



  • 外文名:columnist
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈkɒləmnɪst]
  • 美式發音:[ˈkɑːləmnɪst]


columnist /ˈkɒləmɪst, -əmnɪst/ CET6+ TEM4 ( columnists )
1.N-COUNT A columnist is a journalist who regularly writes a particular kind of article in a newspaper or magazine. 專欄記者


sophisticated columnist 老練的專欄作家
metro columnist 捷運專欄作家
syndicated columnist 專欄作家 ; 式作者
moulding columnist 模壓機
foreign columnist 外國報紙
accompanying columnist 雙壓區複式壓榨
columnist cardboard 薄紙板
Conservative Columnist 保守派專欄作家
columnist agent 訊息發言人


  • 1I think you'd agree he's a very respected columnist.我想你可能會同意,他是個十分受人尊敬的專欄作家。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Hap LeCrone, a Cox News Service columnist, is a clinical psychologist.考克斯新聞服務專欄作家哈普·勒克羅恩是一名臨床心理學家。
  • 3With us to talk about the findings in the study is Washington Post columnist Kevin Blackstone.《華盛頓郵報》專欄作家凱文·布萊克斯通將與我們一起探討這項研究的發現。
  • 4With us to talk about the findings in the study is Washington Post columnist Kevin Blackistone.《華盛頓郵報》專欄作家凱文·布萊克斯通將與我們一起討論這項研究的發現。
  • 5Maggie Gallagher, another conservative columnist, was paid to promote the Bush administration's "healthy marriage" program.另一名保守派專欄作家馬姬·蓋勒格也在獲取報酬後,推廣布希政府提出的“健康婚姻”計畫。
  • 6As she neared the end of her prison sentence, a well-known columnist wrote that she was "paying her dues," and that "there is simply no reason for anyone to attempt to deny her right to start anew."當她的刑期接近尾聲時,一位著名的專欄作家寫道,她“付出了自己的代價”,以及“任何人都沒有資格剝奪她重新開始的權利”。
  • 7As she neared the end of her prison sentence, a well-known columnist wrote that she was "paying her dues," and that "there is simply no reason for anyone to attempt to deny her right to start anew."當她的刑期接近尾聲時,一位著名的專欄作家寫道,她正在“付出自己的代價”,“任何人都沒有資格否定她重新開始的權利”。
  • 8Clarence Page is a columnist for the Chicago Tribune.克拉倫斯·佩奇是《芝加哥論壇報》的專欄記者。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9Kevin Lewis is an Ideas columnist.凱文·劉易斯是Ideas的專欄作家。
  • 10Health Columnist Opts For Sinus surgery.健康專欄作家對於鼻竇手術的看法。
  • 11I can't say I aspired to be a columnist, however.可是,不能說我渴望成為一個專欄作家。
  • 12Christopher Wanjek, LiveScience's Bad Medicine Columnist.——克里斯多佛·萬傑克,《生活科學》壞醫學專欄作家。
  • 13Being a columnist at a place like this can be exhilarating.在這樣的地方作一個專欄作家實在讓人興奮。
  • 14Ines Sabalic, a magazine columnist, notes another big shift.雜誌專欄作伊內斯·薩班·里克指出了另一大變化。
  • 15This might sound odd coming from a personal-finance columnist.這種言論出自一位個人理財專欄作家之口聽起來有些奇怪。
  • 16This brings its own risks, as our Buttonwood columnist points out.正如我們在梧桐專欄指出的那樣,這會給瑞士法郎自身帶來風險。
  • 17Note to boss: Maybe we should have a columnist based in Costa Rica?老闆請注意:也許我們應該在哥斯大黎加設一位專欄作家?
  • 18Sharon Begley is the science columnist and science editor of Newsweek.夏倫·貝格利是《新聞周刊》的科學篇專欄作家與編輯。
  • 19Columnist Jonathan Welsh answers readers' questions about automobiles.專欄作家Jonathan Welsh就汽車問題答讀者問。
  • 20Eppie Lederer's daughter, Margo Howard, is an advice columnist as well.艾比·萊德爾的女兒馬苟。霍華德也是一位專欄作家。
  • 21'They never thought it would happen,' wrote one Boston Globe columnist.“沒人相信這事真地發生了,”《波士頓環球》報紙一位專欄作家寫道。
  • 22She spots an interesting quote from a columnist in the business section.她從業務版麵點了一個專欄作家的有趣的引用。
  • 23Ceri Marsh, etiquette columnist: It's not just rude, it's kind of tacky!Ceri Marsh,禮儀專欄作家:不僅是不禮貌,還是一種缺乏教養的表現。
  • 24Richard Benedetto is a retired USA Today White House correspondent and columnist.Richard Benedetto是一位退休的原今日美國報白宮通訊員何專欄作家。
  • 25"When will it end?" asked Phumla Matjila, a columnist in the Times of South Africa.“什麼時候才會結束呢?”南非時報專欄作家Phumla Matjila問道。
  • 26Abroad, she was the country's best-known journalist, a prolific author and columnist.而在國外,她是俄羅斯最出名的記者,一個多產的專欄作家。
  • 27A Guardian science columnist wrote, "Now, the post-antibiotic apocalypse is in sight."英國《衛報》的科學專欄中這樣寫到,“現在,濫用抗生素的後果出現了。”


