會勝任力
sociolinguistic competence 社會語言能力 ; 社會語言學能力 ; 社交語言能力
Technical Competence 技術能力 ; 技術型 ; 技術競爭力 ; 技術性方面
Managerial Competence 管理型 ; 管理能力 ; 管理才能
competence roadmap 專長能力藍圖 ; 建立專長能力藍圖 ; 專業能力藍圖
Intercultural Competence 跨文化能力 ; 跨文化勝任力
implementing competence 執行能力


  • 1Many people have testified to his competence.很多人已證實了他的能力。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The judge has to act within the competence of the court.法官必須在法庭的許可權範圍內行使權力。《牛津詞典》
  • 3The selection process is based on rigorous tests of competence and experience.挑選過程是建立在對能力和經驗嚴格縝密的考核的基礎之上的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4This can help you gain a high level of competence in English.這有助於你的英語能力達到高水平。
  • 5The ability to write is a supreme test of linguistic competence.寫作能力是對語言能力的最高形式的測試。
  • 6For a good career in almost any field, computer competence is a must.要在幾乎任何領域謀得一份好工作,計算機能力都是必不可少的。
  • 7Don't waste time exploring skill areas where you have little competence.不要浪費時間去探索你沒有什麼能力的技能領域。
  • 8Our managerial skills are measured by the competence manifested in accelerating this process.我們的管理技能是以在加速這一進程中表現出來的能力來衡量的。
  • 9Childhood activities help a child develop responsibility, independence, confidence and competence.兒童活動有助於孩子培養責任感、獨立性、自信和能力。
  • 10Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional competence.教師必須不斷更新他們的知識,以保持他們的專業能力。
  • 11Computer competence will approach 100% in US urban areas by the year 2005, with Europe and Japan not far behind.到2005年,美國城市地區的計算機能力將達到100%,歐洲和日本緊隨其後。
  • 12Boys who worked in the home or community gained competence and came to feel that they were worthwhile members of society.在家裡或社區工作的男孩獲得了能力,開始覺得自己是社會中有價值的成員。
  • 13In today's world, what really counts is the ability to express oneself rather than technical competence or professional knowledge.在當今世界,真正重要的是表達自己的能力,而不是技術能力或專業知識。
  • 14At least three years' study would be necessary to achieve the literacy competence necessary to grapple with the material she analyzes.要掌握她所分析的材料所需的讀寫能力,至少需要三年的學習時間。
  • 15Childhood activities help a child develop responsibility, independence, confidence and competence — the underpinnings of emotional health.童年活動有助於兒童培養責任感、獨立、自信和能力,這些是情感健康的基礎。
  • 16At the same time, a lack of forthrightness on the part of organizations has led to increased cynicism among employees about management's motivation and competence.與此同時,由於組織缺乏直率,導致員工對管理人員的動機和能力越來越懷疑。
  • 17As recent graduates can testify, the job market isn't kind to candidates who can't demonstrate genuine competence, along with a well-cultivated willingness to work hard.最近的畢業生可以證明,求職市場對不能表現出真正能力以及良好的努力工作意願的求職者並不友好。
  • 18According to a research from Princeton University, people assess your competence, trustworthiness, and likeability in just a tenth of a second, solely based on the way you look.根據普林斯頓大學的一項研究,人們僅用十分之一秒的時間就能評估你的能力、可信度和好感度,而這完全是基於你的外表。
  • 19When initial repairs are inadequate, therefore, it is not because the mechanics lack competence; rather, there is clearly a level of focused concentration that complex repairs require.因此,初次修理的不足並不是因為技工缺乏能力;更確切地說,很明顯複雜的修理需要一種高度集中的能力。
  • 20Many of the assignments and rules teachers come up with, often because they are pressured by their administrators, treat pleasure and joy as the enemies of competence and responsibility.迫於管理者的壓力,很多老師所布置的作業和制定的規則往往將“樂趣”視為“能力和責任”的敵人。
  • 21Now, in addition to preparation of the reporter and competence of the news source, there is one more important ingredient in successful news coverage, that is the nature of the questions asked.現在,除了記者的準備工作和新聞來源的競爭力,成功的新聞報導還有一個重要的因素,那就是所提問題的性質。
  • 22He stood out in terms of competence from all his fellows.他在能力方面比他所有同事都突出。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 23Robots first learn basic competence — how to move around a house without bumping into things.機器人首先要學習基本的技能——如何在屋子裡移動而不撞到東西。
  • 24They might not feel the sense of competence if they compared themselves to celebrities or more brilliant friends online.當他們拿其他名人或者優秀的網友與自己比較時,他們可能會感受到自己的無能。
  • 25He had a hard professional competence and an encyclopedic knowledge of his adopted country, an in-depth learning uncorrupted by vague idealism.他有著紮實的專業功底和對他所選擇的國家的廣博的了解,一場不為模糊的理想主義所腐蝕的深入學習。
  • 26Both were essential and neither was superior to the other; they were not in conflict but complementary, each with its own sphere of competence.兩者都是必不可少的,沒有一個是優於另一個的;它們互不衝突反而相輔相成,各有其本身的職權範圍。
  • 27Why is English now considered to be so prestigious that, across the globe, individuals and societies feel disadvantaged if they do not have competence in this language?為什麼英語現在被視為如此有聲望的語言,以至於在全球範圍內,如果個人和團體沒有掌握這門語言,就會感到自身處於不利地位?
  • 28The young surgeon showed exceptional competence.這位年輕的外科醫生具有不尋常的才幹。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 29Is it in my circle of competence?是不是在我的能力範圍之內?


